Interface ConsistentHash

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConsistentHash, DefaultConsistentHash, ExperimentalDefaultConsistentHash, UnionConsistentHash

public interface ConsistentHash

A consistent hash algorithm implementation. Implementations would typically be constructed via reflection so should implement a public, no-arg constructor.

Manik Surtani

Method Summary
 List<Address> getCaches()
          Should return a collection of cache addresses in the cluster.
 int getDistance(Address a1, Address a2)
          Calculates the logical distance between two addresses.
 boolean isAdjacent(Address a1, Address a2)
          Tests whether two addresses are logically next to each other in the hash space.
 boolean isKeyLocalToAddress(Address a, Object key, int replCount)
          Test to see whether a key is mapped to a given address.
 List<Address> locate(Object key, int replCount)
          Locates a key, given a replication count (number of copies).
 Map<Object,List<Address>> locateAll(Collection<Object> keys, int replCount)
          The logical equivalent of calling locate(Object, int) multiple times for each key in the collection of keys.
 void setCaches(List<Address> caches)
          Sets the collection of cache addresses in the cluster.

Method Detail


void setCaches(List<Address> caches)
Sets the collection of cache addresses in the cluster. The implementation should store these internally and use these to locate keys.

caches - caches in cluster.


List<Address> getCaches()
Should return a collection of cache addresses in the cluster.

collection of cache addresses


List<Address> locate(Object key,
                     int replCount)
Locates a key, given a replication count (number of copies).

key - key to locate
replCount - replication count (number of copies)
a list of addresses where the key resides, where this list is a subset of the addresses set in setCaches(java.util.List). Should never be null, and should contain replCount elements or the max number of caches available, whichever is smaller.


Map<Object,List<Address>> locateAll(Collection<Object> keys,
                                    int replCount)
The logical equivalent of calling locate(Object, int) multiple times for each key in the collection of keys. Implementations may be optimised for such a bulk lookup, or may just repeatedly call locate(Object, int).

keys - keys to locate
replCount - replication count (number of copies) for each key
Map of locations, keyed on key.


int getDistance(Address a1,
                Address a2)
Calculates the logical distance between two addresses. This distance is based on where the addresses lie in the hash space.

a1 - address to test
a2 - address to test
the distance between the 2 nodes. Always a positive number, where the distance between a1 and itself is 0. The distance between a1 and the next adjacent node is 1 and teh distance between a1 and the previous adjacent node is caches.size() - 1. A -1 may be returned if either of the addresses do not exist.


boolean isAdjacent(Address a1,
                   Address a2)
Tests whether two addresses are logically next to each other in the hash space.

a1 - address to test
a2 - address to test
true if adjacent, false if not


boolean isKeyLocalToAddress(Address a,
                            Object key,
                            int replCount)
Test to see whether a key is mapped to a given address.

a - address to test
key - key to test
replCount - repl count
true if the key is mapped to the address; false otherwise

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