Package org.jboss.axis

Interface Summary
AxisServiceConfig (src) If a Java class which acts as the target for an Axis service implements this interface, it may convey metadata about its configuration to the Axis engine.
Chain (src)  
EngineConfiguration (src) EngineConfiguration is an interface that the Message Flow subsystem provides so that engine configuration can be provided in a pluggable way.
EngineConfigurationFactory (src) EngineConfigurationFactory is an interface used to construct concrete EngineConfiguration instances.
Handler (src)  
HandlerIterationStrategy (src) Base interface for doing an action to Handlers with a MessageContext.
Part (src)  
TargetedChain (src)  
WSDDEngineConfiguration (src) Extends EngineConfiguration interface to provide hook to internal WSDD deployment info.

Class Summary
AxisEngine (src) An AxisEngine is the base class for AxisClient and AxisServer.
AxisProperties (src) Configuration properties for AXIS.
AxisServiceConfigImpl (src) A simple implementation of AxisServiceConfig.
Constants (src)  
FaultableHandler (src) A FaultableHandler is essentially a wrapper for any other Handler which provides flexible fault handling semantics.
Message (src) A complete SOAP (and/or XML-RPC, eventually) message.
MessageContext (src) A MessageContext is the Axis implementation of the javax SOAPMessageContext class, and is core to message processing in handlers and other parts of the system.
MessagePart (src) The SOAPPart provides access to the root part of the Message which contains the envelope.
SimpleChain (src) A Simple Chain is a 'composite' Handler in that it aggregates a collection of Handlers and also acts as a Handler which delegates its operations to the collection.
SimpleTargetedChain (src) A SimpleTargetedChain has a request handler, a pivot handler, and a response handler (any of which may themselves be chains).
Version (src) Little utility to get the version and build date of the axis.jar.

Exception Summary
AxisFault (src) An exception which maps cleanly to a SOAP fault.
ConfigurationException (src) ConfigurationException is thrown when an error occurs trying to use an EngineConfiguration.
InternalException (src) Encapsulates exceptions for "should never occur" situations.
NoEndPointException (src)  
NotImplementedException (src)