Packages that use InterceptorChain | |
org.infinispan | This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. |
org.infinispan.commands | Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. |
org.infinispan.commands.remote | Meta-commands that wrap other commands for remote execution. |
org.infinispan.commands.tx | Commands that represent transactional lifecycle transitions. |
org.infinispan.distribution | Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. |
org.infinispan.factories | Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. |
org.infinispan.statetransfer | Transfer of state to new caches in a cluster. |
org.infinispan.stats | Cache statistics. |
org.infinispan.transaction.xa | XA transaction support. |
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan |
Fields in org.infinispan declared as InterceptorChain | |
protected InterceptorChain |
Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
CacheDelegate.injectDependencies(EvictionManager evictionManager,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
Configuration configuration,
CacheNotifier notifier,
ComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
TransactionManager transactionManager,
BatchContainer batchContainer,
RpcManager rpcManager,
DataContainer dataContainer,
Marshaller marshaller,
ResponseGenerator responseGenerator,
DistributionManager distributionManager,
CacheManager cacheManager,
StateTransferManager stateTransferManager)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.commands |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
CommandsFactoryImpl.setupDependencies(DataContainer container,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Cache cache,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
DistributionManager distributionManager,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
TransactionTable txTable,
Configuration configuration)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.commands.remote |
Fields in org.infinispan.commands.remote declared as InterceptorChain | |
protected InterceptorChain |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands.remote with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
BaseRpcInvokingCommand.init(InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
InvocationContextContainer icc)
void |
ClusteredGetCommand.initialize(DataContainer dataContainer,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.commands.tx |
Fields in org.infinispan.commands.tx declared as InterceptorChain | |
protected InterceptorChain |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands.tx with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
AbstractTransactionBoundaryCommand.init(InterceptorChain chain,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
TransactionTable txTable)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.distribution |
Methods in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
DistributionManagerImpl.init(Configuration configuration,
RpcManager rpcManager,
CacheManagerNotifier notifier,
CommandsFactory cf,
DataContainer dataContainer,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.factories |
Methods in org.infinispan.factories that return InterceptorChain | |
InterceptorChain |
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.statetransfer |
Methods in org.infinispan.statetransfer with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
StateTransferManagerImpl.injectDependencies(RpcManager rpcManager,
AdvancedCache cache,
Configuration configuration,
DataContainer dataContainer,
CacheLoaderManager clm,
Marshaller marshaller,
TransactionLog transactionLog,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
TransactionTable txTable)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.stats |
Constructors in org.infinispan.stats with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
StatsImpl(InterceptorChain chain)
Uses of InterceptorChain in org.infinispan.transaction.xa |
Methods in org.infinispan.transaction.xa with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
void |
TransactionTable.initialize(CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
RpcManager rpcManager,
Configuration configuration,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
InterceptorChain invoker,
CacheNotifier notifier,
GlobalTransactionFactory gtf,
CacheManager cm)
Constructors in org.infinispan.transaction.xa with parameters of type InterceptorChain | |
TransactionXaAdapter(GlobalTransaction globalTx,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
InterceptorChain invoker,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
Configuration configuration,
TransactionTable txTable,
Transaction transaction)
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