Interface CompositeElement

All Superinterfaces:
ObservableElement, ProcessElement,
All Known Subinterfaces:
Node, ProcessDefinition
All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeElementImpl, NodeImpl, ProcessDefinitionImpl, ProcessModificationsImpl.AddedNode

public interface CompositeElement
extends ObservableElement

node container base class for ProcessDefinition and Node.

Tom Baeyens

Method Summary
 Node findNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          searches for the given node in this node, including this node and all child nodes recursively.
 Node getNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          the first composite node with the given name or null of no such node exists.
 java.util.List<Node> getNodes()
          the list of composite nodes.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Node> getNodesMap()
          the composite nodes, keyed by node name.
 boolean hasNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
          indicates if a node with the given name exists in this processDefinition.
 boolean hasNodes()
          indicates if this processDefinition has nodes.
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.pvm.ObservableElement
getDescription, getEvent, getEvents, getName, getParent, hasEvent
Methods inherited from interface org.jbpm.pvm.ProcessElement
getDbid, getExceptionHandlers, getProcessDefinition, getProperty, getPropertyKeys

Method Detail


boolean hasNodes()
indicates if this processDefinition has nodes.


java.util.List<Node> getNodes()
the list of composite nodes. Beware: the actual member is returned. No copy is made.


boolean hasNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
indicates if a node with the given name exists in this processDefinition.


Node getNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
the first composite node with the given name or null of no such node exists.


Node findNode(java.lang.String nodeName)
searches for the given node in this node, including this node and all child nodes recursively. The search is done depth-first. A null value for nodeName matches a node without a name.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Node> getNodesMap()
the composite nodes, keyed by node name. If a node with the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first in the list is included in the map. Nodes with a null value for their name are not included in the map. Beware: the actual member is returned. No copy is made. In fact, the returned map is maintained as a cache. So updates to the map will influence subsequent retrievals of nodes by name.