Interface EntryFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EntryFactory

A factory for constructing MVCCEntry instances for use in the InvocationContext. Implementations of this interface would typically wrap an internal CacheEntry with an MVCCEntry, optionally acquiring the necessary locks via the LockManager.

Manik Surtani (, Galder ZamarreƱo

Method Summary
 boolean acquireLock(InvocationContext ctx, Object key)
          Attempts to lock an entry if the lock isn't already held in the current scope, and records the lock in the context.
 void releaseLock(Object key)
 CacheEntry wrapEntryForReading(InvocationContext ctx, Object key)
          Wraps an entry for reading.
 MVCCEntry wrapEntryForWriting(InvocationContext ctx, InternalCacheEntry entry, boolean createIfAbsent, boolean forceLockIfAbsent, boolean alreadyLocked, boolean forRemoval)
          Wraps an entry for writing.
 MVCCEntry wrapEntryForWriting(InvocationContext ctx, Object key, boolean createIfAbsent, boolean forceLockIfAbsent, boolean alreadyLocked, boolean forRemoval)
          Wraps an entry for writing.

Method Detail


void releaseLock(Object key)


boolean acquireLock(InvocationContext ctx,
                    Object key)
                    throws InterruptedException,
Attempts to lock an entry if the lock isn't already held in the current scope, and records the lock in the context.

ctx - context
key - Key to lock
true if a lock was needed and acquired, false if it didn't need to acquire the lock (i.e., lock was already held)
InterruptedException - if interrupted
TimeoutException - if we are unable to acquire the lock after a specified timeout.


MVCCEntry wrapEntryForWriting(InvocationContext ctx,
                              Object key,
                              boolean createIfAbsent,
                              boolean forceLockIfAbsent,
                              boolean alreadyLocked,
                              boolean forRemoval)
                              throws InterruptedException
Wraps an entry for writing. This would typically acquire write locks if necessary, and place the wrapped entry in the invocation context.

ctx - current invocation context
key - key to look up and wrap
createIfAbsent - if true, an entry is created if it does not exist in the data container.
forceLockIfAbsent - forces a lock even if the entry is absent
alreadyLocked - if true, this hint prevents the method from acquiring any locks and the existence and ownership of the lock is presumed.
forRemoval - if true, this hint informs this method that the lock is being acquired for removal.
an MVCCEntry instance
InterruptedException - when things go wrong, usually trying to acquire a lock


MVCCEntry wrapEntryForWriting(InvocationContext ctx,
                              InternalCacheEntry entry,
                              boolean createIfAbsent,
                              boolean forceLockIfAbsent,
                              boolean alreadyLocked,
                              boolean forRemoval)
                              throws InterruptedException
Wraps an entry for writing. This would typically acquire write locks if necessary, and place the wrapped entry in the invocation context.

ctx - current invocation context
entry - an internal entry to wrap
createIfAbsent - if true, an entry is created if it does not exist in the data container.
forceLockIfAbsent - forces a lock even if the entry is absent
alreadyLocked - if true, this hint prevents the method from acquiring any locks and the existence and ownership of the lock is presumed.
forRemoval - if true, this hint informs this method that the lock is being acquired for removal.
an MVCCEntry instance
InterruptedException - when things go wrong, usually trying to acquire a lock


CacheEntry wrapEntryForReading(InvocationContext ctx,
                               Object key)
                               throws InterruptedException
Wraps an entry for reading. Usually this is just a raw CacheEntry but certain combinations of isolation levels and the presence of an ongoing JTA transaction may force this to be a proper, wrapped MVCCEntry. The entry is also typically placed in the invocation context.

ctx - current invocation context
key - key to look up and wrap
an entry for reading
InterruptedException - when things go wrong, usually trying to acquire a lock

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