Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConsistentHash
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.commands.control Commands that control and coordinate certain cache operations, such as rehashing, state transfer and locking. 
org.infinispan.distribution Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. 

Uses of ConsistentHash in org.infinispan.commands

Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type ConsistentHash
 RehashControlCommand CommandsFactoryImpl.buildRehashControlCommand(RehashControlCommand.Type type, Address sender, Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state, ConsistentHash consistentHash)
 RehashControlCommand CommandsFactory.buildRehashControlCommand(RehashControlCommand.Type subtype, Address sender, Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state, ConsistentHash consistentHash)
          A more generic version of this factory method that allows the setting of various fields.

Uses of ConsistentHash in org.infinispan.commands.control

Constructors in org.infinispan.commands.control with parameters of type ConsistentHash
RehashControlCommand(String cacheName, RehashControlCommand.Type type, Address sender, Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state, ConsistentHash consistentHash, CommandsFactory commandsFactory)

Uses of ConsistentHash in org.infinispan.distribution

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution that implement ConsistentHash
 class AbstractConsistentHash
          An abstract consistent hash implementation that handles common implementations of certain methods.
 class DefaultConsistentHash
 class ExperimentalDefaultConsistentHash
          Consistent hashing algorithm.
 class UnionConsistentHash
          A delegating wrapper that locates keys by getting a union of locations reported by two other ConsistentHash implementations it delegates to.

Methods in org.infinispan.distribution that return ConsistentHash
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses, Address... moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses, Collection<Address> moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses, Address... moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses, Collection<Address> moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
 ConsistentHash DistributionManagerImpl.getConsistentHash()
 ConsistentHash DistributionManager.getConsistentHash()
          Retrieves the consistent hash instance currently in use, which may be an instance of the configured ConsistentHash instance (which defaults to DefaultConsistentHash, or an instance of UnionConsistentHash if a rehash is in progress.
 ConsistentHash UnionConsistentHash.getNewConsistentHash()
 ConsistentHash UnionConsistentHash.getOldConsistentHash()
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddress(ConsistentHash ch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Returns a new consistent hash of the same type with the given address removed.

Methods in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type ConsistentHash
 void DistributionManagerImpl.applyState(ConsistentHash consistentHash, Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state)
protected  Collection<Address> RehashTask.getInvalidHolders(Object key, ConsistentHash chOld, ConsistentHash chNew)
protected  Collection<Address> LeaveTask.getInvalidHolders(Object key, ConsistentHash chOld, ConsistentHash chNew)
protected  void RehashTask.invalidateInvalidHolders(ConsistentHash chOld, ConsistentHash chNew)
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddress(ConsistentHash ch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Returns a new consistent hash of the same type with the given address removed.
 void DistributionManagerImpl.setConsistentHash(ConsistentHash consistentHash)
 void DistributionManager.setConsistentHash(ConsistentHash consistentHash)
          Sets the consistent hash implementation in use.

Method parameters in org.infinispan.distribution with type arguments of type ConsistentHash
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses, Address... moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Class<? extends ConsistentHash> clazz, List<Address> addresses, Collection<Address> moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the type specified, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.

Constructors in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type ConsistentHash
UnionConsistentHash(ConsistentHash oldCH, ConsistentHash newCH)

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