JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The MBean Explorer supports several different types of connections. The tooling itself comes only with a default connection type, however other adopters can provide additional connection types that may require additional or non-spec behavior. Connections can be in either the connected state or the disconnected state. Some connection types (such as the default connection type) allow you to control the current state. Other connection types may not.
Similarly, some connection types may be able to be created, and others may not. The default connection type, for example, can be created and deleted by you at will. The AS Tools connection type, which represents a JBoss server, does not allow you this level of control. A JBoss JMX connection is created when a JBoss server is created in the server's view, and deleted when said server is deleted. The JMX connection for this server is in the connected state only when the server is started.
There are two ways to connect to an application with remote management enabled:
The first step is the same for both - to connect to a MBean Server, click on the
New Connection icon
in the MBean Explorer menu bar.
Then to follow the simple one you just need to specify host, port (and optionally user name and password) and click OK.
The default JMX URL is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:3000/jmxrmi.
In case you need to connect to an application which has not used the "standard" JMX URL (e.g. Eclipse Equinox), you need chose more advance way, where it's necessary to specify explicitly a JMX URL in the Advanced tab of the JMX Connection window.
Only JMX URL based on RMI are supported.