 * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.ejb.txtimer;

// $Id: TimerImpl.java,v 2004/10/15 13:56:40 patriot1burke Exp $

import org.jboss.ejb.AllowedOperationsAssociation;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException;
import javax.ejb.TimerHandle;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

 * An implementation of an EJB Timer.
 * <p/>
 * Internally it uses a java.util.Timer and maintains its state in
 * a Tx manner.
 * @author Thomas.Diesler@jboss.org
 * @since 07-Apr-2004
public class TimerImpl implements javax.ejb.Timer, Synchronization
   // logging support
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TimerImpl.class);

    * Timer states and their allowed transitions
    * <p/>
    * CREATED  - on create
    * CREATED -> STARTED_IN_TX - when strated with Tx
    * CREATED -> ACTIVE  - when started without Tx
    * STARTED_IN_TX -> ACTIVE - on Tx commit
    * STARTED_IN_TX -> CANCELED - on Tx rollback
    * ACTIVE -> CANCELED_IN_TX - on cancel() with Tx
    * ACTIVE -> CANCELED - on cancel() without Tx
    * CANCELED_IN_TX -> CANCELED - on Tx commit
    * CANCELED_IN_TX -> ACTIVE - on Tx rollback
    * ACTIVE -> IN_TIMEOUT - on TimerTask run
    * IN_TIMEOUT -> ACTIVE - on Tx commit if periode > 0
    * IN_TIMEOUT -> EXPIRED -> on Tx commit if periode == 0
    * IN_TIMEOUT -> RETRY_TIMEOUT -> on Tx rollback
    * RETRY_TIMEOUT -> ACTIVE -> on Tx commit/rollback if periode > 0
    * RETRY_TIMEOUT -> EXPIRED -> on Tx commit/rollback if periode == 0
   private static final int CREATED = 0;
   private static final int STARTED_IN_TX = 1;
   private static final int ACTIVE = 2;
   private static final int CANCELED_IN_TX = 3;
   private static final int CANCELED = 4;
   private static final int EXPIRED = 5;
   private static final int IN_TIMEOUT = 6;
   private static final int RETRY_TIMEOUT = 7;

   private static final String[] TIMER_STATES = {"created", "started_in_tx", "active", "canceled_in_tx",
                                                 "canceled", "expired", "in_timeout", "retry_timeout"};

   // The initial txtimer properties
   private String timerId;
   private TimedObjectId timedObjectId;
   private TimedObjectInvoker timedObjectInvoker;
   private Date firstTime;
   private long periode;
   private Serializable info;

   private long nextExpire;
   private int timerState;
   private Timer utilTimer;
   private int hashCode;

    * Schedules the txtimer for execution at the specified time with a specified periode.
   TimerImpl(String timerId, TimedObjectId timedObjectId, TimedObjectInvoker timedObjectInvoker, Serializable info)
      this.timerId = timerId;
      this.timedObjectId = timedObjectId;
      this.timedObjectInvoker = timedObjectInvoker;
      this.info = info;


   void startTimer(Date firstTime, long periode)
      this.firstTime = firstTime;
      this.periode = periode;

      nextExpire = firstTime.getTime();

      TimerServiceImpl timerService = getTimerService();

   public String getTimerId()
      return timerId;

   public TimedObjectId getTimedObjectId()
      return timedObjectId;

   public Date getFirstTime()
      return firstTime;

   public long getPeriode()
      return periode;

   public long getNextExpire()
      return nextExpire;

   public Serializable getInfoInternal()
      return info;

   public boolean isActive()
      return !isCanceled() && !isExpired();

   public boolean isCanceled()
      return timerState == CANCELED_IN_TX || timerState == CANCELED;

   public boolean isExpired()
      return timerState == EXPIRED;

    * Cause the txtimer and all its associated expiration notifications to be cancelled.
    * @throws IllegalStateException  If this method is invoked while the instance is in
    *                                a state that does not allow access to this method.
    * @throws javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
    *                                If invoked on a txtimer that has expired or has been cancelled.
    * @throws javax.ejb.EJBException If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.
   public void cancel() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchObjectLocalException, EJBException

    * Kill the timer, and remove it from the timer service
   public void killTimer()
      log.debug("killTimer: " + this);
      if (timerState != EXPIRED)
      TimerServiceImpl timerService = getTimerService();

    * Get the number of milliseconds that will elapse before the next scheduled txtimer expiration.
    * @return Number of milliseconds that will elapse before the next scheduled txtimer expiration.
    * @throws IllegalStateException  If this method is invoked while the instance is in
    *                                a state that does not allow access to this method.
    * @throws javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
    *                                If invoked on a txtimer that has expired or has been cancelled.
    * @throws javax.ejb.EJBException If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.
   public long getTimeRemaining() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchObjectLocalException, EJBException
      return nextExpire - System.currentTimeMillis();

    * Get the point in time at which the next txtimer expiration is scheduled to occur.
    * @return Get the point in time at which the next txtimer expiration is scheduled to occur.
    * @throws IllegalStateException  If this method is invoked while the instance is in
    *                                a state that does not allow access to this method.
    * @throws javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
    *                                If invoked on a txtimer that has expired or has been cancelled.
    * @throws javax.ejb.EJBException If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.
   public Date getNextTimeout() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchObjectLocalException, EJBException
      return new Date(nextExpire);

    * Get the information associated with the txtimer at the time of creation.
    * @return The Serializable object that was passed in at txtimer creation, or null if the
    *         info argument passed in at txtimer creation was null.
    * @throws IllegalStateException  If this method is invoked while the instance is in
    *                                a state that does not allow access to this method.
    * @throws javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
    *                                If invoked on a txtimer that has expired or has been cancelled.
    * @throws javax.ejb.EJBException If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.
   public Serializable getInfo() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchObjectLocalException, EJBException
      return info;

    * Get a serializable handle to the txtimer. This handle can be used at a later time to
    * re-obtain the txtimer reference.
    * @return Handle of the Timer
    * @throws IllegalStateException  If this method is invoked while the instance is in
    *                                a state that does not allow access to this method.
    * @throws javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException
    *                                If invoked on a txtimer that has expired or has been cancelled.
    * @throws javax.ejb.EJBException If this method could not complete due to a system-level failure.
   public TimerHandle getHandle() throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchObjectLocalException, EJBException
      return new TimerHandleImpl(this);

    * Return true if objectId, createDate, periode are equal
   public boolean equals(Object obj)
      if (obj == this) return true;
      if (obj instanceof TimerImpl)
         TimerImpl other = (TimerImpl) obj;
         return hashCode() == other.hashCode();
      return false;

    * Hash code based on the Timers invariant properties
   public int hashCode()
      if (hashCode == 0)
         String hash = "[" + timerId + "," + timedObjectId + "," + firstTime + "," + periode + "]";
         hashCode = hash.hashCode();
      return hashCode;

    * Returns a string representation of the object.
   public String toString()
      long remaining = nextExpire - System.currentTimeMillis();
      String retStr = "[id=" + timerId + "target=" + timedObjectId + ",remaining=" + remaining + ",periode=" + periode +
      "," + TIMER_STATES[timerState] + "]";
      return retStr;

    * Register the txtimer with the current transaction
   private void registerTimerWithTx()
      TimerServiceImpl timerService = getTimerService();
      Transaction tx = timerService.getTransaction();
      if (tx != null)
         catch (Exception e)
            log.error("Cannot register txtimer with Tx: " + this);

   private void setTimerState(int state)
      log.debug("setTimerState: " + TIMER_STATES[state]);
      timerState = state;

      // get rid of the expired timer
      if (timerState == EXPIRED)

   private void startInTx()
      TimerServiceImpl timerService = getTimerService();

      utilTimer = new Timer();
      if (periode > 0)
         utilTimer.schedule(new TimerTaskImpl(this), new Date(nextExpire), periode);
         utilTimer.schedule(new TimerTaskImpl(this), new Date(nextExpire));

      if (timerService.getTransaction() != null)

   private void cancelInTx()
      TimerServiceImpl timerService = getTimerService();
      if (timerService.getTransaction() != null)

    * Get the TimerService accociated with this Timer
   private TimerServiceImpl getTimerService()
      EJBTimerService ejbTimerService = EJBTimerServiceLocator.getEjbTimerService();
      ObjectName containerId = timedObjectId.getContainerId();
      Object instancePk = timedObjectId.getInstancePk();
      TimerServiceImpl timerService = (TimerServiceImpl) ejbTimerService.getTimerService(containerId, instancePk);
      if (timerService == null)
         throw new NoSuchObjectLocalException("Cannot find TimerService: " + timedObjectId);

      return timerService;

    * Throws NoSuchObjectLocalException if the txtimer was canceled or has expired
   private void assertTimedOut()
      if (timerState == EXPIRED)
         throw new NoSuchObjectLocalException("Timer has expired");
      if (timerState == CANCELED_IN_TX || timerState == CANCELED)
         throw new NoSuchObjectLocalException("Timer was canceled");

    * Throws an IllegalStateException if the Timer method call is not allowed in the current context
   private void assertAllowedOperation(String timerMethod)
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_BUSINESS_METHOD |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_EJB_TIMEOUT |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_METHOD |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_AFTER_BEGIN |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_BEFORE_COMPLETION |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_EJB_POST_CREATE |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_EJB_REMOVE |
      AllowedOperationsAssociation.IN_EJB_LOAD |

   // Synchronization **************************************************************************************************

    * This method is invoked before the start of the commit or rollback
    * process. The method invocation is done in the context of the
    * transaction that is about to be committed or rolled back.
   public void beforeCompletion()

    * This method is invoked after the transaction has committed or
    * rolled back.
    * @param status The status of the completed transaction.
   public void afterCompletion(int status)
      if (status == Status.STATUS_COMMITTED)
         log.debug("commit: " + this);

         if (timerState == STARTED_IN_TX)
         else if (timerState == CANCELED_IN_TX)
         else if (timerState == IN_TIMEOUT || timerState == RETRY_TIMEOUT)
            setTimerState(periode == 0 ? EXPIRED : ACTIVE);

      if (status == Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK)
         log.debug("rollback: " + this);

         if (timerState == STARTED_IN_TX)
         else if (timerState == CANCELED_IN_TX)
         else if (timerState == IN_TIMEOUT)
            log.debug("retry: " + this);
            EJBTimerService ejbTimerService = EJBTimerServiceLocator.getEjbTimerService();
            ObjectName containerId = timedObjectId.getContainerId();
            Object instancePk = timedObjectId.getInstancePk();
            ejbTimerService.retryTimeout(containerId, instancePk, this);
         else if (timerState == IN_TIMEOUT || timerState == RETRY_TIMEOUT)
            setTimerState(periode == 0 ? EXPIRED : ACTIVE);
   // TimerTask ********************************************************************************************************

    * The TimerTask's run method is invoked by the java.util.Timer
   private class TimerTaskImpl extends TimerTask
      private TimerImpl timer;

      public TimerTaskImpl(TimerImpl timer)
         this.timer = timer;

       * The action to be performed by this txtimer task.
      public void run()
         log.debug("run: " + timer);

         if (isActive() && periode > 0)
            nextExpire += periode;

         if (isActive())
            catch (Exception e)
               log.error("Error invoking ejbTimeout", e);
               if (timerState == IN_TIMEOUT)
                  log.warn("Timer was not registered with Tx, reseting state: " + timer);
                  setTimerState(periode == 0 ? EXPIRED : ACTIVE);