Interface Graph.Executable<NodeType extends Node>

Type Parameters:
NodeType - the type of node that is returned
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public static interface Graph.Executable<NodeType extends Node>

A interface used to execute the accumulated requests.

Method Summary
 Results execute()
          Stop accumulating the requests, submit them to the repository source, and return the results.

Method Detail


Results execute()
Stop accumulating the requests, submit them to the repository source, and return the results.

the results containing the requested information from the repository.
PathNotFoundException - if a request used a node that did not exist
InvalidRequestException - if a request was not valid
InvalidWorkspaceException - if the workspace used in a request was not valid
UnsupportedRequestException - if a request was not supported by the source
RepositorySourceException - if an error occurs during execution
RuntimeException - if a runtime error occurs during execution

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