Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
org.drools.definition.process The classes that make up a Process definition. 
org.drools.runtime.process The process runtime classes. 

Uses of Node in org.drools.definition.process

Methods in org.drools.definition.process that return Node
 Node Connection.getFrom()
          The Node the connection starts from.
 Node NodeContainer.getNode(long id)
          The node in this NodeContainer with the given id.
 Node[] NodeContainer.getNodes()
          The Nodes of this NodeContainer.
 Node Connection.getTo()
          The Node the connection goes to.

Uses of Node in org.drools.runtime.process

Methods in org.drools.runtime.process that return Node
 Node NodeInstance.getNode()
          Return the node this node instance refers to.

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.bpmn2.xml

Methods in org.jbpm.bpmn2.xml with parameters of type Node
static String XmlBPMNProcessDumper.getUniqueNodeId(Node node)
protected  void XmlBPMNProcessDumper.visitErrors(Node[] nodes, StringBuilder xmlDump, List<String> errors)
protected  void XmlBPMNProcessDumper.visitEscalations(Node[] nodes, StringBuilder xmlDump, List<String> escalations)
protected  void XmlBPMNProcessDumper.visitInterfaces(Node[] nodes, StringBuilder xmlDump)
 void XmlBPMNProcessDumper.visitNode(Node node, StringBuilder xmlDump, int metaDataType)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.compiler.xml

Methods in org.jbpm.compiler.xml with parameters of type Node
 void XmlWorkflowProcessDumper.visitNode(Node node, StringBuilder xmlDump, boolean includeMeta)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.process.builder

Methods in org.jbpm.process.builder with parameters of type Node
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 void process, org.drools.lang.descr.ProcessDescr processDescr, ProcessBuildContext context, Node node)
 ProcessNodeBuilder ProcessNodeBuilderRegistry.getNodeBuilder(Node node)

Method parameters in org.jbpm.process.builder with type arguments of type Node
 ProcessNodeBuilder ProcessNodeBuilderRegistry.getNodeBuilder(Class<? extends Node> cls)
 void ProcessNodeBuilderRegistry.register(Class<? extends Node> cls, ProcessNodeBuilder builder)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.core

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.core
 interface Node
          Represents a node in a RuleFlow.

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core that return Node
 Node NodeContainer.internalGetNode(long id)

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core with parameters of type Node
 void NodeContainer.addNode(Node node)
          Method for adding a node to this node container.
 void NodeContainer.removeNode(Node node)
          Method for removing a node from this node container

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl

Classes in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl that implement Node
 class ExtendedNodeImpl
 class NodeImpl
          Default implementation of a node.

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl that return Node
 Node ConnectionImpl.getFrom()
 Node WorkflowProcessImpl.getNode(long id)
 Node NodeContainerImpl.getNode(long id)
 Node[] WorkflowProcessImpl.getNodes()
 Node[] NodeContainerImpl.getNodes()
 Node ConnectionImpl.getTo()
 Node WorkflowProcessImpl.internalGetNode(long id)
 Node NodeContainerImpl.internalGetNode(long id)

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl with parameters of type Node
 void WorkflowProcessImpl.addNode(Node node)
 void NodeContainerImpl.addNode(Node node)
 void WorkflowProcessImpl.removeNode(Node node)
 void NodeContainerImpl.removeNode(Node node)
 void ConnectionImpl.setFrom(Node from)
 void ConnectionImpl.setTo(Node to)
protected  void NodeContainerImpl.validateAddNode(Node node)
protected  void NodeContainerImpl.validateRemoveNode(Node node)

Constructors in org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl with parameters of type Node
ConnectionImpl(Node from, String fromType, Node to, String toType)
          Creates a new connection, given a from node, a to node and a type.

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node

Classes in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node that implement Node
 class ActionNode
          Default implementation of an action node.
 class CatchLinkNode
 class CompositeContextNode
 class CompositeNode
 class CompositeNode.CompositeNodeEnd
 class CompositeNode.CompositeNodeStart
 class DynamicNode
 class EndNode
          Default implementation of an end node.
 class EventNode
 class FaultNode
          Default implementation of a fault node.
 class ForEachNode
          A for each node.
 class ForEachNode.ForEachJoinNode
 class ForEachNode.ForEachSplitNode
 class HumanTaskNode
 class Join
          Default implementation of a join.
 class MilestoneNode
          Default implementation of a milestone node.
 class RuleSetNode
          Default implementation of a RuleSet node.
 class Split
          Default implementation of a split node.
 class StartNode
          Default implementation of a start node.
 class StateBasedNode
 class StateNode
 class SubProcessNode
          Default implementation of a sub-flow node.
 class ThrowLinkNode
 class TimerNode
 class WorkItemNode
          Default implementation of a task node.

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node that return Node
 Node CompositeNode.CompositeNodeStart.getInNode()
 Node CompositeNode.NodeAndType.getNode()
 Node ForEachNode.getNode(long id)
 Node CompositeNode.getNode(long id)
 Node[] ForEachNode.getNodes()
 Node[] CompositeNode.getNodes()
 Node CompositeNode.CompositeNodeEnd.getOutNode()
 Node ForEachNode.internalGetNode(long id)
 Node DynamicNode.internalGetNode(long id)
 Node CompositeNode.internalGetNode(long id)
 Node[] ForEachNode.internalGetNodes()
 Node[] CompositeNode.internalGetNodes()

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node with parameters of type Node
 void ForEachNode.addNode(Node node)
 void CompositeNode.addNode(Node node)
protected  void ForEachNode.internalAddNode(Node node)
protected  void CompositeNode.internalAddNode(Node node)
protected  void ForEachNode.internalRemoveNode(Node node)
protected  void CompositeNode.internalRemoveNode(Node node)
 void ForEachNode.removeNode(Node node)
 void CompositeNode.removeNode(Node node)

Constructors in org.jbpm.workflow.core.node with parameters of type Node
CompositeNode.CompositeNodeEnd(Node outNode, String outType)
CompositeNode.CompositeNodeStart(Node outNode, String outType)
CompositeNode.NodeAndType(Node node, String type)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.instance

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance that return Node
 Node NodeInstance.getNode()

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance with parameters of type Node
 NodeInstance NodeInstanceContainer.getNodeInstance(Node node)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl that return Node
 Node NodeInstanceImpl.getNode()

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl with parameters of type Node
 NodeInstance WorkflowProcessInstanceImpl.getNodeInstance(Node node)
 NodeInstance NodeInstanceFactory.getNodeInstance(Node node, WorkflowProcessInstance processInstance, NodeInstanceContainer nodeInstanceContainer)
 NodeInstanceFactory NodeInstanceFactoryRegistry.getProcessNodeInstanceFactory(Node node)

Method parameters in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl with type arguments of type Node
 void NodeInstanceFactoryRegistry.register(Class<? extends Node> cls, NodeInstanceFactory factory)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.factory

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.impl.factory with parameters of type Node
 NodeInstance ReuseNodeFactory.getNodeInstance(Node node, WorkflowProcessInstance processInstance, NodeInstanceContainer nodeInstanceContainer)
 NodeInstance CreateNewNodeFactory.getNodeInstance(Node node, WorkflowProcessInstance processInstance, NodeInstanceContainer nodeInstanceContainer)

Uses of Node in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node

Methods in org.jbpm.workflow.instance.node with parameters of type Node
 NodeInstance ForEachNodeInstance.getNodeInstance(Node node)
 NodeInstance CompositeNodeInstance.getNodeInstance(Node node)

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