Interface LuceneConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
LuceneConfigurations.FileSystemDirectoryFromNameFactory, LuceneConfigurations.RamDirectoryFactory

public interface LuceneConfiguration

Interface used to obtain the Lucene Directory instance that should be used for a workspace given the name of the workspace. There are several implementations (see LuceneConfigurations), but custom implementations can always be used.

Method Summary
 boolean destroyDirectory(String workspaceName, String indexName)
          Destroy the Directory that is used for the workspace with the supplied name. getDirectory(String workspaceName, String indexName)
          Get the Directory that should be used for the workspace with the supplied name.

Method Detail

getDirectory getDirectory(String workspaceName,
                                               String indexName)
                                               throws SearchEngineException
Get the Directory that should be used for the workspace with the supplied name.

workspaceName - the workspace name
indexName - the name of the index to be created
the directory; never null
IllegalArgumentException - if the workspace name is null
SearchEngineException - if there is a problem creating the directory


boolean destroyDirectory(String workspaceName,
                         String indexName)
                         throws SearchEngineException
Destroy the Directory that is used for the workspace with the supplied name.

workspaceName - the workspace name
indexName - the name of the index to be created
true if the directory existed and was destroyed, or false if the directory didn't exist
IllegalArgumentException - if the workspace name is null
SearchEngineException - if there is a problem creating the directory

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