Interface | Description |
DocumentCache | |
DocumentConstants | |
DocumentStore |
A store which persists/retrieves documents in a JCR context.
LazyCachedNode.ParentReferenceToSelf |
A single object used to cache the parent's
ChildReference that points to this node and methods that determine
whether this cached information is still valid. |
NodeCacheIterator.NodeFilter |
Class | Description |
AbstractChildReferences |
An partial
ChildReferences implementation that can serve as a base class to provide default implementations of some
methods to simplify other implementations. |
AbstractChildReferences.ChildReferenceWithNameIterator | |
AbstractSessionCache | |
AbstractSessionCache.BasicSaveContext | |
DocumentOptimizer |
A component that can optimize the document for a node.
DocumentTranslator |
A utility class that encapsulates all the logic for reading from and writing to
Document instances. |
DocumentTranslator.ChildReferencesInfo | |
ImmutableChildReferences | |
ImmutableChildReferences.EmptyChildReferences | |
ImmutableChildReferences.Medium | |
ImmutableChildReferences.ReferencesUnion | |
ImmutableChildReferences.Segment | |
ImmutableChildReferences.Segmented | |
LazyCachedNode |
This is a (mostly) immutable
CachedNode implementation that lazily loads its content. |
LazyCachedNode.NonRootParentReferenceToSelf |
LazyCachedNode.ParentReferenceToSelf implementation that caches the ChildReference from the parent plus the actual
parent (via a weak reference to the CachedNode . |
LazyCachedNode.RootParentReferenceToSelf |
LazyCachedNode.ParentReferenceToSelf implementation used only for the root node. |
LocalDocumentStore |
An implementation of
DocumentStore which always uses the local cache to store/retrieve data and which provides some
additional methods for exposing local cache information. |
LocalDocumentStore.DocumentOperationResults | |
MutableChildReferences | |
NodeCacheIterator |
An iterator that returns all of the keys for the nodes in the cache that are below the specified starting node.
ReadOnlySessionCache |
A read-only
SessionCache implementation. |
SessionChildReferences |
ChildReferences implementation that projects a single, changeable view of the child references of a node, allowing
child references to be added to the end of the persisted state. |
SessionNode |
A node used within a
session when that node has (or may have) transient (unsaved) changes. |
SessionNode.ChangedAdditionalParents | |
SessionNode.ChangedChildren |
The representation of the changes made to the child references of this node.
SessionNode.FederatedSegmentChanges | |
SessionNode.InsertedChildReferences | |
SessionNode.Insertions | |
SessionNode.MixinChanges | |
SessionNode.PermissionChanges | |
SessionNode.ReferrerChanges | |
TransactionalWorkspaceCache |
A special WorkspaceCache implementation that should be used by sessions running within user transactions.
TransactionalWorkspaceCaches |
A manager for keeping track of transaction-specific WorkspaceCache instances.
UnionIterator<Type> |
An iterator that presents the union of two iterators.
WorkspaceCache |
NodeCache implementation that uses a concurrent LRU map to store nodes. |
WritableSessionCache |
A writable
SessionCache implementation capable of making transient changes and saving them. |
Enum | Description |
SessionNode.LockChange |
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