JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 15. Process and Task Management

15.1. Process Management
15.1.1. Process Definitions
15.2. Tasks
15.2.1. Task List
15.2.2. New Task (Ad-Hoc Task)

This chapter describes the screens related with the creation and management of process definitions and process instances.

Once you have modelled and configured all the techncial details to run a process definition your process definition will appear in the Process Definitions List. Once you have the process in the Process Definition List, you can start new instances of it. The following sections describes the features provided by each of these screens. You can find these screens under the Process Management Menu, in the jBPM Console NG or in Kie Workbench.

You can find the source code for this module here: https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm-console-ng/tree/master/jbpm-console-ng-process-runtime

The process definition section is composed by two main screens: the Process Definition Lists and the Process Definition Details.

This chapter introduces the Task Management screens and the its integration with the Form Modeller component to allow users to work on their assigned tasks. You can find the source code of these screens here: https://github.com/droolsjbpm/jbpm-console-ng/tree/master/jbpm-console-ng-human-tasks . At the end of this section you will find a technical description about how to customize these views.

Every user with access to the platform will have access to its personal task list where tasks assigned to him/her will be displayed. Each user will be able to create its own personal tasks or work on tasks that were create as a result of a business process execution.

You can access to the Task List under the Work main menu:

Pending tasks can be displayed using different methafors depending on what the user is interested on. We are currently providing two different views explained in the sections below: Grid and Calendar View.