Uses of Package

Packages that use org.infinispan.factories.scopes
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.config Cache configuration beans and parsers. 
org.infinispan.container Data containers which store cache entries. 
org.infinispan.context Contexts contain information of a specific invocation on the cache, such as its origins, scope (transactional or non-transactional), as well as invocation-specific flags. 
org.infinispan.distribution Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. 
org.infinispan.eviction Classes related to eviction. 
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 
org.infinispan.factories.scopes Scopes of components within the lifespan of a CacheManager and its various Caches, and related utilities. 
org.infinispan.interceptors Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. 
org.infinispan.interceptors.base Base interceptors containing common, reusable behavior. 
org.infinispan.manager Cache manager package 
org.infinispan.marshall Infinispan makes use of custom marshalling to serialize and deserialize state wherever possible, rather than falling back to the JDK to do this. 
org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener Cache-specific notifications and eventing. 
org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener CacheManager-specific notifications and eventing. 
org.infinispan.remoting Remote communication between cache instances. 
org.infinispan.remoting.responses Abstractions of the different response types allowed during RPC. 
org.infinispan.remoting.transport Transports handle the low-level networking, used by the remoting components. 
org.infinispan.statetransfer Transfer of state to new caches in a cluster. 

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.commands
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.commands.module
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.config
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.container
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.context
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.distribution
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.eviction
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.factories
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.factories.scopes
          The different scopes that can be declared for a component in the cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.interceptors
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.interceptors.base
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.manager
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.marshall
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.remoting
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.remoting.responses
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.remoting.transport
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.

Classes in org.infinispan.factories.scopes used by org.infinispan.statetransfer
          Defines the scope of a component in a cache system.


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