Package org.infinispan.container

Data containers which store cache entries.


Interface Summary
DataContainer The main internal data structure which stores entries
EntryFactory A factory for constructing MVCCEntry instances for use in the InvocationContext.

Class Summary
FIFODataContainer A container that maintains order of entries based on when they were placed in the container.
FIFOSimpleDataContainer Based on the same techniques outlined in the SimpleDataContainer, this implementation always forces the collection of creation timestamps for entries.
LRUDataContainer Based on the same techniques outlined in the FIFODataContainer, this implementation additionally unlinks and re-links entries at the tail whenever entries are visited (using a get()) or are updated (a put() on an existing key).
LRUSimpleDataContainer Based on the same techniques outlined in the SimpleDataContainer, this implementation always forces the collection of last used timestamps for entries.
SimpleDataContainer Simple data container that does not order entries for eviction, implemented using two ConcurrentHashMaps, one for mortal and one for immortal entries.

Package org.infinispan.container Description

Data containers which store cache entries. This package contains different implementations of containers based on their performance and ordering characteristics, as well as the entries that live in the containers.

This package also contains the factory for creating entries, and is typically used by the LockingInterceptor to wrap an entry and put it in a thread's InvocationContext

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