public interface TypeMappingStep
The step in a mapping definition where a type can be mapped, and where properties of that type can be referenced to map them more precisely.
  • Method Details

    • indexed

      Maps an entity type to an index.
      this, for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • searchEntity

      Marks a type as an entity type.

      WARNING: this is unnecessary when using the Hibernate ORM integration, which contributes this information automatically, and is in fact unsupported with the Hibernate ORM integration. See HSEARCH-5076 to track progress on allowing the use of `@SearchEntity` in the Hibernate ORM integration to map non-ORM entities.

      See Also:
    • binder

      default TypeMappingStep binder(TypeBinder binder)
      Define a type binder, responsible for creating a bridge. To pass some parameters to the bridge, use the method binder(TypeBinder, Map) instead.
      binder - A TypeBinder responsible for creating a bridge.
      this, for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • binder

      TypeMappingStep binder(TypeBinder binder, Map<String,Object> params)
      Define a type binder, responsible for creating a bridge. With this method it is possible to pass a set of parameters to the binder.
      binder - A TypeBinder responsible for creating a bridge.
      params - The parameters to pass to the binder.
      this, for method chaining.
      See Also:
    • mainConstructor

      ConstructorMappingStep mainConstructor()
      Starts the definition of the mapping of the main constructor of this type.

      The main constructor only exists if this type defines a single constructor and that constructor accepts at least one argument.

      A DSL step where the property mapping can be defined in more details.
      SearchException - If this type doesn't have a main constructor.
    • constructor

      ConstructorMappingStep constructor(Class<?>... parameterTypes)
      Starts the definition of the mapping of the constructor of this type accepting arguments with the given types.
      parameterTypes - The type of parameters of a constructor in the type being mapped.
      A DSL step where the property mapping can be defined in more details.
      SearchException - If this type does not declare a constructor with the given types.
    • property

      PropertyMappingStep property(String propertyName)
      Starts the definition of the mapping of a specific property.
      propertyName - The name of a property in the type being mapped.
      A DSL step where the property mapping can be defined in more details.