Interface Graph.BlockOfChildren<Next>

Type Parameters:
Next -
Enclosing class:

public static interface Graph.BlockOfChildren<Next>

A component used to specify a block of children starting either at a particular index or after a previous sibling.

Method Summary
 Next startingAfter(Location previousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next startingAfter(Path previousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next startingAfter(Property idPropertyOfPreviousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next startingAfter(Property firstIdPropertyOfPreviousSibling, Property... additionalIdPropertiesOfPreviousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next startingAfter(String pathToPreviousSiblingName)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next startingAfter(UUID previousSiblingUuid)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Graph.Under<Next> startingAt(int startingIndex)
          Specify the block of children is to start at the supplied index.

Method Detail


Graph.Under<Next> startingAt(int startingIndex)
Specify the block of children is to start at the supplied index.

startingIndex - the zero-based index of the first child to be returned in the block
interface used to specify the parent of the children; never null


Next startingAfter(Location previousSibling)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

previousSibling - the location of the sibling node that is before the first node in the block
the children; never null


Next startingAfter(String pathToPreviousSiblingName)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

pathToPreviousSiblingName - the path of the sibling node that is before the first node in the block
the children; never null


Next startingAfter(Path previousSibling)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

previousSibling - the path of the sibling node that is before the first node in the block
the children; never null


Next startingAfter(UUID previousSiblingUuid)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

previousSiblingUuid - the UUID of the sibling node that is before the first node in the block
the children; never null


Next startingAfter(Property idPropertyOfPreviousSibling)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

idPropertyOfPreviousSibling - the property that uniquely identifies the previous sibling
the children; never null


Next startingAfter(Property firstIdPropertyOfPreviousSibling,
                   Property... additionalIdPropertiesOfPreviousSibling)
Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node. This method is typically used when a previous block of children has already been retrieved and this request is retrieving the next block.

firstIdPropertyOfPreviousSibling - the first property that, with the additionalIdProperties, uniquely identifies the previous sibling
additionalIdPropertiesOfPreviousSibling - the additional properties that, with the additionalIdProperties, uniquely identifies the previous sibling
the children; never null

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