Interface MBeanServer

All Superinterfaces:
MBeanServerConnection (src)
All Known Subinterfaces:
AdaptorMBean (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
Adaptor (src) , MBeanServerImpl (src)

public interface MBeanServer
extends MBeanServerConnection (src)

The interface used to access the MBean server instances.

See Also:
MBeanServerFactory (src) , ClassLoaderRepository (src)

Method Summary
 void addNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, NotificationListener (src)  listener, NotificationFilter (src)  filter, java.lang.Object handback)
          Add a notification listener to an MBean.
 void addNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, ObjectName (src)  listener, NotificationFilter (src)  filter, java.lang.Object handback)
          Add a notification listener to an MBean.
 ObjectInstance (src) createMBean(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  name)
          Create an MBean registered using the given object name.
 ObjectInstance (src) createMBean(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  name, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Create an MBean registered using the given object name.
 ObjectInstance (src) createMBean(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  name, ObjectName (src)  loaderName)
          Create an MBean registered using the given object name.
 ObjectInstance (src) createMBean(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  name, ObjectName (src)  loaderName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Create an MBean registered using the given object name. deserialize(ObjectName (src)  name, byte[] data)
          Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization deserialize(java.lang.String className, byte[] data)
          Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization deserialize(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  loaderName, byte[] data)
          Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(ObjectName (src)  name, java.lang.String attribute)
          Retrieve a value from an MBean.
 AttributeList (src) getAttributes(ObjectName (src)  name, java.lang.String[] attributes)
          Retrieve a list of values from an MBean.
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Retrieve the classloader registered as an MBean
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Retrieve the classloader for an mbean
 ClassLoaderRepository (src) getClassLoaderRepository()
          Retrieve the classloader repository for this mbean server
 java.lang.String getDefaultDomain()
          Retrieve the default domain of the mbeanserver.
 java.lang.String[] getDomains()
          Retrieve the domains of the mbeanserver.
 java.lang.Integer getMBeanCount()
          Retrieve the number of mbeans registered in the server.
 MBeanInfo (src) getMBeanInfo(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Retrieves the jmx metadata for an mbean
 ObjectInstance (src) getObjectInstance(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Retrieve an MBean's registration information.
 java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className)
          Instantiates an object using the default loader repository and default no-args constructor.
 java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Instantiates an object using the default loader repository and a given constructor.
 java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  loaderName)
          Instantiates an object using the given class loader.
 java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className, ObjectName (src)  loaderName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Instantiates an object using the given class loader.
 java.lang.Object invoke(ObjectName (src)  name, java.lang.String operationName, java.lang.Object[] params, java.lang.String[] signature)
          Invokes an operation on an mbean.
 boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName (src)  name, java.lang.String className)
          Tests whether an mbean can be cast to the given type
 boolean isRegistered(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Test whether an mbean is registered.
 java.util.Set queryMBeans(ObjectName (src)  name, QueryExp (src)  query)
          Retrieve a set of Object instances
 java.util.Set queryNames(ObjectName (src)  name, QueryExp (src)  query)
          Retrieve a set of Object names
 ObjectInstance (src) registerMBean(java.lang.Object object, ObjectName (src)  name)
          Registers an mbean.
 void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, NotificationListener (src)  listener)
          Removes a listener from an mbean.
 void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, NotificationListener (src)  listener, NotificationFilter (src)  filter, java.lang.Object handback)
          Removes a listener from an mbean.
 void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, ObjectName (src)  listener)
          Removes a listener from an mbean.
 void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name, ObjectName (src)  listener, NotificationFilter (src)  filter, java.lang.Object handback)
          Removes a listener from an mbean.
 void setAttribute(ObjectName (src)  name, Attribute (src)  attribute)
          Set a value for an MBean.
 AttributeList (src) setAttributes(ObjectName (src)  name, AttributeList (src)  attributes)
          Set a list of values for an MBean.
 void unregisterMBean(ObjectName (src)  name)
          Unregisters an mbean.

Method Detail


public ObjectInstance (src)  createMBean(java.lang.String className,
                                  ObjectName (src)  name)
                           throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                  InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) ,
                                  MBeanRegistrationException (src) ,
                                  MBeanException (src) ,
                                  NotCompliantMBeanException (src) 
Create an MBean registered using the given object name.

Uses the default contructor.

Specified by:
createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
className - the class name of the mbean
name - the object name for registration, can be null
an ObjectInstance describing the registration
ReflectionException (src) - for class not found or an exception invoking the contructor
InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) - for an MBean already registered with the passed or generated ObjectName
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preRegister
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's constructor
NotCompliantMBeanException (src) - if the class name does not correspond to a valid MBean
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null class name, the ObjectName could not be determined or it is a pattern


public ObjectInstance (src)  createMBean(java.lang.String className,
                                  ObjectName (src)  name,
                                  ObjectName (src)  loaderName)
                           throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                  InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) ,
                                  MBeanRegistrationException (src) ,
                                  MBeanException (src) ,
                                  NotCompliantMBeanException (src) ,
                                  InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Create an MBean registered using the given object name.

The MBean is loaded using the passed classloader. Uses the default contructor.

Specified by:
createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
className - the class name of the mbean
loaderName - an MBean that implements a classloader
name - the object name for registration, can be null
an ObjectInstance describing the registration
ReflectionException (src) - for class not found or an exception invoking the contructor
InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) - for an MBean already registered with the passed or generated ObjectName
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preRegister
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's constructor
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the loaderName is not a classloader registered in the MBeanServer
NotCompliantMBeanException (src) - if the class name does not correspond to a valid MBean
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null class name, the ObjectName could not be determined or it is a pattern


public ObjectInstance (src)  createMBean(java.lang.String className,
                                  ObjectName (src)  name,
                                  java.lang.Object[] params,
                                  java.lang.String[] signature)
                           throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                  InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) ,
                                  MBeanRegistrationException (src) ,
                                  MBeanException (src) ,
                                  NotCompliantMBeanException (src) 
Create an MBean registered using the given object name.

Uses the specified constructor.

Specified by:
createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
className - the class name of the mbean
params - the parameters for the constructor
signature - the signature of the constructor
name - the object name for registration, can be null
an ObjectInstance describing the registration
ReflectionException (src) - for class not found or an exception invoking the contructor
InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) - for an MBean already registered with the passed or generated ObjectName
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preRegister
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's constructor
NotCompliantMBeanException (src) - if the class name does not correspond to a valid MBean
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null class name, the ObjectName could not be determined or it is a pattern


public ObjectInstance (src)  createMBean(java.lang.String className,
                                  ObjectName (src)  name,
                                  ObjectName (src)  loaderName,
                                  java.lang.Object[] params,
                                  java.lang.String[] signature)
                           throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                  InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) ,
                                  MBeanRegistrationException (src) ,
                                  MBeanException (src) ,
                                  NotCompliantMBeanException (src) ,
                                  InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Create an MBean registered using the given object name.

The MBean is loaded using the passed classloader. Uses the specified constructor.

Specified by:
createMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
className - the class name of the mbean
loaderName - an MBean that implements a classloader
name - the object name for registration, can be null
params - the parameters for the constructor
signature - the signature of the constructor
an ObjectInstance describing the registration
ReflectionException (src) - for class not found or an exception invoking the contructor
InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) - for an MBean already registered with the passed or generated ObjectName
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preRegister
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's constructor
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the loaderName is not a classloader registered in the MBeanServer
NotCompliantMBeanException (src) - if the class name does not correspond to a valid MBean
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null class name, the ObjectName could not be determined or it is a pattern


public ObjectInstance (src)  registerMBean(java.lang.Object object,
                                    ObjectName (src)  name)
                             throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) ,
                                    MBeanRegistrationException (src) ,
                                    NotCompliantMBeanException (src) 
Registers an mbean.

object - the mbean implementation to register
name - the object name of the mbean to register
InstanceAlreadyExistsException (src) - if the object name is already registered in the MBeanServer
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preDeregister
NotCompliantMBeanException (src) - if the class name does not correspond to a valid MBean
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name, or trying to register a JMX implementation MBean


public void unregisterMBean(ObjectName (src)  name)
                     throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                            MBeanRegistrationException (src) 
Unregisters an mbean.

Specified by:
unregisterMBean in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean to unregister
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered in the MBeanServer
MBeanRegistrationException (src) - for any exception thrown by the MBean's preDeregister
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name, or trying to unregister a JMX implementation MBean


public ObjectInstance (src)  getObjectInstance(ObjectName (src)  name)
                                 throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Retrieve an MBean's registration information.

Specified by:
getObjectInstance in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered in the MBeanServer


public java.util.Set queryMBeans(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                 QueryExp (src)  query)
Retrieve a set of Object instances

Specified by:
queryMBeans in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - an ObjectName pattern, can be null for all mbeans
query - a query expression to further filter the mbeans, can be null for no query


public java.util.Set queryNames(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                QueryExp (src)  query)
Retrieve a set of Object names

Specified by:
queryNames in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - an ObjectName pattern, can be null for all mbeans
query - a query expression to further filter the mbeans, can be null for no query


public boolean isRegistered(ObjectName (src)  name)
Test whether an mbean is registered.

Specified by:
isRegistered in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
true when the mbean is registered, false otherwise
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name


public java.lang.Integer getMBeanCount()
Retrieve the number of mbeans registered in the server.

Specified by:
getMBeanCount in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
true the number of registered mbeans


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                     java.lang.String attribute)
                              throws MBeanException (src) ,
                                     AttributeNotFoundException (src) ,
                                     InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                     ReflectionException (src) 
Retrieve a value from an MBean.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
attribute - the attribute name of the value to retrieve
the value
ReflectionException (src) - for an exception invoking the mbean
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered
AttributeNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean has no such attribute
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name or attribute


public AttributeList (src)  getAttributes(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                   java.lang.String[] attributes)
                            throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                   ReflectionException (src) 
Retrieve a list of values from an MBean.

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
attributes - the attribute names of the values to retrieve
the list of values, attributes with errors are ignored
ReflectionException (src) - for an exception invoking the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name or attributes


public void setAttribute(ObjectName (src)  name,
                         Attribute (src)  attribute)
                  throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                         AttributeNotFoundException (src) ,
                         InvalidAttributeValueException (src) ,
                         MBeanException (src) ,
                         ReflectionException (src) 
Set a value for an MBean.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
attribute - the attribute name and value to set
ReflectionException (src) - for an exception invoking the mbean
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered
AttributeNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean has no such attribute
InvalidAttributeValueException (src) - if the new value has an incorrect type
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name or attribute


public AttributeList (src)  setAttributes(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                   AttributeList (src)  attributes)
                            throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                   ReflectionException (src) 
Set a list of values for an MBean.

Specified by:
setAttributes in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
attributes - the attribute names and values to set
the list of values, attributes with errors are ignored
ReflectionException (src) - for an exception invoking the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null name or attributes


public java.lang.Object invoke(ObjectName (src)  name,
                               java.lang.String operationName,
                               java.lang.Object[] params,
                               java.lang.String[] signature)
                        throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                               MBeanException (src) ,
                               ReflectionException (src) 
Invokes an operation on an mbean.

Specified by:
invoke in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the object name of the mbean
operationName - the operation to perform
params - the parameters
signature - the signature of the operation
any result of the operation
ReflectionException (src) - for an exception invoking the mbean
MBeanException (src) - for any exception thrown by the mbean
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered


public java.lang.String getDefaultDomain()
Retrieve the default domain of the mbeanserver.

Specified by:
getDefaultDomain in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
the default domain


public java.lang.String[] getDomains()
Retrieve the domains of the mbeanserver.

Specified by:
getDomains in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
the domains


public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                    NotificationListener (src)  listener,
                                    NotificationFilter (src)  filter,
                                    java.lang.Object handback)
                             throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Add a notification listener to an MBean.

Specified by:
addNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the listener to add
filter - a filter to preprocess notifications
handback - a object to add to any notifications
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster is not registered


public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                    ObjectName (src)  listener,
                                    NotificationFilter (src)  filter,
                                    java.lang.Object handback)
                             throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Add a notification listener to an MBean.

Specified by:
addNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the object name listener to add
filter - a filter to preprocess notifications
handback - a object to add to any notifications
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster or listener is not registered
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - wrapping an IllegalArgumentException for a null listener or the listener does not implement the Notification Listener interface


public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                       ObjectName (src)  listener)
                                throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                       ListenerNotFoundException (src) 
Removes a listener from an mbean.

All registrations of the listener are removed.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the object name of the listener to remove
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster or listener is not registered
ListenerNotFoundException (src) - if the listener is not registered against the broadcaster


public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                       ObjectName (src)  listener,
                                       NotificationFilter (src)  filter,
                                       java.lang.Object handback)
                                throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                       ListenerNotFoundException (src) 
Removes a listener from an mbean.

Only the listener that was registered with the same filter and handback is removed.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the object name of listener to remove
filter - the filter of the listener to remove
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster or listener is not registered
ListenerNotFoundException (src) - if the listener, filter, handback is not registered against the broadcaster


public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                       NotificationListener (src)  listener)
                                throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                       ListenerNotFoundException (src) 
Removes a listener from an mbean.

All registrations of the listener are removed.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the listener to remove
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster is not registered
ListenerNotFoundException (src) - if the listener is not registered against the broadcaster


public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                       NotificationListener (src)  listener,
                                       NotificationFilter (src)  filter,
                                       java.lang.Object handback)
                                throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                       ListenerNotFoundException (src) 
Removes a listener from an mbean.

Only the listener that was registered with the same filter and handback is removed.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the MBean broadcasting notifications
listener - the listener to remove
filter - the filter of the listener to remove
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the broadcaster is not registered
ListenerNotFoundException (src) - if the listener, filter, handback is not registered against the broadcaster


public MBeanInfo (src)  getMBeanInfo(ObjectName (src)  name)
                       throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                              IntrospectionException (src) ,
                              ReflectionException (src) 
Retrieves the jmx metadata for an mbean

Specified by:
getMBeanInfo in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the mbean
the metadata
IntrospectionException (src) - for any error during instrospection
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered
ReflectionException (src) - for any error trying to invoke the operation on the mbean


public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName (src)  name,
                            java.lang.String className)
                     throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Tests whether an mbean can be cast to the given type

Specified by:
isInstanceOf in interface MBeanServerConnection (src)
name - the name of the mbean
className - the class name to check
true when it is of that type, false otherwise
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the mbean is not registered


public java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className)
                             throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                    MBeanException (src) 
Instantiates an object using the default loader repository and default no-args constructor.

className - Class to instantiate. Must have a public no-args constructor. Cannot contain a null reference.
instantiated object
ReflectionException (src) - If there was an error while trying to invoke the class's constructor or the given class was not found. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
MBeanException (src) - If the object constructor threw a checked exception during the initialization. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeMBeanException (src) - If the class constructor threw a runtime exception. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeErrorException (src) - If the class constructor threw an error. This exception wraps the actual error thrown.
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - If the className is null. Wraps an IllegalArgumentException instance.
See Also:
DefaultLoaderRepository (src)


public java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className,
                                    ObjectName (src)  loaderName)
                             throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                    MBeanException (src) ,
                                    InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Instantiates an object using the given class loader. If the loader name contains a null reference, the class loader of the MBean server implementation will be used. The object must have a default, no-args constructor.

className - Class to instantiate. Must have a public no args constructor. Cannot contain a null reference.
loaderName - Object name of a class loader that has been registered to the server. If null, the class loader of the MBean server is used.
instantiated object
ReflectionException (src) - If there was an error while trying to invoke the class's constructor or the given class was not found. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
MBeanException (src) - If the object constructor threw a checked exception during the initialization. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the specified class loader was not registered to the agent
RuntimeMBeanException (src) - If the class constructor raised a runtime exception. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeErrorException (src) - If the class constructor raised an error. This exception wraps the actual error thrown.
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - if the className is null. Wraps an IllegalArgumentException instance.


public java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className,
                                    java.lang.Object[] params,
                                    java.lang.String[] signature)
                             throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                    MBeanException (src) 
Instantiates an object using the default loader repository and a given constructor. The class being instantiated must contain a constructor that matches the signature given as an argument to this method call.

className - class to instantiate
params - argument values for the constructor call
signature - signature of the constructor as fully qualified class names
instantiated object
ReflectionException (src) - If there was an error while trying to invoke the class's constructor or the given class was not found. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
MBeanException (src) - If the object constructor raised a checked exception during the initialization. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeMBeanException (src) - If the class constructor raised a runtime exception. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeErrorException (src) - If the class constructor raised an error. This exception wraps the actual error thrown.
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - if the className is null. Wraps an IllegalArgumentException instance.
See Also:
DefaultLoaderRepository (src)


public java.lang.Object instantiate(java.lang.String className,
                                    ObjectName (src)  loaderName,
                                    java.lang.Object[] params,
                                    java.lang.String[] signature)
                             throws ReflectionException (src) ,
                                    MBeanException (src) ,
                                    InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Instantiates an object using the given class loader. If the loader name contains a null reference, the class loader of the MBean server implementation will be used. The object must contain a constructor with a matching signature given as a parameter to this call.

className - class to instantiate
loaderName - object name of a registered class loader in the agent.
params - argument values for the constructor call
signature - signature of the constructor as fully qualified class name strings
instantiated object
ReflectionException (src) - If there was an error while trying to invoke the class's constructor or the given class was not found. this exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
MBeanException (src) - If the object constructor raised a checked exception during the initialization. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - if the specified class loader was not registered to the agent.
RuntimeMBeanException (src) - If the class constructor raised a runtime exception. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
RuntimeErrorException (src) - If the class constructor raised an error. This exception wraps the actual error thrown.
RuntimeOperationsException (src) - if the className argument is null. Wraps an IllegalArgumentException instance.


public deserialize(ObjectName (src)  name,
                                             byte[] data)
                                      throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                             OperationsException (src) 
Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization

InstanceNotFoundException (src)
OperationsException (src)


public deserialize(java.lang.String className,
                                             byte[] data)
                                      throws OperationsException (src) ,
                                             ReflectionException (src) 
Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization

OperationsException (src)
ReflectionException (src)


public deserialize(java.lang.String className,
                                             ObjectName (src)  loaderName,
                                             byte[] data)
                                      throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) ,
                                             OperationsException (src) ,
                                             ReflectionException (src) 
Deprecated. use getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName) to obtain the appropriate classloader for deserialization

InstanceNotFoundException (src)
OperationsException (src)
ReflectionException (src)


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName (src)  name)
                                        throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Retrieve the classloader for an mbean

name - the object name of the mbean
the classloader
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - when the mbean is not registered


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName (src)  name)
                                     throws InstanceNotFoundException (src) 
Retrieve the classloader registered as an MBean

name - the object name of the classloader
the classloader
InstanceNotFoundException (src) - when the mbean is not registered


public ClassLoaderRepository (src)  getClassLoaderRepository()
Retrieve the classloader repository for this mbean server

the classloader repository