Uses of Class

Packages that use ParsingException
org.jboss.dna.cnd Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. 
org.jboss.dna.common.text A set of utilities for working with text. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.parse This package defines the QueryParser interface, which defines a component that can parse a query represented in a specific language and produce the corresponding abstract query model representation. 

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.cnd

Methods in org.jboss.dna.cnd that throw ParsingException
 void CndTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.common.text

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.text that throw ParsingException
 String TokenStream.consume()
          Return the value of this token and move to the next token.
 void TokenStream.consume(char expected)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(int expectedType)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(Iterable<String> nextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String expected)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected value, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String[] nextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String expected, String... expectedForNextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 boolean TokenStream.consumeBoolean()
          Convert the value of this token to an integer, return it, and move to the next token.
 int TokenStream.consumeInteger()
          Convert the value of this token to an integer, return it, and move to the next token.
 long TokenStream.consumeLong()
          Convert the value of this token to a long, return it, and move to the next token.
 TokenStream TokenStream.start()
          Begin the token stream, including (if required) the tokenization of the input content.
 void TokenStream.Tokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.
 void TokenStream.BasicTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.parse

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.parse that throw ParsingException
 void SqlQueryParser.SqlTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.jcr.xpath

Methods in org.jboss.dna.jcr.xpath that throw ParsingException
 QueryCommand XPathQueryParser.parseQuery(String query, TypeSystem typeSystem)
          Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.
 void XPathParser.XPathTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl

Subclasses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl
 class DdlParserProblem

Methods in org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl that throw ParsingException
 AstNode StandardDdlParser.handleUnknownToken(DdlTokenStream tokens, String tokenValue)
          Utility method subclasses can override to check unknown tokens and perform additional node manipulation.
 boolean StandardDdlParser.parse(DdlTokenStream tokens, AstNode rootNode)
          Parses DDL content from the DdlTokenStream provided.
 boolean DdlParser.parse(DdlTokenStream tokens, AstNode rootNode)
          Parses a ddl string and adds discovered child AstNodes and properties.
 AstNode DdlParsers.parse(String ddl)
          Parses input ddl string and adds discovered child AstNodes and properties to a new root node.
 boolean StandardDdlParser.parse(String ddl, AstNode rootNode)
          Parses a DDL string and adds discovered child AstNodes and properties.
 boolean DdlParsers.parse(String ddl, AstNode rootNode)
          Parses input ddl string and adds discovered child AstNodes and properties.
 boolean DdlParser.parse(String ddl, AstNode rootNode)
          Parses a ddl string and adds discovered child AstNodes and properties.
 void DdlTokenStream.DdlTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate TokenStream.Token objects.

Uses of ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl.datatype

Methods in org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl.datatype that throw ParsingException
 boolean DataTypeParser.isDatatype(DdlTokenStream tokens)
          Method determines if the next set of tokens matches one of the registered data type token sets.
 DataType DataTypeParser.parse(DdlTokenStream tokens)
          Method which performs the actual parsing of the data type name and applicable values (i.e.

Uses of ParsingException in

Methods in that throw ParsingException
 AstNode OracleDdlParser.handleUnknownToken(DdlTokenStream tokens, String tokenValue)
          Utility method subclasses can override to check unknown tokens and perform additional node manipulation.

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