Package org.infinispan.interceptors.distribution
Interceptors dealing with command replication in distributed/replicated mode.
Interface Summary Interface Description BaseDistributionInterceptor.ReadManyCommandHelper<C> BiasedCollector Collector<T> Represents the ack collector for a write operation in triangle algorithm. -
Class Summary Class Description BaseDistributionInterceptor Base class for distribution of entries across a cluster.BiasedScatteredDistributionInterceptor DistributionBulkInterceptor<K,V> Interceptor that handles bulk entrySet and keySet commands when using in a distributed/replicated environment.DistributionBulkInterceptor.BackingEntrySet<K,V> DistributionBulkInterceptor.BackingKeySet<K,V> DistributionBulkInterceptor.TxBackingEntrySet<K,V> L1LastChanceInterceptor L1 based interceptor that flushes the L1 cache at the end after a transaction/entry is committed to the data container but before the lock has been released.L1NonTxInterceptor Interceptor that handles L1 logic for non-transactional caches.L1TxInterceptor Interceptor that handles L1 logic for transactional caches.L1WriteSynchronizer A write synchronizer that allows for a single thread to run the L1 update while others can block until it is completed.NonTxDistributionInterceptor Non-transactional interceptor used by distributed caches that support concurrent writes.PrimaryOwnerOnlyCollector<T> ACollector
implementation that only waits for the primary owner.RemoteGetSingleKeyCollector Return the first successful response for a staggered remote get, used in dist mode.ScatteredDistributionInterceptor This interceptor mixes several functions: A) replicates changes to other nodes B) commits the entry C) schedules invalidation On primary owner, the commit is executed before the change is replicated to other node.ScatteredDistributionInterceptor.PrimaryResponseGenerator TriangleDistributionInterceptor Non-transactional interceptor used by distributed caches that supports concurrent writes.TxDistributionInterceptor Handles the distribution of the transactional caches.VersionedDistributionInterceptor A version of theTxDistributionInterceptor
that adds logic to handling prepares when entries are versioned.VersionedResult VersionedResult.Externalizer VersionedResults VersionedResults.Externalizer -
Exception Summary Exception Description ConcurrentChangeException Thrown when the version of entry has changed between loading the entry to the context and committing new value.