Package org.jboss.axis.attachments

Interface Summary
Attachments (src) Access the Attachments of a Message.

Class Summary
AttachmentPartImpl (src) An attachment part.
AttachmentsImpl (src) Implements the Attachment interface, via an actual Hashmap of actual AttachmentParts.
AttachmentSupport (src) Provide access to the attechment support implementation.
AttachmentUtils (src) This class allow access to the Jaf data handler in AttachmentPart.
BoundaryDelimitedStream (src) This class takes the input stream and turns it multiple streams.
DimeBodyPart (src) Holds one attachment DIME part.
DimeDelimitedInputStream (src) This class takes the input stream and turns it multiple streams.
DimeMultiPart (src) This class hold all parts of a DIME multipart message.
DimeTypeNameFormat (src) This class is a single part for DIME mulitpart message.
ImageDataSource (src)  
ManagedMemoryDataSource (src) This class allows small attachments to be cached in memory.
MimeMultipartDataSource (src)  
MimeUtils (src) This class is defines utilities for mime.
MultiPartDimeInputStream (src) This simulates the multipart stream
MultiPartInputStream (src) This simulates the multipart stream
MultiPartRelatedInputStream (src) This simulates the multipart stream
OctetStream (src)  
OctetStreamDataSource (src)  
PlainTextDataSource (src)  
SourceDataSource (src)