Packages that use Marshaller | |
org.infinispan | This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. |
org.infinispan.interceptors | Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. |
org.infinispan.loaders | This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. |
org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje | This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on
Oracle's BDBJE storage engine. |
org.infinispan.loaders.cloud | This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on
JClouds, which in turn is an abstraction layer to store data on cloud infrastructure providers
such as Amazon's S3,
RackspaceCloud's CloudFiles,
Microsoft's Windows Azure Blob Storage API, and others. |
org.infinispan.loaders.cluster | A CacheLoader (not CacheStore ) that polls other nodes in the cluster for state. |
org.infinispan.loaders.decorators | This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. |
org.infinispan.loaders.file | Simple filesystem-based CacheStore implementation. |
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc | This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on
a JDBC database connection. |
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary | This JDBC CacheStore implementation is optimized for storing binary (non-String) keys in the cache. |
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed | This is a delegating CacheStore implementation that delegates either to a binary or String based JDBC cache store depending on the key used. |
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased | This JDBC CacheStore implementation is optimized for storing String keys in the cache. |
org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm | This package contains a CacheStore implementation based on
persisting to JDBM. |
org.infinispan.marshall | Infinispan makes use of custom marshalling to serialize and deserialize state wherever possible, rather than falling back to the JDK to do this. |
org.infinispan.marshall.jboss | Hooks to bridge Infinispan's marshalling APIs with JBoss Marshalling internals. |
org.infinispan.remoting.transport | Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components. |
org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups | A transport implementation based on JGroups. |
org.infinispan.statetransfer | Transfer of state to new caches in a cluster. |
org.infinispan.transaction | JTA transaction support. |
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan |
Fields in org.infinispan declared as Marshaller | |
protected Marshaller |
Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
CacheDelegate.injectDependencies(EvictionManager evictionManager,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
Configuration configuration,
CacheNotifier notifier,
ComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
TransactionManager transactionManager,
BatchContainer batchContainer,
RpcManager rpcManager,
DataContainer dataContainer,
Marshaller marshaller,
ResponseGenerator responseGenerator,
DistributionManager distributionManager,
CacheManager cacheManager,
StateTransferManager stateTransferManager)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.interceptors |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type Marshaller | |
protected void |
MarshalledValueInterceptor.injectMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders |
Fields in org.infinispan.loaders declared as Marshaller | |
protected Marshaller |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders that return Marshaller | |
protected Marshaller |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
LockSupportCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
void |
CacheLoader.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
Used to initialize a cache loader. |
void |
AbstractCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
void |
CacheLoaderManagerImpl.inject(Cache cache,
Marshaller marshaller,
Configuration configuration)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.bdbje with parameters of type Marshaller | |
com.sleepycat.collections.StoredMap<Object,InternalCacheEntry> |
BdbjeResourceFactory.createStoredMapViewOfDatabase(com.sleepycat.je.Database database,
com.sleepycat.bind.serial.StoredClassCatalog classCatalog,
Marshaller m)
create a StoredMap persisted by the database |
com.sleepycat.collections.StoredSortedMap<Long,Object> |
BdbjeResourceFactory.createStoredSortedMapForKeyExpiry(com.sleepycat.je.Database database,
com.sleepycat.bind.serial.StoredClassCatalog classCatalog,
Marshaller marshaller)
create a StoredMap persisted by the database |
void |
BdbjeCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Used to initialize a cache loader. |
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.cloud |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.cloud with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
CloudCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig cfg,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
void |
CloudCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig cfg,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m,
org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext ctx,
org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore blobStore,
org.jclouds.blobstore.AsyncBlobStore asyncBlobStore,
boolean constructInternalBlobstores)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.cluster |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.cluster with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
ClusterCacheLoader.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.decorators |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.decorators with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
AsyncStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
void |
AbstractDelegatingStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache<?,?> cache,
Marshaller m)
void |
ChainingCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.file |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.file with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
FileCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc |
Fields in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc declared as Marshaller | |
protected Marshaller |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc with parameters of type Marshaller | |
static ByteBuffer |
JdbcUtil.marshall(Marshaller marshaller,
Object bucket)
static Object |
JdbcUtil.unmarshall(Marshaller marshaller,
InputStream inputStream)
Constructors in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc with parameters of type Marshaller | |
DataManipulationHelper(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
TableManipulation tableManipulation,
Marshaller marshaller)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.binary with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JdbcBinaryCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.mixed with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JdbcMixedCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbc.stringbased with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JdbcStringBasedCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig config,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm |
Methods in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JdbmCacheStore.init(CacheLoaderConfig clc,
Cache cache,
Marshaller m)
Constructors in org.infinispan.loaders.jdbm with parameters of type Marshaller | |
JdbmSerializer(Marshaller marshaller)
Constructs a new JdbmSerializer. |
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.marshall |
Classes in org.infinispan.marshall that implement Marshaller | |
class |
Abstract marshaller |
class |
A delegate to various other marshallers like JBossMarshaller . |
Methods in org.infinispan.marshall with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
MarshalledValue.Externalizer.inject(Marshaller marshaller)
Constructors in org.infinispan.marshall with parameters of type Marshaller | |
MarshalledValue(byte[] raw,
int cachedHashCode,
Marshaller marshaller)
MarshalledValue(Object instance,
boolean equalityPreferenceForInstance,
Marshaller marshaller)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.marshall.jboss |
Classes in org.infinispan.marshall.jboss that implement Marshaller | |
class |
JBossMarshaller. |
Methods in org.infinispan.marshall.jboss with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JBossMarshaller.start(ClassLoader defaultCl,
RemoteCommandsFactory cmdFactory,
Marshaller ispnMarshaller)
void |
ConstantObjectTable.start(RemoteCommandsFactory cmdFactory,
Marshaller ispnMarshaller)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.remoting.transport |
Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.transport with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
Transport.initialize(GlobalConfiguration c,
Marshaller marshaller,
ExecutorService asyncExecutor,
InboundInvocationHandler handler,
CacheManagerNotifier notifier)
Initializes the transport with global cache configuration and transport-specific properties. |
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups |
Fields in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups declared as Marshaller | |
protected Marshaller |
Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
JGroupsTransport.initialize(GlobalConfiguration c,
Marshaller marshaller,
ExecutorService asyncExecutor,
InboundInvocationHandler inboundInvocationHandler,
CacheManagerNotifier notifier)
Constructors in org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups with parameters of type Marshaller | |
MarshallerAdapter(Marshaller m)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.statetransfer |
Methods in org.infinispan.statetransfer with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
StateTransferManagerImpl.injectDependencies(RpcManager rpcManager,
AdvancedCache cache,
Configuration configuration,
DataContainer dataContainer,
CacheLoaderManager clm,
Marshaller marshaller,
TransactionLog transactionLog,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
TransactionTable txTable)
Uses of Marshaller in org.infinispan.transaction |
Methods in org.infinispan.transaction with parameters of type Marshaller | |
void |
TransactionLog.writeCommitLog(Marshaller marshaller,
ObjectOutput out)
void |
TransactionLog.writePendingPrepares(Marshaller marshaller,
ObjectOutput out)
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