Class SimpleDataContainer

  extended by org.infinispan.container.SimpleDataContainer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<InternalCacheEntry>, DataContainer
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleDataContainer
extends Object
implements DataContainer

Simple data container that does not order entries for eviction, implemented using two ConcurrentHashMaps, one for mortal and one for immortal entries.

This container does not support eviction, in that entries are unsorted.

This implementation offers O(1) performance for all operations.

Manik Surtani, Galder ZamarreƱo

Constructor Summary
SimpleDataContainer(int concurrencyLevel)
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Removes all entries in the container
 boolean containsKey(Object k)
          Tests whether an entry exists in the container
 Set<InternalCacheEntry> entrySet()
          Returns a mutable set of immutable cache entries exposed as immutable Map.Entry instances.
 InternalCacheEntry get(Object k)
          Retrieves a cached entry
 Iterator<InternalCacheEntry> iterator()
 Set<Object> keySet()
          Returns a set of keys in the container.
 InternalCacheEntry peek(Object key)
          Retrieves a cache entry in the same way as DataContainer.get(Object)} except that it does not update or reorder any of the internal constructs.
 void purgeExpired()
          Purges entries that have passed their expiry time
 void put(Object k, Object v, long lifespan, long maxIdle)
          Puts an entry in the cache along with a lifespan and a maxIdle time
 InternalCacheEntry remove(Object k)
          Removes an entry from the cache
 int size()
protected  void successfulPut(InternalCacheEntry ice, boolean newEntry)
 Collection<Object> values()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleDataContainer(int concurrencyLevel)
Method Detail


public InternalCacheEntry peek(Object key)
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Retrieves a cache entry in the same way as DataContainer.get(Object)} except that it does not update or reorder any of the internal constructs. I.e., expiration does not happen, and in the case of the LRU container, the entry is not moved to the end of the chain. This method should be used instead of DataContainer.get(Object)} when called while iterating through the data container using methods like DataContainer.keySet() to avoid changing the underlying collection's order.

Specified by:
peek in interface DataContainer
key - key under which entry is stored
entry, if it exists, or null if not


public InternalCacheEntry get(Object k)
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Retrieves a cached entry

Specified by:
get in interface DataContainer
k - key under which entry is stored
entry, if it exists and has not expired, or null if not


protected void successfulPut(InternalCacheEntry ice,
                             boolean newEntry)


public void put(Object k,
                Object v,
                long lifespan,
                long maxIdle)
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Puts an entry in the cache along with a lifespan and a maxIdle time

Specified by:
put in interface DataContainer
k - key under which to store entry
v - value to store
lifespan - lifespan in milliseconds. -1 means immortal.
maxIdle - max idle time for which to store entry. -1 means forever.


public boolean containsKey(Object k)
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Tests whether an entry exists in the container

Specified by:
containsKey in interface DataContainer
k - key to test
true if entry exists and has not expired; false otherwise


public InternalCacheEntry remove(Object k)
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Removes an entry from the cache

Specified by:
remove in interface DataContainer
k - key to remove
entry removed, or null if it didn't exist or had expired


public int size()
Specified by:
size in interface DataContainer
count of the number of entries in the container


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Removes all entries in the container

Specified by:
clear in interface DataContainer


public Set<Object> keySet()
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Returns a set of keys in the container. When iterating through the container using this method, clients should never call #get() method but instead #peek(), in order to avoid changing the order of the underlying collection as a side of effect of iterating through it.

Specified by:
keySet in interface DataContainer
a set of keys


public Collection<Object> values()
Specified by:
values in interface DataContainer
a set of values contained in the container


public Set<InternalCacheEntry> entrySet()
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Returns a mutable set of immutable cache entries exposed as immutable Map.Entry instances. Clients of this method such as Cache.entrySet() operation implementors are free to convert the set into an immutable set if needed, which is the most common use case. If a client needs to iterate through a mutable set of mutable cache entries, it should iterate the container itself rather than iterating through the return of entrySet().

Specified by:
entrySet in interface DataContainer
a set of immutable cache entries


public void purgeExpired()
Description copied from interface: DataContainer
Purges entries that have passed their expiry time

Specified by:
purgeExpired in interface DataContainer


public Iterator<InternalCacheEntry> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<InternalCacheEntry>

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