Class Test2

  extended bytest.compliance.server.support.Test2
All Implemented Interfaces:
MBeanRegistration (src) , Test2MBean (src)

public class Test2
extends java.lang.Object
implements Test2MBean (src) , MBeanRegistration (src)

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void postDeregister()
          This method is called by the MBeanServer after deregistration takes place.
 void postRegister(java.lang.Boolean b)
          This method is called by the MBeanServer after registration takes place or when registration fails.
 void preDeregister()
          This method is called by the MBeanServer before deregistration takes place.
 ObjectName (src) preRegister(MBeanServer (src)  server, ObjectName (src)  name)
          This method is called by the MBeanServer before registration takes place.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Test2()
Method Detail


public ObjectName (src)  preRegister(MBeanServer (src)  server,
                              ObjectName (src)  name)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration (src)
This method is called by the MBeanServer before registration takes place. The MBean is passed a reference of the MBeanServer it is about to be registered with. The MBean must return the ObjectName it will be registered with. The MBeanServer can pass a suggested object depending upon how the MBean is registered.

The MBean can stop the registration by throwing an exception.The exception is forwarded to the invoker wrapped in an MBeanRegistrationException.

Specified by:
preRegister in interface MBeanRegistration (src)
the actual ObjectName to register this MBean with.
java.lang.Exception - for any error, the MBean is not registered.


public void postRegister(java.lang.Boolean b)
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration (src)
This method is called by the MBeanServer after registration takes place or when registration fails.

Specified by:
postRegister in interface MBeanRegistration (src)
b - the MBeanServer passes true when the MBean was registered, false otherwise.


public void preDeregister()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration (src)
This method is called by the MBeanServer before deregistration takes place.

The MBean can throw an exception, this will stop the deregistration. The exception is forwarded to the invoker wrapped in an MBeanRegistrationException.

Specified by:
preDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration (src)


public void postDeregister()
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration (src)
This method is called by the MBeanServer after deregistration takes place.

Specified by:
postDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration (src)