Uses of Class

Packages that use Criteria

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.eval

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.eval with parameters of type Criteria
static boolean Evaluator.evaluate(Criteria criteria)
 boolean Evaluator.evaluate(Criteria criteria, java.util.List tuple)
 java.lang.Boolean Evaluator.evaluateTVL(Criteria criteria, java.util.List tuple)

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.mapping.xml

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.mapping.xml that return Criteria
 Criteria ResultSetInfo.getCriteria()
 Criteria MappingRecursiveElement.getCriteriaNode()
 Criteria MappingCriteriaNode.getCriteriaNode()

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.mapping.xml with parameters of type Criteria
 void ResultSetInfo.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 void MappingRecursiveElement.setCriteriaNode(Criteria node)
          This is parsed and resolved criteria node based on the criteria string.
 void MappingCriteriaNode.setCriteriaNode(Criteria node)
          This is parsed and resolved criteria node based on the criteria string.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational with parameters of type Criteria
static PlanNode GenerateCanonical.createSelectNode(Criteria crit, boolean isHaving)

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational.rules

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational.rules with parameters of type Criteria
static boolean JoinUtil.isNullDependent(QueryMetadataInterface metadata, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> innerGroups, Criteria crit)
          Returns true if the given criteria can be anything other than false (or unknown) given all null values for elements in the inner groups

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml that return Criteria
static Criteria XMLNodeMappingVisitor.convertCriteria(Criteria simpleCrit, MappingDocument rootNode, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Convert the criteria from names using document identifiers to names using result set (i.e.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml with parameters of type Criteria
static Criteria XMLNodeMappingVisitor.convertCriteria(Criteria simpleCrit, MappingDocument rootNode, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Convert the criteria from names using document identifiers to names using result set (i.e.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.parser

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.parser that return Criteria
 Criteria SQLParser.compoundCritAnd(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a compound logical AND criteria.
 Criteria SQLParser.compoundCritOr(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a compound logical OR criteria.
 Criteria SQLParser.criteria(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a criteria.
 Criteria SQLParser.having(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a HAVING clause.
 Criteria SQLParser.notCrit(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a logical NOT criteria.
 Criteria QueryParser.parseCriteria(java.lang.String sql)
          Takes a SQL string representing an SQL criteria (i.e.
 Criteria SQLParser.primary(ParseInfo info)
          Parses the basic atomic criteria - either a predicate criteria or a criteria wrapped in ( ).
 Criteria SQLParser.where(ParseInfo info)
          Parse a WHERE clause.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.processor.proc

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.processor.proc with parameters of type Criteria
IfInstruction(Criteria condition, Program ifProgram)
          Constructor for IfInstruction.
IfInstruction(Criteria condition, Program ifProgram, Program elseProgram)
          Constructor for IfInstruction.
WhileInstruction(Program program, Criteria condition)

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational that return Criteria
 Criteria SelectNode.getCriteria()
 Criteria DependentProcedureAccessNode.getInputCriteria()
 Criteria DependentProcedureExecutionNode.getInputCriteria()
 Criteria JoinNode.getJoinCriteria()
 Criteria DependentCriteriaProcessor.prepareCriteria()
 Criteria DependentCriteriaProcessor.replaceDependentCriteria(AbstractSetCriteria crit, DependentCriteriaProcessor.SetState state)

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational with parameters of type Criteria
 void SelectNode.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
 void JoinNode.setJoinCriteria(Criteria joinCriteria)

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational with parameters of type Criteria
DependentCriteriaProcessor(int maxSetSize, RelationalNode dependentNode, Criteria dependentCriteria)
DependentProcedureAccessNode(int nodeID, Criteria crit, java.util.List references, java.util.List defaults)
DependentProcedureCriteriaProcessor(RelationalNode dependentNode, Criteria dependentCriteria, java.util.List references, java.util.List defaults)
DependentProcedureExecutionNode(int nodeID, Criteria crit, java.util.List references, java.util.List defaults)

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.processor.xml

Fields in com.metamatrix.query.processor.xml declared as Criteria
protected  Criteria CriteriaCondition.criteria

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.processor.xml with parameters of type Criteria
CriteriaCondition(Criteria criteria, Program thenProgram)
          The constructor takes the sql criteria object, the list of result set names which the Criteria pertains to, and a sub Program which is the "then" clause if this Condition {link #evaluate evaluates} to true.
RecurseProgramCondition(Program subProgramToRecurse, Criteria terminationCriteria)
RecurseProgramCondition(Program subProgramToRecurse, Criteria terminationCriteria, int recursionLimit, boolean exceptionOnRecursionLimit)

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.resolver

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.resolver with parameters of type Criteria
static void QueryResolver.resolveCriteria(Criteria criteria, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Resolve just a criteria.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.command

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.command with parameters of type Criteria
static void XMLQueryResolver.resolveXMLCriteria(Criteria criteria, GroupContext externalGroups, java.util.Collection validElements, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
           Resolve the criteria specified on the XML query.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.rewriter

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.rewriter that return Criteria
static Criteria QueryRewriter.optimizeCriteria(CompoundCriteria criteria)
          Performs simple expression flattening
static Criteria QueryRewriter.rewriteCriteria(Criteria criteria, Command procCommand, CommandContext context, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Rewrite the criteria by evaluating some trivial cases.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.rewriter with parameters of type Criteria
static Criteria QueryRewriter.rewriteCriteria(Criteria criteria, Command procCommand, CommandContext context, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Rewrite the criteria by evaluating some trivial cases.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang

Subclasses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang
 class AbstractCompareCriteria
          The common functionality of a CompareCriteria and a SubqueryCompareCriteria.
 class AbstractSetCriteria
          This is an abstract class to define some common functionality in the two varieties of IN criteria: SetCriteria (where values are specified) and SubquerySetCriteria (where a subquery is defined and will supply the values for the IN set).
 class AtomicCriteria
          This abstract class represents an atomic logical criteria.
 class BetweenCriteria
          Represents criteria such as: " [NOT] BETWEEN AND ".
 class CompareCriteria
          A criteria which represents a simple operator relationship between two expressions.
 class CompoundCriteria
          This class represents a compound criteria for logical expressions.
 class DependentSetCriteria
          The DependentSetCriteria is missing the value set until it is filled during processing.
 class ExistsCriteria
          This predicate criteria implements the "exists" predicate, which has a subquery in it.
 class IsNullCriteria
          Represents criteria such as: " IS NULL".
 class LogicalCriteria
          This class represents a criteria that works by logically combining other criteria.
 class MatchCriteria
          This class represents a criteria involving a string expression to be matched against a string expression match value.
 class NotCriteria
          A logical criteria that takes the logical NOT of the contained criteria.
 class PredicateCriteria
          This abstract class represents a predicate criteria, which involves some statement involving expressions and can be evaluated in the context of a single row of data to be either true or false.
 class SetCriteria
          A criteria which is true is the expression's value is a member in a list of values.
 class SubqueryCompareCriteria
          This class implements a quantified comparison predicate.
 class SubquerySetCriteria
          A criteria which is true is the expression's value is a member in a list of values returned from a subquery.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang that return Criteria
static Criteria Criteria.combineCriteria(Criteria primaryCrit, Criteria additionalCrit)
          This utility method can be used to combine two criteria using an AND.
static Criteria Criteria.combineCriteria(Criteria primaryCrit, Criteria additionalCrit, boolean disjunctively)
static Criteria Criteria.combineCriteria(java.util.List parts)
 Criteria AtomicCriteria.getCriteria()
          Get sub criteria
 Criteria Delete.getCriteria()
          Returns the criteria object for this command.
 Criteria Update.getCriteria()
          Returns the criteria object for this command, may be null
 Criteria Query.getCriteria()
          Get the criteria clause for the query.
 Criteria CompoundCriteria.getCriteria(int index)
          Returns the criteria at the specified index.
 Criteria Query.getHaving()
          Get the having clause for the query.
static Criteria Criteria.toConjunctiveNormalForm(Criteria input)
static Criteria Criteria.toDisjunctiveNormalForm(Criteria input)

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang that return types with arguments of type Criteria
 java.util.List<Criteria> CompoundCriteria.getCriteria()
          Returns the list of criteria.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang with parameters of type Criteria
 void CompoundCriteria.addCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Add another criteria to the clause.
static Criteria Criteria.combineCriteria(Criteria primaryCrit, Criteria additionalCrit)
          This utility method can be used to combine two criteria using an AND.
static Criteria Criteria.combineCriteria(Criteria primaryCrit, Criteria additionalCrit, boolean disjunctively)
static java.util.List Criteria.separateCriteriaByAnd(Criteria crit)
          This utility method will pull apart a tree of criteria by breaking all compound AND criteria apart.
 void CompoundCriteria.set(int operator, Criteria criteria)
          Sets a "standard" unary criteria.
 void CompoundCriteria.set(int operator, Criteria left, Criteria right)
          Sets a "standard" operand-operator-operand criteria.
 void AtomicCriteria.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Set sub criteria
 void Delete.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Set the criteria for this Delete command
 void Update.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Set the criteria for this Update command
 void Query.setCriteria(Criteria criteria)
          Set the criteria clause for the query.
 void Query.setHaving(Criteria having)
          Set the criteria clause for the query.
static Criteria Criteria.toConjunctiveNormalForm(Criteria input)
static Criteria Criteria.toDisjunctiveNormalForm(Criteria input)

Method parameters in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang with type arguments of type Criteria
 void CompoundCriteria.setCriteria(java.util.List<Criteria> criteria)
          Sets the criteria.

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang with parameters of type Criteria
AtomicCriteria(Criteria crit)
          Constructs an instance of this class with a single sub-criteria.
CompoundCriteria(int operator, Criteria left, Criteria right)
          Constructs an instance of this class given a binary logical expression.
Delete(GroupSymbol group, Criteria criteria)
          Constructs an instance of this class given the group and criteria.
JoinPredicate(FromClause leftClause, FromClause rightClause, JoinType type, Criteria criteria)
          Construct a JoinPredicate between two clauses of the specified type.
NotCriteria(Criteria crit)
          Constructs an instance of this class with sub-criteria.
Query(Select select, From from, Criteria criteria, GroupBy groupBy, Criteria having, OrderBy orderBy, Option option)
          Constructs an instance of this class given all the clauses
Query(Select select, From from, Criteria criteria, OrderBy orderBy, Option option)
          Constructs an instance of this class given the specified clauses
Update(GroupSymbol group, SetClauseList changeList, Criteria criteria)
          Construct with group, change list, and criteria

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc

Subclasses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc
 class HasCriteria
          This object represents the criteria used in the stored procedure language to determine if a type of criteria is specified on a user's query.
 class TranslateCriteria
          This object represents the criteria used in the stored procedure language that translates the portion of the user's criteria by doing symbol mapping to the elements of the physical group that defines the virtual group and translating the user's criteria using the element-expressions pairs represented as a list of comapreCriteria on this this object.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc that return Criteria
 Criteria WhileStatement.getCondition()
          Get the condition that determines which block needs to be executed.
 Criteria IfStatement.getCondition()
          Get the condition that determines which block needs to be executed.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc with parameters of type Criteria
 void WhileStatement.setCondition(Criteria criteria)
          Set the condition that determines which block needs to be executed.
 void IfStatement.setCondition(Criteria criteria)
          Set the condition that determines which block needs to be executed.

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc with parameters of type Criteria
IfStatement(Criteria criteria, Block ifBlock)
          Constructor for IfStatement.
IfStatement(Criteria criteria, Block ifBlock, Block elseBlock)
          Constructor for IfStatement.
WhileStatement(Criteria criteria, Block block)
          Constructor for IfStatement.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.symbol

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.symbol that return Criteria
 Criteria SearchedCaseExpression.getWhenCriteria(int index)
          Gets the WHEN criteria at the given 0-based index.

Uses of Criteria in com.metamatrix.query.sql.visitor

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.visitor that return Criteria
 Criteria CriteriaTranslatorVisitor.getTranslatedCriteria()
          Gets the criteria translated by this visitor, differrent parts of the user's criteria are translated and they are combined as a CompoundCriteria using an AND operator.

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