JBoss.org Community Documentation The SARDeployer MBean

JBoss manages the deployment of its MBean services via a custom MBean that loads an XML variation of the standard JMX MLet configuration file. This custom MBean is implemented in the org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer class. The SARDeployer MBean is loaded when JBoss starts up as part of the bootstrap process. The SAR acronym stands for service archive .

The SARDeployer handles services archives. A service archive can be either a jar that ends with a .sar suffix and contains a META-INF/jboss-service.xml descriptor, or a standalone XML descriptor with a naming pattern that matches *-service.xml. The DTD for the service descriptor is jboss-service_5.0.dtd and is shown in Figure 3.15, “The DTD for the MBean service descriptor parsed by the SARDeployer”.

The DTD for the MBean service descriptor parsed by the SARDeployer

Figure 3.15. The DTD for the MBean service descriptor parsed by the SARDeployer

The elements of the DTD are:

MBean attribute values don't need to be hardcoded literal strings. Service files may contain references to system properties using the ${name} notation, where name is the name of a Java system property. The value of this system property, as would be returned from the call System.getProperty("name"). Multiple properties can be specified separated by commas like ${name1,name2,name3}. If there is no system property named name1, name2 will be tried and then name3. This allows multiple levels of substitution to be used. Finally, a default value can be added using a colon separator. The substitution ${name:default value} would substitute the the text "default value" if the system property name didn't exist. If none of the listed properties exist and no default value is given, no substitution will occur.

When the SARDeployer is asked to deploy a service performs several steps. Figure 3.16, “A sequence diagram highlighting the main activities performed by the SARDeployer to start a JBoss MBean service” is a sequence diagram that shows the init through start phases of a service.

A sequence diagram highlighting the main activities performed by the SARDeployer to start a JBoss MBean service

Figure 3.16. A sequence diagram highlighting the main activities performed by the SARDeployer to start a JBoss MBean service

In Figure 3.16, “A sequence diagram highlighting the main activities performed by the SARDeployer to start a JBoss MBean service” the following is illustrated: