Class DistributionManagerImpl

  extended by org.infinispan.distribution.DistributionManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DistributionManagerImpl
extends Object
implements DistributionManager

The default distribution manager implementation

Manik Surtani

Nested Class Summary
 class DistributionManagerImpl.ViewChangeListener
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void applyReceivedState(Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state)
          Applies a state map received via a RehashControlCommand.
 void applyRemoteTxLog(List<WriteCommand> txLogCommands)
          Applies an ordered list of modifications to the current node.
 void applyState(ConsistentHash consistentHash, Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state)
 List<Address> getAffectedNodes(Set<Object> affectedKeys)
          A helper method that retrieves a list of nodes affected by operations on a set of keys.
 CacheStore getCacheStoreForRehashing()
          Retrieves a cache store if one is available and set up for use in rehashing.
 ConsistentHash getConsistentHash()
          Retrieves the consistent hash instance currently in use, which may be an instance of the configured ConsistentHash instance (which defaults to DefaultConsistentHash, or an instance of UnionConsistentHash if a rehash is in progress.
 TransactionLogger getTransactionLogger()
          Retrieves the transaction logger instance associated with this DistributionManager
 void informRehashOnJoin(Address joiner, boolean starting)
          This will cause all nodes to add the joiner to their consistent hash instance (usually by creating a UnionConsistentHash
 void init(Configuration configuration, RpcManager rpcManager, CacheManagerNotifier notifier, CommandsFactory cf, DataContainer dataContainer, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, InvocationContextContainer icc, CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)
 boolean isAffectedByRehash(Object key)
          Tests whether a given key is affected by a rehash that may be in progress.
 boolean isJoinComplete()
          Tests whether the current instance has completed joining the cluster
 boolean isLocal(Object key)
 boolean isLocatedLocally(String key)
 boolean isRehashInProgress()
          Tests whether a rehash is in progress
 List<Address> locate(Object key)
          Locates a key in a cluster.
 Map<Object,List<Address>> locateAll(Collection<Object> keys)
          Locates a list of keys in a cluster.
 List<String> locateKey(String key)
 void notifyJoinComplete(Address joiner)
          Notifies a coordinator when a join completes
 void rehash(List<Address> newMembers, List<Address> oldMembers)
 List<Address> requestPermissionToJoin(Address joiner)
          "Asks" a coordinator if a joiner may join.
 InternalCacheEntry retrieveFromRemoteSource(Object key)
          Retrieves a cache entry from a remote source.
 void setConsistentHash(ConsistentHash consistentHash)
          Sets the consistent hash implementation in use.
 void start()
 void stop()
 String toString()
 void transformForL1(CacheEntry entry)
          Transforms a cache entry so it is marked for L1 rather than the primary cache data structure.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DistributionManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public void init(Configuration configuration,
                 RpcManager rpcManager,
                 CacheManagerNotifier notifier,
                 CommandsFactory cf,
                 DataContainer dataContainer,
                 InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
                 InvocationContextContainer icc,
                 CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)


public void start()
           throws Exception


public void stop()


public void rehash(List<Address> newMembers,
                   List<Address> oldMembers)


public boolean isLocal(Object key)
Specified by:
isLocal in interface DistributionManager


public List<Address> locate(Object key)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Locates a key in a cluster. The returned addresses may not be owners of the keys if a rehash happens to be in progress or is pending, so when querying these servers, invalid responses should be checked for and the next address checked accordingly.

Specified by:
locate in interface DistributionManager
key - key to test
a list of addresses where the key may reside


public Map<Object,List<Address>> locateAll(Collection<Object> keys)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Locates a list of keys in a cluster. Like DistributionManager.locate(Object) the returned addresses may not be owners of the keys if a rehash happens to be in progress or is pending, so when querying these servers, invalid responses should be checked for and the next address checked accordingly.

Specified by:
locateAll in interface DistributionManager
keys - list of keys to test
a list of addresses where the key may reside


public void transformForL1(CacheEntry entry)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Transforms a cache entry so it is marked for L1 rather than the primary cache data structure. This should be done if it is deemed that the entry is targeted for L1 storage rather than storage in the primary data container.

Specified by:
transformForL1 in interface DistributionManager
entry - entry to transform


public InternalCacheEntry retrieveFromRemoteSource(Object key)
                                            throws Exception
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Retrieves a cache entry from a remote source. Would typically involve an RPC call using a ClusteredGetCommand and some form of quorum of responses if the responses returned are inconsistent - often the case if there is a rehash in progress, involving nodes that the key maps to.

Specified by:
retrieveFromRemoteSource in interface DistributionManager
key - key to look up
an internal cache entry, or null if it cannot be located
Exception - if something bad happens


public ConsistentHash getConsistentHash()
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Retrieves the consistent hash instance currently in use, which may be an instance of the configured ConsistentHash instance (which defaults to DefaultConsistentHash, or an instance of UnionConsistentHash if a rehash is in progress.

Specified by:
getConsistentHash in interface DistributionManager
a ConsistentHash instance


public void setConsistentHash(ConsistentHash consistentHash)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Sets the consistent hash implementation in use.

Specified by:
setConsistentHash in interface DistributionManager
consistentHash - consistent hash to set to


public boolean isAffectedByRehash(Object key)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Tests whether a given key is affected by a rehash that may be in progress. If no rehash is in progress, this method returns false. Helps determine whether additional steps are necessary in handling an operation with a given key.

Specified by:
isAffectedByRehash in interface DistributionManager
key - key to test
whether a key is affected by a rehash


public TransactionLogger getTransactionLogger()
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Retrieves the transaction logger instance associated with this DistributionManager

Specified by:
getTransactionLogger in interface DistributionManager
a TransactionLogger


public List<Address> requestPermissionToJoin(Address joiner)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
"Asks" a coordinator if a joiner may join. Used to serialize joins such that only a single joiner comes in at any given time.

Specified by:
requestPermissionToJoin in interface DistributionManager
joiner - joiner who wants to join
a consistent hash prior to the joiner joining (if the joiner is allowed to join), otherwise null.


public void notifyJoinComplete(Address joiner)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Notifies a coordinator when a join completes

Specified by:
notifyJoinComplete in interface DistributionManager
joiner - joiner who has completed.


public void informRehashOnJoin(Address joiner,
                               boolean starting)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
This will cause all nodes to add the joiner to their consistent hash instance (usually by creating a UnionConsistentHash

Specified by:
informRehashOnJoin in interface DistributionManager
joiner - address of joiner
starting - if true, the joiner is reporting that it is starting the join process. If false, the joiner is reporting that it has completed the join process.


public void applyState(ConsistentHash consistentHash,
                       Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state)


public CacheStore getCacheStoreForRehashing()
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Retrieves a cache store if one is available and set up for use in rehashing. May return null!

Specified by:
getCacheStoreForRehashing in interface DistributionManager
a cache store is one is available and configured for use in rehashing, or null otherwise.


public boolean isRehashInProgress()
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Tests whether a rehash is in progress

Specified by:
isRehashInProgress in interface DistributionManager
true if a rehash is in progress, false otherwise


public void applyReceivedState(Map<Object,InternalCacheValue> state)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Applies a state map received via a RehashControlCommand. Usually this means state has been pushed to the current node probably due to another node leaving the cluster.

Specified by:
applyReceivedState in interface DistributionManager
state - state to apply


public boolean isJoinComplete()
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Tests whether the current instance has completed joining the cluster

Specified by:
isJoinComplete in interface DistributionManager
true if join is in progress, false otherwise


public List<Address> getAffectedNodes(Set<Object> affectedKeys)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
A helper method that retrieves a list of nodes affected by operations on a set of keys. This helper will in turn call DistributionManager.locateAll(java.util.Collection) and then combine the result addresses.

Specified by:
getAffectedNodes in interface DistributionManager
affectedKeys - keys to locate
a list of addresses which represent a combined set of all addresses affected by the set of keys.


public void applyRemoteTxLog(List<WriteCommand> txLogCommands)
Description copied from interface: DistributionManager
Applies an ordered list of modifications to the current node. Typically used when state is pushed to the node (i.e., anotehr node leaves the cluster) and the transaction log needs to be flushed after pushing state.

Specified by:
applyRemoteTxLog in interface DistributionManager
txLogCommands - ordered list of mods


public boolean isLocatedLocally(String key)


public List<String> locateKey(String key)


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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