
Utilities for the Java Management Extentions API.


Interface Summary
MBeanProxyInstance (src) An interface which exposes the attributes of a MBeanProxyExt (src) instance.
MonitorCallback (src)  
ProxyContext (src)  
ProxyExceptionHandler (src)  

Class Summary
AgentID (src) Utility class for creating JMX agent identifiers.
DefaultExceptionHandler (src) Default exception handler for MBean proxy.
DynamicMBeanSupport (src) A noop stub implementation of DynamicMBean
InstanceOfQueryExp (src) MBean QueryExp to find all classes of a particular instance
JBossNotificationBroadcasterSupport (src) A helper class for notification broadcasters/emitters
JMXExceptionDecoder (src) A simple helper to rethrow and/or decode those pesky JMX exceptions.
JMXInvocationHandler (src) Invocation handler for MBean proxies.
MBeanInstaller (src) MBean installer utility
MBeanProxy (src)  
MBeanProxyExt (src) A factory for producing MBean proxies.
MBeanServerLocator (src) A helper class to locate an MBeanServer.
MBeanTyper (src) MBeanTyper is a helper class that creates a typed-object from an MBean ObjectName and a main interface class that the MBean implements.
MetaDataUtil (src) Utilities for handling meta data Based on Strings from common (should jbossmx use common?)
MonitorRunnable (src)  
ObjectNameConverter (src) Converts forbidden characters in the key and value of an object name to valid characters and back.
ObjectNameFactory (src) A simple factory for creating safe object names.
ObjectNameMatch (src) JMX ObjectName comparision utility methods
ObjectNamePatternHelper (src) ObjectName pattern matching Helper.
ObjectNamePatternHelper.PropertyPattern (src) Encapsulation of property information
ObservedObject (src) An observed object
PropertyAccess (src) System property access utilties that encapsulate the AccessController.doPrivileged calls required when running with a security manager.
QueryExpSupport (src) A helper for query expressions
RunnableScheduler (src) A runnable scheduler.
SchedulableRunnable (src) A schedulable runnable.
Serialization (src) Serialization Helper.
SerializationHelper (src) SerializationHelper
ThreadPool (src) A simple thread pool.

Exception Summary
JBossNotCompliantMBeanException (src) Created: Tues Feb 18 22:45:03 2003
MBeanProxyCreationException (src)  
RuntimeProxyException (src)  

Package Description

Utilities for the Java Management Extentions API.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

Package Status
