Interface QueryParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
SqlQueryParser, XPathQueryParser

public interface QueryParser

The basic interface defining a component that is able to parse a string query into a QueryCommand.

Method Summary
 String getLanguage()
          Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.
 QueryCommand parseQuery(String query, TypeSystem typeSystem)
          Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.

Method Detail


String getLanguage()
Get the name of the language that this parser is able to understand.

the language name; never null


QueryCommand parseQuery(String query,
                        TypeSystem typeSystem)
                        throws InvalidQueryException
Parse the supplied query from a string representation into a QueryCommand.

query - the query in string form; may not be null
typeSystem - the type system used by the query; may not be null
the query command
ParsingException - if there is an error parsing the supplied query
InvalidQueryException - if the supplied query can be parsed but is invalid

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