Chapter 15. PicketLink Quickstarts
15.1. Overview
Quickstarts are self-contained, concise examples that generally demonstrate at most one or two features. The PicketLink quickstarts at GitHub provide working, buildable code that shows the usage of a number of authentication, authorization and identity management features. They are a nice way to communicate the design, common and best practices and the usage of PicketLink.
The PicketLink Quickstarts are part of the JBoss Developer Framework(, formerly known as JDF. There you can find a lot of useful stuff about Java, JavaEE and of course all JBoss projects and products. Also, there are a lot of useful information and tutorials that will guide you to configure and prepare your environment to start using any of the available quickstarts.
All quickstarts are available at GitHub. So you can download them, fork the repository (if you have an GitHub account, of course) or even just clone the repository. The latter option is fully described along the file for each quickstart, as well as a lot of additional information, configuration requirements, how to deploy and undeploy using the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6(and beyond) and so forth.
The repository is located at
You don't need to be a Git expert in order to get the quickstarts. All the necessary commands are fully covered in the file for each of them. For any additional information take a look at the JDF site too.