Interface SearchQueryWhereStep<N extends SearchQueryOptionsStep<?,H,LOS,?,?>,H,LOS,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>

Type Parameters:
N - The type of the next step, returned after a predicate is defined.
H - The type of hits for the created query.
LOS - The type of the initial step of the loading options definition DSL accessible through SearchQueryOptionsStep.loading(Consumer).
PDF - The type of factory used to create predicates in where(Function).
All Known Subinterfaces:
ElasticsearchSearchQuerySelectStep<R,E,LOS>, ElasticsearchSearchQueryWhereStep<H,LOS>, LuceneSearchQuerySelectStep<R,E,LOS>, LuceneSearchQueryWhereStep<H,LOS>, SearchQuerySelectStep<N,R,E,LOS,PJF,PDF>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDelegatingSearchQuerySelectStep, AbstractExtendedSearchQueryOptionsStep, AbstractSearchQueryOptionsStep, AbstractSearchQuerySelectStep

public interface SearchQueryWhereStep<N extends SearchQueryOptionsStep<?,H,LOS,?,?>,H,LOS,PDF extends SearchPredicateFactory>
The step in a query definition where the predicate, i.e. the "WHERE" clause, can be set.
  • Method Details

    • where

      N where(SearchPredicate predicate)
      Set the predicate for this query.
      predicate - A SearchPredicate object obtained from the search scope.
      The next step.
    • where

      N where(Function<? super PDF,? extends PredicateFinalStep> predicateContributor)
      Set the predicate for this query.
      predicateContributor - A function that will use the factory passed in parameter to create a predicate, returning the final step in the predicate DSL. Should generally be a lambda expression.
      The next step.
    • where

      N where(BiConsumer<? super PDF,? super SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesCollector<?>> predicateContributor)
      Set the predicate for this query.
      predicateContributor - A consumer that will use the factory passed in parameter to create predicates and add them as clauses to the collector passed in parameter. Should generally be a lambda expression. The resulting root predicate will have to match all clauses.
      The next step.
      See Also: