Interface Chain

All Superinterfaces:
Handler (src)
All Known Subinterfaces:
TargetedChain (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleChain (src) , SimpleTargetedChain (src)

public interface Chain
extends Handler (src)

Method Summary
 void addHandler(Handler (src)  handler)
          Adds a handler to the end of the chain.
 boolean contains(Handler (src)  handler)
          Is this handler in the chain?
 Handler (src) [] getHandlers()
          Get the list of handlers in the chain - is Handler[] the right form?
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.axis.Handler (src)
canHandleBlock, cleanup, generateWSDL, getDeploymentData, getName, getOption, getOptions, getUnderstoodHeaders, init, invoke, onFault, setName, setOption, setOptions

Method Detail


public void addHandler(Handler (src)  handler)
Adds a handler to the end of the chain. May not be called after invoke.


public boolean contains(Handler (src)  handler)
Is this handler in the chain?


public Handler (src) [] getHandlers()
Get the list of handlers in the chain - is Handler[] the right form?