JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 16. Business Activity Monitoring

16.1. Overview
16.2. Business Dashboards
16.3. Process Dashboard

Imagine you are developing a BPM solution which mixes process with business data. Imagine also you need some forms to be used within processes in order to let the users enter data. Moreover, you'll likely want to have some kind of dashboards to display metrics and key performance indicators in order to quickly assess how your processes are doing. So far so good.

jBPM brings you all the ingredients you need to develop end-to-end business process solutions. The jBPM's BAM module (also known as Dashboard Builder or just Dashbuilder) allows for composing custom business dashboards mixing data coming from heterogeneous sources of information. The module is now fully integrated into KIE workbench. A new specific section for dealing with dashboards has been added and it can be accessed either from the home page or from the menu bar, as shown in the next figure.

In the figure, Within the highlighted sections, there exists two options:

  • Business Dashboards: This option is intended to give users access to the generic dashboard tooling either to compose new dashboards or just to consume existing ones.

  • Process & Task Dashboard: It opens up the Process Dashboard perspective which contains several performance indicators related to the jBPM execution engine.

BPM solutions are not only made up with processes, rules or forms but also with data belonging to the customer business domain. Such data is handled in the forms, the rules and, of course, the dashboards that are part of the solution. Usually, dashboards feed with data coming from several sources of information, from business domain entities persisted into relational databases to data hold in legacy systems. In order to cope with this kind of scenarios a generic highly customizable dashboard tooling is needed.

It's obviously expected that a customer building a BPM solution want to track how its processes are performing. To do so the customer need a monitoring and reporting tool. This is the main reason why the Dashbuilder project has been included as a core module of the jBPM echosystem. Notice also that Dashbuilder, as an independent project, is not only used by jBPM but also by many other projects like, for example, JBoss Teiid a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogeneous data stores.

An example of dashboard is the Sales Dashboard which comes built-in any installation of Dashbuilder. Two screenshots below:

The jBPM Process Dashboard is an specific use case of a dashboard feed from data coming from a relational database via SQL queries. In this case, the database tables consumed are: processinstancelog and bamtasksummary both belonging to the jBPM engine.

From the data provider perspective there exists 3 data providers in charge of retrieving the data needed by all the key performance indicators of the jBPM Process Dashboard. These data provides are all defined in the Dashbuilder tooling data provider management screen.

  • jBPM Count Processes: Retrieves the total number of process instances grouped by status.

            select total.processname, ifnull(total.instances,0) total,
            ifnull(active.instances_act,0) active,
            ifnull(completed.instances_compl,0) completed,
            ifnull(pending.instances_pend,0) pending,
            ifnull(suspended.instances_susp,0) suspended,
            ifnull(aborted.instances_abrt,0) aborted
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, pi.processname as processname, count(*) as instances
            from processinstancelog pi group by pi.processinstanceid,processname) as total
            left outer join
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, count(*) as instances_act
            from processinstancelog pi
            where pi.status=1 group by pi.processinstanceid) as active
            on (total.pId=active.pId)
            left outer join
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, count(*) as instances_compl
            from processinstancelog pi
            where pi.status=2 group by pi.processinstanceid) as completed
            on (total.pId=completed.pId)
            left outer join
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, count(*) as instances_pend
            from processinstancelog pi
            where pi.status=0 group by pi.processinstanceid) as pending
            on (total.pId=pending.pId)
            left outer join
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, count(*) as instances_susp
            from processinstancelog pi
            where pi.status=4 group by pi.processinstanceid) as suspended
            on (total.pId=suspended.pId)
            left outer join
            (select pi.processinstanceid as pId, count(*) as instances_abrt
            from processinstancelog pi
            where pi.status=3 group by pi.processinstanceid) as aborted
            on (total.pId=aborted.pId)
            where {sql_condition, optional, processname, processname}
            order by processname
  • jBPM Process Summary: Retrieves data from all the process instances.

            select processinstanceid,
            from processinstancelog
  • jBPM Task Summary: Retrieves data from all the process tasks.

            select ts.taskid,
            from bamtasksummary ts
            left join processinstancelog ps on (ts.processinstanceid=ps.processinstanceid)

From the end user perspective, the jBPM Process Dashboard has been designed to consume the data from the data providers defined above. It has been also designed has a panel fully integrated into the KIE Workbench environment as shown in the next figure:

The dashboard itself is composed by two views or pages: