JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The MBean Editor is composed of several pages:
the Attributes page
the Operations page
the Notifications page
the Info page
The Attributes and Operations pages display a list for either the MBean attributes or operations as well as details for the selection.
It is possible to toggle the layout between the list and the details either vertically
(by default) or horizontally with the help of the special icons
in the right top corner of the editor.
One more page in the MBean Editor is the Notifications page, which gives the possibility to subscribe (resp. unsubscribe) to a MBean to receive its notifications by checking (resp. unchecking) the Subscribe button in the right top corner.
The list of notifications is refreshed every time a new notification is received:
It is only possible to subscribe to MBean, which emits notifications (they must be NotificationBroadcaster).