Uses of Interface

Packages that use ChannelFuture
org.jboss.netty.bootstrap IoC/DI friendly helper classes which enable an easy implementation of typical client side and server side channel initialization. The core channel API which is asynchronous and event-driven abstraction of various transports such as a NIO Channel A channel registry which helps a user maintain the list of open Channels and perform bulk operations on them. 
org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression Encoder and decoder which compresses and decompresses ChannelBuffers in a compression format such as zlib and gzip
org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl SSL · TLS implementation based on SSLEngine 
org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout Adds support for read and write timeout and idle connection notification using a Timer

Uses of ChannelFuture in org.jboss.netty.bootstrap

Methods in org.jboss.netty.bootstrap that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture ConnectionlessBootstrap.connect()
          Creates a new connected channel with the current "remoteAddress" and "localAddress" option.
 ChannelFuture ClientBootstrap.connect()
          Attempts a new connection with the current "remoteAddress" and "localAddress" option.
 ChannelFuture ConnectionlessBootstrap.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Creates a new connected channel with the specified "remoteAddress" and the current "localAddress" option.
 ChannelFuture ClientBootstrap.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Attempts a new connection with the specified remoteAddress and the current "localAddress" option.
 ChannelFuture ConnectionlessBootstrap.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress)
          Creates a new connected channel with the specified "remoteAddress" and the specified "localAddress".
 ChannelFuture ClientBootstrap.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress)
          Attempts a new connection with the specified remoteAddress and the specified localAddress.

Uses of ChannelFuture in

Classes in that implement ChannelFuture
 class CompleteChannelFuture
          A skeletal ChannelFuture implementation which represents a ChannelFuture which has been completed already.
 class DefaultChannelFuture
          The default ChannelFuture implementation.
 class FailedChannelFuture
          The CompleteChannelFuture which is failed already.
 class SucceededChannelFuture
          The CompleteChannelFuture which is succeeded already.

Methods in that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture DefaultChannelFuture.await()
 ChannelFuture CompleteChannelFuture.await()
 ChannelFuture ChannelFuture.await()
          Waits for this future to be completed.
 ChannelFuture DefaultChannelFuture.awaitUninterruptibly()
 ChannelFuture CompleteChannelFuture.awaitUninterruptibly()
 ChannelFuture ChannelFuture.awaitUninterruptibly()
          Waits for this future to be completed without interruption.
static ChannelFuture Channels.bind(Channel channel, SocketAddress localAddress)
          Sends a "bind" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.bind(SocketAddress localAddress)
          Binds this channel to the specified local address asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.bind(SocketAddress localAddress)
 ChannelFuture Channel.close()
          Closes this channel asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.close()
static ChannelFuture Channels.close(Channel channel)
          Sends a "close" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.connect(Channel channel, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Sends a "connect" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Connects this channel to the specified remote address asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractServerChannel.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress)
 ChannelFuture Channel.disconnect()
          Disconnects this channel from the current remote address asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractServerChannel.disconnect()
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.disconnect()
static ChannelFuture Channels.disconnect(Channel channel)
          Sends a "disconnect" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.failedFuture(Channel channel, Throwable cause)
          Creates a new ChannelFuture which has failed already for the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.future(Channel channel)
          Creates a new non-cancellable ChannelFuture for the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.future(Channel channel, boolean cancellable)
          Creates a new ChannelFuture for the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.getCloseFuture()
          Returns the ChannelFuture which will be notified when this channel is closed.
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.getCloseFuture()
 ChannelFuture UpstreamMessageEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture UpstreamChannelStateEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture DownstreamMessageEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture DownstreamChannelStateEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture DefaultWriteCompletionEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture DefaultExceptionEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture DefaultChildChannelStateEvent.getFuture()
 ChannelFuture ChannelEvent.getFuture()
          Returns the ChannelFuture which is associated with this event.
protected  ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.getSucceededFuture()
          Returns the cached SucceededChannelFuture instance.
protected  ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.getUnsupportedOperationFuture()
          Returns the FailedChannelFuture whose cause is an UnsupportedOperationException.
static ChannelFuture Channels.setInterestOps(Channel channel, int interestOps)
          Sends a "setInterestOps" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.setInterestOps(int interestOps)
          Changes the interestOps of this channel asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractServerChannel.setInterestOps(int interestOps)
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.setInterestOps(int interestOps)
 ChannelFuture Channel.setReadable(boolean readable)
          Suspends or resumes the read operation of the I/O thread asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.setReadable(boolean readable)
static ChannelFuture Channels.succeededFuture(Channel channel)
          Creates a new ChannelFuture which is already succeeded for the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.unbind()
          Unbinds this channel from the current local address asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.unbind()
static ChannelFuture Channels.unbind(Channel channel)
          Sends a "unbind" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.write(Channel channel, Object message)
          Sends a "write" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
static ChannelFuture Channels.write(Channel channel, Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Sends a "write" request to the last ChannelDownstreamHandler in the ChannelPipeline of the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture Channel.write(Object message)
          Sends a message to this channel asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractServerChannel.write(Object message)
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.write(Object message)
 ChannelFuture Channel.write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Sends a message to this channel asynchronously.
 ChannelFuture AbstractServerChannel.write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
 ChannelFuture AbstractChannel.write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)

Methods in with parameters of type ChannelFuture
static void Channels.bind(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future, SocketAddress localAddress)
          Sends a "bind" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.close(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future)
          Sends a "close" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.connect(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Sends a "connect" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future)
          Sends a "disconnect" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
 void ChannelFutureListener.operationComplete(ChannelFuture future)
          Invoked when the I/O operation associated with the ChannelFuture has been completed.
 void ChannelFutureProgressListener.operationProgressed(ChannelFuture future, long amount, long current, long total)
          Invoked when the I/O operation associated with the ChannelFuture has been progressed.
static void Channels.setInterestOps(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future, int interestOps)
          Sends a "setInterestOps" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.unbind(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future)
          Sends a "unbind" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future, Object message)
          Sends a "write" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.
static void Channels.write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelFuture future, Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Sends a "write" request to the ChannelDownstreamHandler which is placed in the closest downstream from the handler associated with the specified ChannelHandlerContext.

Constructors in with parameters of type ChannelFuture
DownstreamChannelStateEvent(Channel channel, ChannelFuture future, ChannelState state, Object value)
          Creates a new instance.
DownstreamMessageEvent(Channel channel, ChannelFuture future, Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of ChannelFuture in

Methods in that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture DefaultChannelGroupFuture.find(Channel channel)
 ChannelFuture ChannelGroupFuture.find(Channel channel)
          Returns the ChannelFuture of the individual I/O operation which is associated with the specified Channel.
 ChannelFuture DefaultChannelGroupFuture.find(Integer channelId)
 ChannelFuture ChannelGroupFuture.find(Integer channelId)
          Returns the ChannelFuture of the individual I/O operation which is associated with the Channel whose ID matches the specified integer.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ChannelFuture
 Iterator<ChannelFuture> DefaultChannelGroupFuture.iterator()
 Iterator<ChannelFuture> ChannelGroupFuture.iterator()
          Returns the Iterator that enumerates all ChannelFutures which are associated with this future.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ChannelFuture
DefaultChannelGroupFuture(ChannelGroup group, Collection<ChannelFuture> futures)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of ChannelFuture in org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression

Methods in org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture ZlibEncoder.close()

Uses of ChannelFuture in org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl

Methods in org.jboss.netty.handler.ssl that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture SslHandler.close()
          Sends an SSL close_notify message to the specified channel and destroys the underlying SSLEngine.
 ChannelFuture SslHandler.close(Channel channel)
          Deprecated. Use SslHandler.close() instead.
 ChannelFuture SslHandler.handshake()
          Starts an SSL / TLS handshake for the specified channel.
 ChannelFuture SslHandler.handshake(Channel channel)
          Deprecated. Use SslHandler.handshake() instead.

Uses of ChannelFuture in org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout

Methods in org.jboss.netty.handler.timeout that return ChannelFuture
 ChannelFuture DefaultIdleStateEvent.getFuture()

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