Packages that use CommandInterceptor | |
org.infinispan | This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. |
org.infinispan.config | Cache configuration beans and parsers. |
org.infinispan.factories | Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. |
org.infinispan.interceptors | Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. |
org.infinispan.interceptors.base | Base interceptors containing common, reusable behavior. |
org.infinispan.query.backend |
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan |
Methods in org.infinispan that return types with arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
Retrieves the current Interceptor chain. |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
CacheDelegate.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i,
int position)
void |
AdvancedCache.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i,
int position)
Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, at specified position, where the first interceptor in the chain is at position 0 and the last one at NUM_INTERCEPTORS - 1. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor i,
int position)
void |
CacheDelegate.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
void |
AdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, after an instance of the specified interceptor type. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
void |
CacheDelegate.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
void |
AdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, before an instance of the specified interceptor type. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
Method parameters in org.infinispan with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
CacheDelegate.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
void |
AdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, after an instance of the specified interceptor type. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
void |
CacheDelegate.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
void |
AdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
Adds a custom interceptor to the interceptor chain, before an instance of the specified interceptor type. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor i,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
void |
CacheDelegate.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
void |
AdvancedCache.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
Removes the interceptor of specified type. |
void |
AbstractDelegatingAdvancedCache.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.config |
Fields in org.infinispan.config declared as CommandInterceptor | |
protected CommandInterceptor |
Methods in org.infinispan.config that return CommandInterceptor | |
CommandInterceptor |
Returns a the interceptor that we want to add to the chain. |
Methods in org.infinispan.config with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
CustomInterceptorConfig.setInterceptor(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
Returns a the interceptor that we want to add to the chain. |
Method parameters in org.infinispan.config with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
CustomInterceptorConfig.setAfterInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
Adds the interceptor immediately after the first occurrence of an interceptor having the given class. |
void |
CustomInterceptorConfig.setBeforeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
Adds the interceptor immediately before the first occurrence of an interceptor having the given class. |
Constructors in org.infinispan.config with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
Constructs an interceptor config based on the supplied interceptor instance. |
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor,
boolean first,
boolean last,
int index,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
Builds a custom interceptor configuration. |
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor,
boolean first,
boolean last,
int index,
String after,
String before)
Builds a custom interceptor configuration. |
Constructor parameters in org.infinispan.config with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor,
boolean first,
boolean last,
int index,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
Builds a custom interceptor configuration. |
CustomInterceptorConfig(CommandInterceptor interceptor,
boolean first,
boolean last,
int index,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> after,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> before)
Builds a custom interceptor configuration. |
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.factories |
Methods in org.infinispan.factories that return CommandInterceptor | |
CommandInterceptor |
InterceptorChainFactory.createInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)
Method parameters in org.infinispan.factories with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
CommandInterceptor |
InterceptorChainFactory.createInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors |
Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors | |
class |
class |
Interceptor that captures batched calls and attaches contexts. |
class |
class |
Captures cache management statistics |
class |
Writes modifications back to the store on the way out: stores modifications back through the CacheLoader, either after each method call (no TXs), or at TX commit. |
class |
Always at the end of the chain, directly in front of the cache. |
class |
This interceptor populates the DeadlockDetectingGlobalTransaction with
appropriate information needed in order to accomplish deadlock detection. |
class |
Cache store interceptor specific for the distribution cache mode. |
class |
A subclass of the locking interceptor that is able to differentiate committing changes on a ReadCommittedEntry for storage in the main cache or in L1, used by DIST |
class |
The interceptor that handles distribution of entries across a cluster, as well as transparent lookup |
class |
A special form of the TxInterceptor that is aware of distribution and consistent hashing, and as such only replays methods during a remote prepare that are targeted to this specific cache instance. |
class |
Interceptor in charge of eager, implicit locking of cache keys across cluster within transactional context For more details refer to: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-70 https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-48 |
class |
This interceptor acts as a replacement to the replication interceptor when the CacheImpl is configured with ClusteredSyncMode as INVALIDATE. |
class |
class |
Interceptor to implement MVCC functionality. |
class |
Interceptor that handles the wrapping and unwrapping of cached data using MarshalledValue s. |
class |
The interceptor in charge of firing off notifications to cache listeners |
class |
Writes evicted entries back to the store on the way in through the CacheStore |
class |
Takes care of replicating modifications to other caches in a cluster. |
class |
Interceptor in charge with handling transaction related operations, e.g enlisting cache as an transaction participant, propagating remotely initiated changes. |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors that return CommandInterceptor | |
CommandInterceptor |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors that return types with arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
Returns an unmofiable list with all the interceptors in sequence. |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWhichExtend(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
Returns all interceptors which extend the given command interceptor. |
List<CommandInterceptor> |
InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWithClassName(String name)
Returns all the interceptors that have the fully qualified name of their class equal with the supplied class name. |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
InterceptorChain.addInterceptor(CommandInterceptor interceptor,
int position)
Inserts the given interceptor at the specified position in the chain (o based indexing). |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor toAdd,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor toAdd,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type. |
void |
InterceptorChain.appendIntereceptor(CommandInterceptor ci)
Appends at the end. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.containsInstance(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
Checks whether the chain contains the supplied interceptor instance. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.replaceInterceptor(CommandInterceptor replacingInterceptor,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> toBeReplacedInterceptorType)
Replaces an existing interceptor of the given type in the interceptor chain with a new interceptor instance passed as parameter. |
void |
InterceptorChain.setFirstInChain(CommandInterceptor interceptor)
Mainly used by unit tests to replace the interceptor chain with the starting point passed in. |
Method parameters in org.infinispan.interceptors with type arguments of type CommandInterceptor | |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.addInterceptorAfter(CommandInterceptor toAdd,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> afterInterceptor)
Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.addInterceptorBefore(CommandInterceptor toAdd,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> beforeInterceptor)
Adds a new interceptor in list after an interceptor of a given type. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.containsInterceptorType(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorType)
List<CommandInterceptor> |
InterceptorChain.getInterceptorsWhichExtend(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> interceptorClass)
Returns all interceptors which extend the given command interceptor. |
void |
InterceptorChain.removeInterceptor(Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> clazz)
Removes all the occurences of supplied interceptor type from the chain. |
boolean |
InterceptorChain.replaceInterceptor(CommandInterceptor replacingInterceptor,
Class<? extends CommandInterceptor> toBeReplacedInterceptorType)
Replaces an existing interceptor of the given type in the interceptor chain with a new interceptor instance passed as parameter. |
Constructors in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
InterceptorChain(CommandInterceptor first)
Constructs an interceptor chain having the supplied interceptor as first. |
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors.base |
Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.interceptors.base | |
class |
Acts as a base for all RPC calls |
class |
Base class for all the interceptors exposing management statistics. |
class |
This interceptor adds pre and post processing to each visitXXX() method. |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors.base that return CommandInterceptor | |
CommandInterceptor |
Retrieves the next interceptor in the chain. |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors.base with parameters of type CommandInterceptor | |
void |
CommandInterceptor.setNext(CommandInterceptor next)
Sets the next interceptor in the chain to the interceptor passed in. |
Uses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.query.backend |
Subclasses of CommandInterceptor in org.infinispan.query.backend | |
class |
This class is an interceptor that will index data only if it has come from a local source. |
class |
This interceptor will be created when the System Property "infinispan.query.indexLocalOnly" is "false" This type of interceptor will allow the indexing of data even when it comes from other caches within a cluster. |
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