ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

Interface EditableDocument

All Superinterfaces:
Document, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
EditableArray, Editor
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayEditor, DocumentEditor, ObservableArrayEditor, ObservableDocumentEditor, Schematic.EditorImpl

public interface EditableDocument
extends Document

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document
Document.Field, Document.ValueTransformer
Method Summary
 EditableArray getArray(String name)
          Get the existing array value in this document for the given field name.
 EditableDocument getDocument(String name)
          Get the existing document value in this document for the given field name.
 EditableArray getOrCreateArray(String name)
          Get the existing array value in this document for the given field name, or create a new array if there is no existing array at this field.
 EditableDocument getOrCreateDocument(String name)
          Get the existing document value in this document for the given field name, or create a new document if there is no existing document at this field.
 void putAll(Document object)
          Sets on this object all name/value pairs from the supplied object.
 void putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Object> map)
          Sets on this object all key/value pairs from the supplied map.
 Object remove(String name)
          Remove the field with the supplied name, and return the value.
 void removeAll()
          Remove all fields from this document.
 EditableDocument set(String name, Object value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied value.
 EditableArray setArray(String name)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a new, empty array.
 EditableArray setArray(String name, Array array)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied array.
 EditableArray setArray(String name, Object... values)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied array.
 EditableDocument setBinary(String name, byte type, byte[] data)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a binary value.
 EditableDocument setBoolean(String name, boolean value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied boolean value.
 EditableDocument setCode(String name, String code, boolean includeScope)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a Code or CodeWithScope.
 EditableDocument setCode(String name, String code, Document scope)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a Code or CodeWithScope.
 EditableDocument setDate(String name, Date value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied date value.
 EditableDocument setDate(String name, String isoDate)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the date value parsed from the ISO-8601 date representation.
 EditableDocument setDocument(String name)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a new, empty Document.
 EditableDocument setDocument(String name, Document document)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied Document.
 EditableDocument setNull(String name)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a null value.
 EditableDocument setNumber(String name, double value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied double value.
 EditableDocument setNumber(String name, float value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied float value.
 EditableDocument setNumber(String name, int value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied integer value.
 EditableDocument setNumber(String name, long value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied long value.
 EditableDocument setObjectId(String name, byte[] bytes)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied 12-byte binary value.
 EditableDocument setObjectId(String name, int time, int machine, int process, int inc)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied hexadecimal binary value.
 EditableDocument setObjectId(String name, String hex)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied hexadecimal binary value.
 EditableDocument setRegularExpression(String name, String pattern)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied regular expression.
 EditableDocument setRegularExpression(String name, String pattern, int flags)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied regular expression.
 EditableDocument setString(String name, String value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied string value.
 EditableDocument setSymbol(String name, String value)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to a Symbol created from the supplied string value.
 EditableDocument setTimestamp(String name, int timeInSeconds, int increment)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to a Timestamp with the supplied time in seconds and increment.
 EditableDocument setUuid(String name, UUID uuid)
          Set the value for the field with the given name to be a UUID.
 Document unwrap()
          Unwrap this editor to obtain the potentially wrapped document.
Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.schematic.document.Document
clone, containsAll, containsField, fields, get, getBinary, getBoolean, getBoolean, getCode, getCodeWithScope, getDouble, getDouble, getInteger, getInteger, getLong, getLong, getMaxKey, getMinKey, getNumber, getNumber, getObjectId, getPattern, getString, getString, getSymbol, getType, getUuid, getUuid, isEmpty, isNull, isNullOrMissing, keySet, size, toMap, with, with, withVariablesReplaced, withVariablesReplacedWithSystemProperties

Method Detail


Document unwrap()
Unwrap this editor to obtain the potentially wrapped document.

the wrapped document, or this object; never null


Object remove(String name)
Remove the field with the supplied name, and return the value.

name - The name of the field
the value that was removed, or null if there was no such value


void removeAll()
Remove all fields from this document.


void putAll(Document object)
Sets on this object all name/value pairs from the supplied object. If the supplied object is null, this method does nothing.

object - the object containing the name/value pairs to be set on this object


void putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Object> map)
Sets on this object all key/value pairs from the supplied map. If the supplied map is null, this method does nothing.

map - the map containing the name/value pairs to be set on this object


EditableDocument set(String name,
                     Object value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setBoolean(String name,
                            boolean value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied boolean value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setNumber(String name,
                           int value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied integer value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setNumber(String name,
                           long value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied long value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setNumber(String name,
                           float value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied float value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setNumber(String name,
                           double value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied double value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setString(String name,
                           String value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied string value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setSymbol(String name,
                           String value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to a Symbol created from the supplied string value. Symbols are defined in the BSON specification as being similar to a string but which exists for those languages that have a specific symbol type. Symbols are serialized to JSON as a normal string.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setString(String, String)


EditableDocument setDocument(String name)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a new, empty Document.

name - The name of the field
The editable document that was just created; never null


EditableDocument setDocument(String name,
                             Document document)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied Document.

name - The name of the field
document - the document
The editable document that was just set as the value for the named field; never null and may or may not be the same instance as the supplied document.


EditableDocument getDocument(String name)
Get the existing document value in this document for the given field name.

Specified by:
getDocument in interface Document
name - The name of the pair
The editable document field value, if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not a document


EditableDocument getOrCreateDocument(String name)
Get the existing document value in this document for the given field name, or create a new document if there is no existing document at this field.

name - The name of the pair
The editable document field value; never null


EditableArray setArray(String name)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a new, empty array.

name - The name of the field
The editable array that was just created; never null


EditableArray setArray(String name,
                       Array array)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied array.

name - The name of the field
array - the array
The editable array that was just set as the value for the named field; never null and may or may not be the same instance as the supplied array.


EditableArray setArray(String name,
                       Object... values)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be the supplied array.

name - The name of the field
values - the (valid) values for the array
The editable array that was just set as the value for the named field; never null and may or may not be the same instance as the supplied array.


EditableArray getArray(String name)
Get the existing array value in this document for the given field name.

Specified by:
getArray in interface Document
name - The name of the pair
The editable array field value (as a list), if found, or null if there is no such pair or if the value is not an array


EditableArray getOrCreateArray(String name)
Get the existing array value in this document for the given field name, or create a new array if there is no existing array at this field.

name - The name of the pair
The editable array field value; never null


EditableDocument setDate(String name,
                         Date value)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied date value.

name - The name of the field
value - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setDate(String name,
                         String isoDate)
                         throws ParseException
Set the value for the field with the given name to the date value parsed from the ISO-8601 date representation. Specifically, the date string must match one of these patterns:

name - The name of the field
isoDate - the new value for the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods
ParseException - if the supplied value could not be parsed into a valid date


EditableDocument setTimestamp(String name,
                              int timeInSeconds,
                              int increment)
Set the value for the field with the given name to a Timestamp with the supplied time in seconds and increment. Note that Date values are recommended for most purposes, as they are better suited to most applications' representations of time instants.

name - The name of the field
timeInSeconds - the time in seconds for the new Timestamp
increment - the time increment for the new Timestamp
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setDate(String, Date)


EditableDocument setObjectId(String name,
                             String hex)
Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied hexadecimal binary value. Object IDs are defined by the BSON specification as 12-byte binary values designed to have a reasonably high probability of being unique when allocated. Since there is no explicit way to represent these in a JSON document, each ObjectId value is serialized in a JSON document as a nested document of the form:
 { "$oid" : "12bytesOfIdInBase16" }
When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to an ObjectId value.

For example, an ObjectId with time value of "1310745823", machine value of "1", process value of "2", and increment value of "3" would be written as

 { "$oid" : "4e2064df0000010002000003" }

name - The name of the field
hex - the hexadecimal binary value for the ObjectId
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setObjectId(String, byte[]), setObjectId(String, int, int, int, int)


EditableDocument setObjectId(String name,
                             byte[] bytes)
Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied 12-byte binary value. Object IDs are defined by the BSON specification as 12-byte binary values designed to have a reasonably high probability of being unique when allocated. Since there is no explicit way to represent these in a JSON document, each ObjectId value is serialized in a JSON document as a nested document of the form:
 { "$oid" : "12bytesOfIdInBase16" }
When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to an ObjectId value.

For example, an ObjectId with time value of "1310745823", machine value of "1", process value of "2", and increment value of "3" would be written as

 { "$oid" : "4e2064df0000010002000003" }

name - The name of the field
bytes - the 12-byte value for the ObjectId
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setObjectId(String, String), setObjectId(String, int, int, int, int)


EditableDocument setObjectId(String name,
                             int time,
                             int machine,
                             int process,
                             int inc)
Set the value for the field with the given name to an ObjectId created from the supplied hexadecimal binary value. Object IDs are defined by the BSON specification as 12-byte binary values designed to have a reasonably high probability of being unique when allocated. Since there is no explicit way to represent these in a JSON document, each ObjectId value is serialized in a JSON document as a nested document of the form:
 { "$oid" : "12bytesOfIdInBase16" }
When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to an ObjectId value.

For example, an ObjectId with time value of "1310745823", machine value of "1", process value of "2", and increment value of "3" would be written as

 { "$oid" : "4e2064df0000010002000003" }

name - The name of the field
time - the Unix-style timestamp, which is a signed integer representing the number of seconds before or after January 1st 1970 (UTC)
machine - the first three bytes of the (md5) hash of the machine host name, or of the mac/network address, or the virtual machine id
process - the 2 bytes of the process id (or thread id) of the process generating the object id
inc - an ever incrementing value, or a random number if a counter can't be used in the language/runtime
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setObjectId(String, String), setObjectId(String, byte[])


EditableDocument setRegularExpression(String name,
                                      String pattern)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied regular expression. Regular expression values are represented in memory using Pattern instances, and are stored natively in BSON as regular expressions. However, when serialized to JSON, regular expressions are written as nested documents of the form:
 { "$regex" : "pattern" }
where "pattern" is the regular expression pattern.

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to a regular expression value.

name - The name of the field
pattern - the regular expression pattern string
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setRegularExpression(String, String, int)


EditableDocument setRegularExpression(String name,
                                      String pattern,
                                      int flags)
Set the value for the field with the given name to the supplied regular expression. Regular expression values are represented in memory using Pattern instances, and are stored natively in BSON as regular expressions. However, when serialized to JSON, regular expressions are written as nested documents of the form:
 { "$regex" : "pattern", "$options" : "flags" }
where "pattern" is the regular expression pattern, and "flags" is a string representation of the regular expression options.

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to a regular expression value.

name - The name of the field
pattern - the regular expression pattern string
flags - the bitwise-anded Pattern options: Pattern.CANON_EQ, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Pattern.COMMENTS, Pattern.DOTALL, Pattern.LITERAL, Pattern.MULTILINE, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE, and Pattern.UNIX_LINES
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setRegularExpression(String, String)


EditableDocument setNull(String name)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a null value. Both JSON and BSON formats support null values, and Null is used for the value in the in-memory representation. The Document.isNull(String) methods can be used to determine if a field has been set to null, or Document.isNullOrMissing(String) if the field has not be set or if it has been set to null.

name - The name of the field
This document, to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
Document.isNull(String), Document.isNullOrMissing(String)


EditableDocument setBinary(String name,
                           byte type,
                           byte[] data)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a binary value. JSON does not formally support binary values, and so such values will be encoded using a nested document of the form:
 { "$type" : typeAsInt, "$base64" : "bytesInBase64" }
where "typeAsInt" is the integer representation of the BSON type, and "bytesInBase64" is the Base64 encoding of the actual Binary bytes.

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to Binary value.

name - The name of the field
type - one of the BSON type constants denoting the type of the Binary value
data - the bytes for the Binary value
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setUuid(String name,
                         UUID uuid)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a UUID. JSON does not formally support binary values, and so such values will be encoded using a nested document of the form:
 { "$uuid" : "string-form-of-uuid" }
where "string-form-of-uuid" is the UUID's string representation

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to UUID value.

name - The name of the field
uuid - the UUID value
This document, to allow for chaining methods


EditableDocument setCode(String name,
                         String code,
                         boolean includeScope)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a Code or CodeWithScope. JSON does not formally support such values, and so when written to JSON they will be encoded using a nested document of the form:
 { "$code" : "code" }
or, if there is a scope document
 { "$code" : "code", "$scope" : scope document }
where "code" is the Code's JavaScript code and scopeDocument is the nested document representing the scope in which the JavaScript code should be evaluated.

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to Code or CodeWithScope value.

Note that when includeScope is true, the returned EditableDocument can be used to populate the scope document.

name - The name of the field
code - the code
includeScope - true if the code should include a scope (and if this method should return an EditableDocument for this scope document), or false otherwise
if includeScope is true, then the EditableDocument for the scope; otherwise, this document to allow for chaining methods
See Also:
setCode(String, String, Document)


EditableDocument setCode(String name,
                         String code,
                         Document scope)
Set the value for the field with the given name to be a Code or CodeWithScope. JSON does not formally support such values, and so when written to JSON they will be encoded using a nested document of the form:
 { "$code" : "code" }
or, if there is a scope document
 { "$code" : "code", "$scope" : scope document }
where "code" is the Code's JavaScript code and scopeDocument is the nested document representing the scope in which the JavaScript code should be evaluated.

When nested documents of this form are read by this library's JSON reader, nested documents of this form will be converted to Code or CodeWithScope value.

name - The name of the field
code - the code
scope - the scope in which the JavaScript code should be evaulated, or null if there is no scope
the EditableDocument for the scope, or null if the scope reference is null
See Also:
setCode(String, String, boolean)

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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