Package org.jboss.dna.graph

The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph.


Interface Summary
Graph.AddValue<Next> The interface for defining the node on which an Graph.addValue(Object) operation applies and what additional values (if any) should be added.
Graph.And<Next> A interface that is used to add more locations that are to be copied/moved.
Graph.AsChild<Next> A component that defines a new child name for a node.
Graph.AsName<Next> A component that defines a new name for a node.
Graph.At<Next> The interface for defining the node upon which which a request operates.
Graph.BaseResults<NodeType extends Node> A set of nodes returned from a graph, with methods to access the properties and children of the nodes in the result.
Graph.Before<Next> A component that defines the location before which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.BlockOfChildren<Next> A component used to specify a block of children starting either at a particular index or after a previous sibling.
Graph.BuildQuery The interface used to complete a query submission.
Graph.Children<Next> A component used to supply the details for getting children of another node.
Graph.Clone<Next> The interface for defining a branch of nodes to be cloned and the location where the clone is to be placed.
Graph.Conjunction<Next> A interface that can be used to finish the current request and start another.
Graph.Copy<Next> The interface for defining additional nodes to be copied and the locations where the copy is to be placed.
Graph.Create<Next> The interface for defining additional properties on a new node.
Graph.CreateAt<Next> The interface for defining additional properties on a new node.
Graph.CreateNode<Next> A component that defines a node that is to be created.
Graph.CreateNodeNamed<Next> A component that defines a node that is to be created.
Graph.CreateWorkspace The interface used to create a new workspace.
Graph.Executable<NodeType extends Node> A interface used to execute the accumulated requests.
Graph.FromName<Next> A component that defines the name of a property from which a value should be removed.
Graph.FromWorkspace<Next> The interface for specifying that a node should come from a workspace other than the current workspace.
Graph.ImportInto<Next> A component that defines the location into which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.Into<Next> A component that defines the location into which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.LockScope<Next> Interface for specifying whether a lock should be deep in scope
Graph.LockTimeout<Next> Interface for specifying whether the maximum length of the lock
Graph.Move<Next> The interface for defining additional nodes to be moved and the parent into which the node(s) are to be moved.
Graph.NameWorkspace The interface used to specify the name of a new workspace.
Graph.Of<Next> The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates.
Graph.On<Next> The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates.
Graph.OnMultiple<Next> The interface for defining the node upon which a request operates, including a method that accepts multiple locations.
Graph.RemoveValue<Next> The interface for defining the node on which an Graph.removeValue(Object) operation applies and what additional values (if any) should be removed.
Graph.SetValues<Next> A component used to set the values on a property.
Graph.SetValuesTo<Next> A component used to set the values on a property.
Graph.To<Next> A component that defines the location to which a node should be copied or moved.
Graph.ToName<Next> A component that defines the name of a property to which a value should be added.
Graph.Under<Next> The interface for defining the node under which which a request operates.
Graph.WithUuids<Next> The interface for specifying how UUID conflicts should be handled.
Node A node in a graph, with methods to access the properties and children.
Results A set of nodes returned from a graph, with methods to access the properties and children of the nodes in the result.
SecurityContext A security context provides a pluggable means to support disparate authentication and authorization mechanisms that specify the user name and roles.
Subgraph A subgraph returned by the Graph, containing the nodes in the subgraph as well as the properties and children for each of those nodes.
SubgraphNode An extended Node that includes the ability to get nodes in the subgraph relative to this node.
Workspace The information about a workspace.

Class Summary
DnaIntLexicon A lexicon of internal and implementation-specific information
DnaLexicon A lexicon of names used within JBoss DNA.
ExecutionContext An ExecutionContext is a representation of the environment or context in which a component or operation is operating.
Graph A graph representation of the content within a RepositorySource, including mechanisms to interact and manipulate that content.
GraphI18n The internationalized string constants for the org.jboss.dna.graph* packages.
JaasSecurityContext JAAS-based security context that provides authentication and authorization through the JAAS login context.
JaasSecurityContext.UserPasswordCallbackHandler A simple callback handler implementation that attempts to provide a user ID and password to any callbacks that it handles.
JcrLexicon A lexicon of names with the JCR namespace.
JcrMixLexicon A lexicon of names with the JCR "mix" namespace.
JcrNtLexicon A lexicon of names with the JCR "nt" namespace.
Location The location of a node, as specified by either its path, UUID, and/or identification properties.

Enum Summary
NodeConflictBehavior An enumeration used by several commands for the choice of handling duplicate nodes, such as when a node is to be copied to another location where a node already exists.

Package org.jboss.dna.graph Description

The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph.

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