Uses of Package

Packages that use org.infinispan.distribution
org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. 
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.commands.control Commands that control and coordinate certain cache operations, such as rehashing, state transfer and locking. 
org.infinispan.commands.write Commands that alter the state of the cache. 
org.infinispan.distribution Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. 
org.infinispan.interceptors Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. 
org.infinispan.remoting.responses Abstractions of the different response types allowed during RPC. 

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.commands
          A consistent hash algorithm implementation.
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.commands.control
          A consistent hash algorithm implementation.
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.commands.write
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.distribution
          An abstract consistent hash implementation that handles common implementations of certain methods.
          A consistent hash algorithm implementation.
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster
          The default distribution manager implementation
          An entry into a consistent hash.
          A task that handles the rehashing of data in the cache system wheh nodes join or leave the cluster.
          Typically adding a command, the following pattern would be used:

if (txLogger.logIfNeeded(cmd)) { // do NOT proceed with executing this command! } else { // proceed with executing this command as per normal! }

When draining, the following pattern should be used:

List<WriteCommand> c = null; while (txLogger.shouldDrainWithoutLock()) { c = txLogger.drain(); applyCommands(c); } c = txLogger.drainAndLock(); applyCommands(c); applyPendingPrepares(txLogger.getPendingPrepares()); txLogger.unlockAndDisable();

          A delegating wrapper that locates keys by getting a union of locations reported by two other ConsistentHash implementations it delegates to.

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.interceptors
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

Classes in org.infinispan.distribution used by org.infinispan.remoting.responses
          A component that manages the distribution of elements across a cache cluster

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