Interface Invoker

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HttpInvokerProxy (src) , HttpInvokerProxyHA (src) , JRMPInvoker (src) , JRMPInvokerProxy (src) , LocalInvoker (src) , PooledInvokerProxy (src)

public interface Invoker
extends java.rmi.Remote

This invoker carries Invocation in the JMX target node.

The interface in the current JBoss can be implemented with Remote/local switches or with clustered invokers, this interface just masks the network details and the topology of the JMX nodes for the client proxies.

Field Summary
static GUID (src) ID
          A globaly unique identifier use to determine if an instance is local to the invoker.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getServerHostName()
          A free form String identifier for this delegate invoker, can be clustered or target node This should evolve in a more advanced meta-inf object
 java.lang.Object invoke(Invocation (src)  invocation)
          The invoke with an Invocation Object.

Field Detail


public static final GUID (src)  ID
A globaly unique identifier use to determine if an instance is local to the invoker.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getServerHostName()
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
A free form String identifier for this delegate invoker, can be clustered or target node This should evolve in a more advanced meta-inf object



public java.lang.Object invoke(Invocation (src)  invocation)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
The invoke with an Invocation Object.

the delegate can handle network protocols on behalf of proxies (proxies delegate to these puppies). We provide default implemenations with JRMP/Local/Clustered invokers. The delegates are not tied to a type of invocation (EJB or generic RMI).

invocation - A pointer to the invocation object
Return value of method invocation.
java.lang.Exception - Failed to invoke method.