Uses of Interface

Packages that use Graph.LockScope
org.jboss.dna.graph The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 

Uses of Graph.LockScope in org.jboss.dna.graph

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph that return Graph.LockScope
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Location at)
          Request to lock the node at the given location.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Location at)
          Request to lock the node at the given location.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Node at)
          Request to lock the specified node.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Node at)
          Request to lock the specified node.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Path at)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Path at)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Property idProperty)
          Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Property idProperty)
          Request to lock the node with the given unique identification property.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to lock the node with the given identification properties.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(String atPath)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(String atPath)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(UUID at)
          Request to lock the node with the given UUID.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(UUID at)
          Request to lock the node with the given UUID.

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