Uses of Class

Packages that use DynamicOperand
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model The Abstract Query Model is a vocabulary that can be used to construct a language-neutral representation of a query. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan This package defines the Planner interface, the CanonicalPlanner implementation, and the PlanNode class that is used to represent a canonical query plan. 

Uses of DynamicOperand in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model

Subclasses of DynamicOperand in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model
 class ArithmeticOperand
          A dynamic operand that represents a (binary) arithmetic operation upon one or more other operands, used in Comparison and Ordering components.
 class FullTextSearchScore
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the full-text search score of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint and Orderings.
 class Length
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the length of the supplied propety values, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class LowerCase
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the lower-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodeDepth
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodeLocalName
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the local name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodeName
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the qualified name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodePath
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class PropertyValue
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class UpperCase
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the upper-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model that return DynamicOperand
 DynamicOperand ArithmeticOperand.getLeft()
          Get the left-hand operand.
 DynamicOperand SetCriteria.getLeftOperand()
          Get the dynamic operand to which the set constraint applies
 DynamicOperand UpperCase.getOperand()
          Get the operand that is being uppercased.
 DynamicOperand Ordering.getOperand()
          Get the operand being ordered.
 DynamicOperand LowerCase.getOperand()
          Get the dynamic operand that is to be lower-cased.
 DynamicOperand Between.getOperand()
          Get the dynamic operand specification.
 DynamicOperand Comparison.getOperand1()
          Get the dynamic operand of this comparison.
 DynamicOperand ArithmeticOperand.getRight()
          Get the right-hand operand.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model with parameters of type DynamicOperand
ArithmeticOperand(DynamicOperand left, ArithmeticOperator operator, DynamicOperand right)
          Create a arithmetic dynamic operand that operates upon the supplied operand(s).
Between(DynamicOperand operand, StaticOperand lowerBound, StaticOperand upperBound)
          Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds (inclusive).
Between(DynamicOperand operand, StaticOperand lowerBound, StaticOperand upperBound, boolean includeLowerBound, boolean includeUpperBound)
          Create a constraint that the values of the supplied dynamic operand are between the lower and upper bounds, specifying whether the boundary values are to be included in the range.
Comparison(DynamicOperand operand1, Operator operator, StaticOperand operand2)
LowerCase(DynamicOperand operand)
          Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the lower-case representation of the supplied operand.
Ordering(DynamicOperand operand, Order order)
          Create a new ordering specification, given the supplied operand and order.
SetCriteria(DynamicOperand left, Collection<StaticOperand> setOperands)
SetCriteria(DynamicOperand left, StaticOperand... setOperands)
UpperCase(DynamicOperand operand)
          Create a dynamic operand that evaluates to the upper-case representation of the supplied operand.

Uses of DynamicOperand in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan that return DynamicOperand
static DynamicOperand PlanUtil.replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext context, DynamicOperand operand, Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> rewrittenSelectors)
static DynamicOperand PlanUtil.replaceViewReferences(QueryContext context, DynamicOperand operand, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping mapping, PlanNode node)

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan with parameters of type DynamicOperand
static DynamicOperand PlanUtil.replaceReferencesToRemovedSource(QueryContext context, DynamicOperand operand, Map<SelectorName,SelectorName> rewrittenSelectors)
static DynamicOperand PlanUtil.replaceViewReferences(QueryContext context, DynamicOperand operand, PlanUtil.ColumnMapping mapping, PlanNode node)

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