Interface NotificationEmitter

All Superinterfaces:
NotificationBroadcaster (src)
All Known Subinterfaces:
MBeanInvoker (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMBeanInvoker (src) , EmitterInvocationHandlerTest (src) , JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport (src) , MBeanServerDelegate (src) , NotificationBroadcasterSupport (src) , RequiredModelMBean (src) , ServerImpl (src) , UnifiedLoaderRepository3 (src)

public interface NotificationEmitter
extends NotificationBroadcaster (src)

This interface must be implemented by all MBeans that emit notifications. This interface should be used in preference to NotificationBroadcaster.

See Also:
NotificationBroadcaster (src) , NotificationFilter (src) , NotificationListener (src)

Method Summary
 void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener (src)  listener, NotificationFilter (src)  filter, java.lang.Object handback)
          Removes a listener from the Emitter.
Methods inherited from interface (src)
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Method Detail


public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener (src)  listener,
                                       NotificationFilter (src)  filter,
                                       java.lang.Object handback)
                                throws ListenerNotFoundException (src) 
Removes a listener from the Emitter.

Only the listener, filter, handback triplet is removed

listener - the listener object to remove
filter - the filter registered with the listener
handback - the handback object associated with the registered listener
ListenerNotFoundException (src) - if the listener was not found