JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

JBoss® Portal 2.7.0

Reference Guide

Julien Viet

Roy Russo

Murray McAllister

July 2008

Please Read: Important Trademark Information
JBoss Portal - Overview
Feature List
Target Audience
1. System Requirements
1.1. Minimum System Requirements
1.2. Supported Operating Systems
1.3. JBoss Application Server
1.4. Databases
1.5. Source Building
2. Installation
2.1. The JBoss Portal and JBoss AS Bundle
2.2. Installing the Binary Download
2.2.1. Setting up your Environment
2.2.2. Deploying JBoss Portal
2.3. Installing from the Sources
2.3.1. Getting the Sources
2.3.2. JBoss EAP and JBoss AS Setup
2.3.3. Building and Deploying from the Sources
2.3.4. Database Setup
2.3.5. Datasource Configuration
2.4. Deploying JBoss Portal
3. Customizing your Installation
3.1. Changing the Port
3.2. Changing the Context Path
3.2.1. Changing the context-root
3.3. Forcing the Database Dialect
3.3.1. Database Dialect Settings for JBoss Portal
3.3.2. DB Dialect Settings for the CMS Component
3.4. Configuring the Email Service
3.5. Configuring proxy settings
3.6. Disabling Dynamic Proxy Un-wrapping
4. Upgrading JBoss Portal 2.6 to 2.7
4.1. Usage of JBossActionRequest
5. Portlet Primer
5.1. JSR-168 and JSR-286 overview
5.1.1. Portal Pages
5.1.2. Rendering Modes
5.1.3. Window States
5.2. Tutorials
5.2.1. Deploying your first Portlet
5.2.2. JavaServer™ Pages Portlet Example
6. XML Descriptors
6.1. Changes from previous Releases
6.1.1. The JBoss Portlet DTD
6.1.2. The JBoss Portlet Instance DTD
6.1.3. The JBoss Portal Object DTD
6.1.4. The JBoss Portal App DTD
6.2. Portlet Descriptors
6.2.1. *-object.xml Descriptors
6.2.2. The portlet-instances.xml Descriptor
6.2.3. The jboss-portlet.xml Descriptor
6.2.4. The portlet.xml Descriptor
6.3. JBoss Portal Descriptors
6.3.1. Datasource Descriptors (portal-*-ds.xml)
6.3.2. Portlet Debugging (jboss-portal.sar/conf/config.xml)
6.3.3. Log in to Dashboard
6.4. Descriptor Examples
6.4.1. Defining a new Portal Page
6.4.2. Defining a new Portal Instance
7. Portal URLs
7.1. Introduction to Portals
7.2. Accessing a Portal
7.3. Accessing a Page
7.4. Accessing CMS Content
8. JBoss Portal Explicit Coordination
8.1. Explicit vs implicit coordination
8.2. Bindings and wirings
8.2.1. Event wiring
8.2.2. Parameter binding
8.2.3. Alias binding
8.3. Coordination configuration
8.3.1. <implicit-mode>
8.4. Coordination Samples
9. Error Handling Configuration
9.1. Error Types
9.2. Control Policies
9.2.1. Policy Delegation and Cascading
9.2.2. Default Policy
9.2.3. Portal Policy
9.2.4. Page Policy
9.3. Configuration using XML Descriptors
9.3.1. Portal Policy Properties
9.3.2. Page Policy Properties
9.4. Using JSP™ to Handle Errors
9.5. Configuration using the Portal Management Application
10. Content Integration
10.1. Window content
10.2. Content customization
10.3. Content Driven Portlet
10.3.1. Displaying content
10.3.2. Configuring content
10.3.3. Step by step example of a content driven portlet
10.4. Configuring window content in deployment descriptor
11. Widget Integration
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Widget portlet configuration
12. Portlet Modes
12.1. Admin Portlet Mode
12.1.1. Portlet configuration
12.1.2. Declarative instance security configuration
12.1.3. Instance security configuration with the administration portlet
13. Portal API
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Portal URL
13.3. Portal session
13.4. Portal runtime context
13.5. Portal nodes
13.6. Portal navigational state
13.7. Portal events
13.7.1. Portal node events
13.7.2. Portal session events
13.7.3. Portal user events
13.8. Examples
13.8.1. UserAuthenticationEvent example
13.8.2. Achieving Inter Portlet Communication with the events mechanism
13.8.3. Link to other pages
14. Clustering Configuration
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Considerations
14.3. JBoss Portal Clustered Services
14.3.1. Portal Session Replication
14.3.2. Hibernate clustering
14.3.3. Identity clustering
14.3.4. CMS clustering
14.4. Setup
14.5. Portlet Session Replication
14.5.1. JBoss Portal configuration
14.5.2. Portlet configuration
14.5.3. Limitations
15. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Level of support in JBoss Portal
15.3. Deploying JBoss Portal's WSRP services
15.3.1. Considerations to use WSRP when running Portal on a non-default port or hostname
15.3.2. Considerations to use WSRP with SSL
15.4. Making a portlet remotable
15.5. Consuming JBoss Portal's WSRP portlets from a remote Consumer
15.6. Consuming remote WSRP portlets in JBoss Portal
15.6.1. Overview
15.6.2. Configuring a remote producer walk-through
15.6.3. WSRP Producer descriptors
15.6.4. Examples
15.7. Consumers maintenance
15.7.1. Modifying a currently held registration
15.7.2. Consumer operations
15.7.3. Erasing local registration data
15.8. Configuring JBoss Portal's WSRP Producer
15.8.1. Overview
15.8.2. Default configuration
15.8.3. Registration configuration
15.8.4. WSRP validation mode
16. Security
16.1. Securing Portal Objects
16.2. Securing the Content Management System
16.2.1. CMS Security Configuration
16.3. Authentication with JBoss Portal
16.3.1. Authentication configuration
16.3.2. The portal servlet
16.4. Authorization with JBoss Portal
16.4.1. The portal permission
16.4.2. The authorization provider
16.4.3. Making a programmatic security check
16.4.4. Configuring an authorization domain
17. JBoss Portal Identity Management
17.1. Identity management API
17.1.1. How to obtain identity modules services ?
17.1.2. API changes since 2.4
17.2. Identity configuration
17.2.1. Main configuration file architecture (identity-config.xml)
17.3. User profile configuration
17.4. Identity modules implementations
17.4.1. Database modules
17.4.2. Delegating UserProfile module
17.4.3. Database UserProfile module implementation
18. JBoss Portal Identity Portlets
18.1. Introduction
18.1.1. Features
18.2. Configuration
18.2.1. Captcha support
18.2.2. Lost password
18.2.3. Reset password
18.2.4. jBPM based user registration
18.2.5. The configuration file
18.2.6. Customize e-mail templates
18.3. User interface customization
18.3.1. Example 1: required fields
18.3.2. Example 2: dynamic values (dropdown menu with predefined values)
18.3.3. Example 3: adding new properties
18.3.4. Illustration
18.3.5. Customizing the View Profile page
18.4. Customizing the workflow
18.4.1. Duration of process validity
18.5. Disabling the Identity Portlets
18.5.1. Enabling the Identity Portlets
19. Authentication and Authorization
19.1. Authentication in JBoss Portal
19.1.1. Configuration
19.2. JAAS Login Modules
19.2.1. org.jboss.portal.identity.auth.IdentityLoginModule
19.2.2. org.jboss.portal.identity.auth.DBIdentityLoginModule
19.2.3. org.jboss.portal.identity.auth.SynchronizingLdapLoginModule
19.2.4. org.jboss.portal.identity.auth.SynchronizingLdapExtLoginModule
19.2.5. org.jboss.portal.identity.auth.SynchronizingLoginModule
20. LDAP
20.1. How to enable LDAP usage in JBoss Portal
20.2. Configuration of LDAP connection
20.2.1. Connection Pooling
20.2.2. SSL
20.2.3. ExternalContext
20.3. LDAP Identity Modules
20.3.1. Common settings
20.3.2. UserModule
20.3.3. RoleModule
20.3.4. MembershipModule
20.3.5. UserProfileModule
20.4. LDAP server tree shapes
20.4.1. Keeping users membership in role entries
20.4.2. Keeping users membership in user entries
20.5. Synchronizing LDAP configuration
20.6. Supported LDAP servers
21. Single Sign On
21.1. Overview of SSO in portal
21.2. Using an Apache Tomcat Valve
21.2.1. Enabling the Apache Tomcat SSO Valve
21.2.2. Example of usage
21.3. CAS - Central Authentication Service
21.3.1. Integration steps
21.4. Java™ Open Single Sign-On (JOSSO)
21.4.1. Integration steps
22. CMS Portlet
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Features
22.3. CMS content
22.3.1. Configuring a window to display CMS content
22.4. CMS Configuration
22.4.1. Display CMS content
22.4.2. Service Configuration
22.4.3. Configuring the Content Store Location
22.5. Localization Support
22.6. CMS Service
22.6.1. CMS Interceptors
23. Portal Workflow
23.1. jBPM Workflow Engine Integration
23.2. CMS Publish/Approve Workflow Service
24. Navigation Tabs
24.1. Explicit ordering of tabs
24.2. Translating tab labels
24.2.1. Method one: Multiple display-name
24.2.2. Defining a resource bundle and supported locales
25. Layouts and Themes
25.1. Overview
25.2. Header
25.2.1. Overview
25.3. Layouts
25.3.1. How to define a Layout
25.3.2. How to use a Layout
25.3.3. Where to place the Descriptor files
25.3.4. Layout JSP™ tags
25.4. RenderSets
25.4.1. What is a RenderSet
25.4.2. How is a RenderSet defined
25.4.3. How to specify what RenderSet to use
25.5. Themes
25.5.1. What is a Theme
25.5.2. How to define a Theme
25.5.3. How to use a Theme
25.5.4. How to write your own Theme
25.6. Other Theme Functionalities and Features
25.6.1. Content Rewriting and Header Content Injection
25.6.2. Declarative CSS Style injection
25.6.3. Disabling Portlet Decoration
25.7. Theme Style Guide (based on the Industrial theme)
25.7.1. Overview
25.7.2. Main Screen Shot
25.7.3. List of CSS Selectors
25.8. Additional Ajax selectors
26. Ajax
26.1. Introduction
26.2. Ajaxified markup
26.2.1. Ajaxified layouts
26.2.2. Ajaxified renderers
26.3. Ajaxified pages
26.3.1. Drag and Drop
26.3.2. Partial refresh
27. Troubleshooting and FAQ
27.1. Troubleshooting and FAQ
A. *-object.xml DTD
B. portlet-instances.xml DTD
C. jboss-portlet.xml DTD