Interface | Description |
FieldFilter |
Contract for deciding whether fields should be read and/or write intercepted.
FieldHandled |
Interface introduced to the enhanced class in order to be able to
inject a
FieldHandler to define the interception behavior. |
FieldHandler |
The interface defining how interception of a field should be handled.
Class | Description |
AccessOptimizerAdapter |
ReflectionOptimizer.AccessOptimizer implementation for Javassist
which simply acts as an adapter to the BulkAccessor class. |
BulkAccessor |
A JavaBean accessor.
BytecodeProviderImpl |
Bytecode provider implementation for Javassist.
FastClass | |
FieldTransformer |
The thing that handles actual class enhancement in regards to
intercepting field accesses.
InstantiationOptimizerAdapter |
ReflectionOptimizer.InstantiationOptimizer implementation for Javassist
which simply acts as an adapter to the FastClass class. |
JavassistClassTransformer |
Enhance the classes allowing them to implements InterceptFieldEnabled
This interface is then used by Hibernate for some optimizations.
ProxyFactoryFactoryImpl |
A factory for Javassist-based
ProxyFactory instances. |
ReflectionOptimizerImpl |
ReflectionOptimizer implementation for Javassist.
TransformingClassLoader |
Exception | Description |
BulkAccessorException |
An exception thrown while generating a bulk accessor.
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