ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

Interface Document

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Array, EditableArray, EditableDocument, Editor, MutableArray, MutableDocument
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayEditor, BasicArray, BasicDocument, DocumentEditor, MergeDocument, ObservableArrayEditor, ObservableDocumentEditor, Schematic.EditorImpl

public interface Document
extends Serializable

Primary read-only interface for an in-memory representation of JSON/BSON objects.


Nested Class Summary
static interface Document.Field
static interface Document.ValueTransformer
          A component that can transform field values, via with(ValueTransformer).
Method Summary
 Document clone()
          Obtain a clone of this document.
 boolean containsAll(Document document)
          Checks if this object contains all of the fields in the supplied document.
 boolean containsField(String name)
          Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.
 Iterable<Document.Field> fields()
          Obtain an iterator over the Document.Fields in this object.
 Object get(String name)
          Gets the value in this document for the given field name.
 List<?> getArray(String name)
          Get the array value in this document for the given field name.
 Binary getBinary(String name)
          Get the Binary value in this document for the given field name.
 Boolean getBoolean(String name)
          Get the boolean value in this document for the given field name.
 boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean defaultValue)
          Get the boolean value in this document for the given field name.
 Code getCode(String name)
          Get the Code value in this document for the given field name.
 CodeWithScope getCodeWithScope(String name)
          Get the CodeWithScope value in this document for the given field name.
 Document getDocument(String name)
          Get the document value in this document for the given field name.
 Double getDouble(String name)
          Get the double value in this document for the given field name.
 double getDouble(String name, double defaultValue)
          Get the double value in this document for the given field name.
 Integer getInteger(String name)
          Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.
 int getInteger(String name, int defaultValue)
          Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.
 Long getLong(String name)
          Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.
 long getLong(String name, long defaultValue)
          Get the long value in this document for the given field name.
 MaxKey getMaxKey(String name)
          Get the MaxKey value in this document for the given field name.
 MinKey getMinKey(String name)
          Get the MinKey value in this document for the given field name.
 Number getNumber(String name)
          Get the number value in this document for the given field name.
 Number getNumber(String name, Number defaultValue)
          Get the number value in this document for the given field name.
 ObjectId getObjectId(String name)
          Get the ObjectId value in this document for the given field name.
 Pattern getPattern(String name)
          Get the Pattern value in this document for the given field name.
 String getString(String name)
          Get the string value in this document for the given field name.
 String getString(String name, String defaultValue)
          Get the string value in this document for the given field name.
 Symbol getSymbol(String name)
          Get the Symbol value in this document for the given field name.
 int getType(String name)
          Get the Bson.Type constant that describes the type of value for the given field name.
 UUID getUuid(String name)
          Get the UUID value in this document for the given field name.
 UUID getUuid(String name, UUID defaultValue)
          Get the UUID value in this document for the given field name.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Return whether this document contains no fields and is therefore empty.
 boolean isNull(String name)
          Determine whether this object has a pair with the given the name and the value is null.
 boolean isNullOrMissing(String name)
          Determine whether this object has a pair with the given the name and the value is null, or if this object has no field with the given name.
 Set<String> keySet()
          Returns this object's fields' names
 int size()
          Return the number of name-value pairs in this object.
 Map<String,? extends Object> toMap()
          Returns a map representing this BSONObject.
 Document with(Document.ValueTransformer transformer)
          Obtain a clone of this document, but with the field values transformed using the supplied Document.ValueTransformer.
 Document with(Map<String,Object> changedFields)
          Obtain a clone of this document, but with the supplied fields replaced.
 Document withVariablesReplaced(Properties properties)
          Obtain a clone of this document, but with all variables in string field values replaced with the referenced values from the supplied properties.
 Document withVariablesReplacedWithSystemProperties()
          Obtain a clone of this document, but with all variables in string field values replaced with the referenced values from the System properties.

Method Detail


Object get(String name)
Gets the value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The field value, if found, or null otherwise


Boolean getBoolean(String name)
Get the boolean value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The boolean field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a boolean


boolean getBoolean(String name,
                   boolean defaultValue)
Get the boolean value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a boolean
The boolean field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a boolean


Integer getInteger(String name)
Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The integer field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not an integer


int getInteger(String name,
               int defaultValue)
Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a integer
The integer field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a integer


Long getLong(String name)
Get the integer value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The long field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a long value


long getLong(String name,
             long defaultValue)
Get the long value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a long value
The long field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a long value


Double getDouble(String name)
Get the double value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The double field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a double


double getDouble(String name,
                 double defaultValue)
Get the double value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a double
The double field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a double


Number getNumber(String name)
Get the number value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The double field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a number


Number getNumber(String name,
                 Number defaultValue)
Get the number value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a number
The number field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a number


String getString(String name)
Get the string value in this document for the given field name. This method will return the string even if the actual value is a Symbol.

name - The name of the pair
The string field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a string


String getString(String name,
                 String defaultValue)
Get the string value in this document for the given field name. This method will return the string even if the actual value is a Symbol.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a string
The string field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a string


List<?> getArray(String name)
Get the array value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The array field value (as a list), if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not an array


Document getDocument(String name)
Get the document value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The document field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a document


boolean isNull(String name)
Determine whether this object has a pair with the given the name and the value is null. This is equivalent to calling:
 this.get(name) instanceof Null;

name - The name of the pair
true if the field has been set to a Null value, or false otherwise
See Also:


boolean isNullOrMissing(String name)
Determine whether this object has a pair with the given the name and the value is null, or if this object has no field with the given name. This is equivalent to calling:

name - The name of the pair
true if the field value for the name is null or if there is no such field.
See Also:


MaxKey getMaxKey(String name)
Get the MaxKey value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The MaxKey field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a MaxKey


MinKey getMinKey(String name)
Get the MinKey value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The MinKey field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a MinKey


Code getCode(String name)
Get the Code value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The Code field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a Code


CodeWithScope getCodeWithScope(String name)
Get the CodeWithScope value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The CodeWithScope field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a CodeWithScope


ObjectId getObjectId(String name)
Get the ObjectId value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The ObjectId field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a ObjectId


Binary getBinary(String name)
Get the Binary value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The Binary field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a Binary


Symbol getSymbol(String name)
Get the Symbol value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The Symbol field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a Symbol


Pattern getPattern(String name)
Get the Pattern value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The Pattern field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a Pattern


UUID getUuid(String name)
Get the UUID value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
The UUID field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a UUID


UUID getUuid(String name,
             UUID defaultValue)
Get the UUID value in this document for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
defaultValue - the default value to return if there is no such pair or if the value is not a string
The UUID field value if found, or defaultValue if there is no such pair or if the value is not a UUID (or a string that is convertable from a UUID)


int getType(String name)
Get the Bson.Type constant that describes the type of value for the given field name.

name - The name of the pair
the Bson.Type constant describing the value, or -1 if there is no field with the supplied name


Map<String,? extends Object> toMap()
Returns a map representing this BSONObject.

the map


Iterable<Document.Field> fields()
Obtain an iterator over the Document.Fields in this object.

a field iterator; never null


boolean containsField(String name)
Checks if this object contains a field with the given name.

name - The name of the pair for which to check
true if this document contains a field with the supplied name, or false otherwise


boolean containsAll(Document document)
Checks if this object contains all of the fields in the supplied document.

document - The document with the fields that should be in this document
true if this document contains all of the fields in the supplied document, or false otherwise


Set<String> keySet()
Returns this object's fields' names

The names of the fields in this object


int size()
Return the number of name-value pairs in this object.

the number of name-value pairs; never negative


boolean isEmpty()
Return whether this document contains no fields and is therefore empty.

true if there are no fields in this document, or false if there is at least one.


Document clone()
Obtain a clone of this document.

the clone of this document; never null


Document with(Map<String,Object> changedFields)
Obtain a clone of this document, but with the supplied fields replaced.

changedFields - the fields that should be changed; may be null
the clone of this document with the change fields, or this document if there are no changes


Document with(Document.ValueTransformer transformer)
Obtain a clone of this document, but with the field values transformed using the supplied Document.ValueTransformer.

transformer - the transformer that should be used to transform each field value; may not be null
the clone of this document with transformed fields, or this document if the transformer changed none of the values


Document withVariablesReplaced(Properties properties)
Obtain a clone of this document, but with all variables in string field values replaced with the referenced values from the supplied properties.

Variables may appear anywhere within a string value, and multiple variables can be used within the same value. Variables take the form:

    variable := '${' variableNames [ ':' defaultValue ] '}'
    variableNames := variableName [ ',' variableNames ]
    variableName := /* any characters except ',' and ':' and '}'
    defaultValue := /* any characters except
Note that variableName is the name used to look up the Properties property.

Notice that the syntax supports multiple variables. The logic will process the variables from let to right, until an existing System property is found. And at that point, it will stop and will not attempt to find values for the other variables.

properties - the properties keyed by variable name
the clone of this document with variables in fields string values replaced with values from the properties object, or this document if no variables were found
See Also:
withVariablesReplacedWithSystemProperties(), with(ValueTransformer), SchemaLibrary.convertValues(Document, String)


Document withVariablesReplacedWithSystemProperties()
Obtain a clone of this document, but with all variables in string field values replaced with the referenced values from the System properties.

Variables may appear anywhere within a string value, and multiple variables can be used within the same value. Variables take the form:

    variable := '${' variableNames [ ':' defaultValue ] '}'
    variableNames := variableName [ ',' variableNames ]
    variableName := /* any characters except ',' and ':' and '}'
    defaultValue := /* any characters except
Note that variableName is the name used to look up a System property via System.getProperty(String).

Notice that the syntax supports multiple variables. The logic will process the variables from let to right, until an existing System property is found. And at that point, it will stop and will not attempt to find values for the other variables.

Because only string values can contain variables, the resulting values are left as strings. This may not be valid according to the document's JSON Schema, so see SchemaLibrary.convertValues(Document, String) to convert the string values after variable substitution into the expected non-string types.

the clone of this document with variables in fields string values replaced with values from the System properties, or this document if no variables were found
See Also:
withVariablesReplaced(Properties), with(ValueTransformer), SchemaLibrary.convertValues(Document, String)

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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