See: Description
Interface | Description |
Optimizer |
Interface for an optimizer.
OptimizerRule |
Interface that defines an
Optimizer rule. |
Class | Description |
AddAccessNodes |
optimizer rule that inserts an ACCESS above each SOURCE leaf node in a query plan. |
AddIndexes |
A rule that adds indexes below
PlanNode.Type.SOURCE nodes. |
AddJoinConditionColumnsToSources |
OptimizerRule that adds any missing columns required by the join conditions to the appropriate join source. |
AddOrderingColumnsToSources |
OptimizerRule that adds any missing columns required by the ordering specifications to the SORT node's PROJECT, and
to the appropriate access nodes. |
ChooseJoinAlgorithm |
optimizer rule that choose the appropriate join algorithm and sets up any prerequisites, based upon
the JoinCondition . |
CopyCriteria |
optimizer rule that copies SELECT nodes that apply to one side of a equi-join condition so that they
also apply to the other side fo the equi-join condition. |
JoinOrder |
An optimization rule that ensure that the order of the left and right side of a JOIN match certain join criteria, including
DescendantNodeJoinCondition and ChildNodeJoinCondition . |
OrderIndexesByCost | |
PushProjects |
This rule attempts to ensure the proper location of
PlanNode.Type.PROJECT nodes. |
PushSelectCriteria |
optimizer rule that attempts to push the criteria nodes in a canonical plan down as far as possible. |
RaiseSelectCriteria |
optimizer rule that moves up higher in the plan any SELECT node that appears below a JOIN node and
that applies to selectors that are on the other side of the join. |
RaiseVariableName |
optimizer rule that moves up higher in the plan any variable name
property to the node immediately under a dependent query node. |
RemoveEmptyAccessNodes |
optimizer rule that removes any ACCESS nodes that are known to never return any tuples because of
conflicting constraints. |
ReorderSortAndRemoveDuplicates |
optimizer rule that looks for a PlanNode.Type.SORT plan node below a PlanNode.Type.DUP_REMOVE , and swaps
them. |
ReplaceViews |
optimizer rule that replaces any SOURCE nodes that happen to be views . |
RewriteAsRangeCriteria |
optimizer rule that rewrites two AND-ed Constraint s that constraint a dynamic
operand to a range of values as a single Between constraint. |
RewriteIdentityJoins |
optimizer rule that rewrites JOIN nodes that have equi-join criteria where
the columns involved in the equi-join are all identity columns (that is, they form a
key for the table). |
RewritePathAndNameCriteria |
optimizer rule that rewrites Constraint trees, moving path-, name-, or depth-oriented criteria to the
left-most parts of the constraint tree. |
RewritePseudoColumns |
Changes any criteria that writes criteria containing pseudo-columns into standard criteria.
RightOuterToLeftOuterJoins | |
RuleBasedOptimizer |
Optimizer implementation that optimizes a query using a stack of rules.
implementations. A library of existing
classes is provided, though it's very easy to
add more optimizer rules.
The RuleBasedOptimizer
is an implementation that optimizes a query
using a stack of rules. A new stack is created for each rule, though the rules are required to be immutable and thus
often shared and reused. And, the RuleBasedOptimizer is easily subclassed to define a custom stack of rules.
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