Interface VariableScope

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VariableScope

a scope of variables associated to an execution.

Users should use the convenience methods on execution

This interface is created so that process languages can embed their variable scopes in other objects. E.g. by default, the ExecutionImpl class manages a list of VariableScope's. But the execution subclass for individual process languages can overwrite the usage of that member and get the variable scopes from some other member.

Tom Baeyens

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String key)
          retrieve an object from this scope
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getAll()
          retrieves all entries in this variable scope
 boolean has(java.lang.String key)
          check for presence of a key in this scope
 boolean isEmpty()
          checks if this scope is empty
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keys()
          all the keys that are present in this scope
 boolean remove(java.lang.String key)
          remove the entry for the given key from this scope
 void set(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object value)
          set an object in this scope

Method Detail


java.lang.Object get(java.lang.String key)
retrieve an object from this scope


void set(java.lang.String key,
         java.lang.Object value)
set an object in this scope


boolean has(java.lang.String key)
check for presence of a key in this scope


boolean remove(java.lang.String key)
remove the entry for the given key from this scope


boolean isEmpty()
checks if this scope is empty


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keys()
all the keys that are present in this scope


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getAll()
retrieves all entries in this variable scope