Interface Handler

All Known Subinterfaces:
Chain (src) , TargetedChain (src)
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicHandler (src) , SimpleChain (src) , SimpleTargetedChain (src)

public interface Handler

Method Summary
 boolean canHandleBlock(QName (src)  qname)
          Can this Handler process this QName?
 void cleanup()
          Cleanup is called when the chain containing this Handler object is done processing the chain.
 void generateWSDL(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
          Obtain WSDL information.
 org.w3c.dom.Element getDeploymentData(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
          This will return the root element of an XML doc that describes the deployment information about this handler.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name (i.e.
 java.lang.Object getOption(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the option corresponding to the 'name' given
 java.util.Hashtable getOptions()
          Return the entire list of options
 java.util.List getUnderstoodHeaders()
          Return a list of QNames which this Handler understands.
 void init()
          Init is called when the chain containing this Handler object is instantiated.
 void invoke(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
          Invoke is called to do the actual work of the Handler object.
 void onFault(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
          Called when a subsequent handler throws a fault.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name (i.e.
 void setOption(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Add the given option (name/value) to this handler's bag of options
 void setOptions(java.util.Hashtable opts)
          Sets a whole list of options

Method Detail


public void init()
Init is called when the chain containing this Handler object is instantiated.


public void cleanup()
Cleanup is called when the chain containing this Handler object is done processing the chain.


public void invoke(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
            throws AxisFault (src) 
Invoke is called to do the actual work of the Handler object. If there is a fault during the processing of this method it is invoke's job to catch the exception and undo any partial work that has been completed. Once we leave 'invoke' if a fault is thrown, this classes 'onFault' method will be called. Invoke should rethrow any exceptions it catches, wrapped in an AxisFault.

AxisFault (src)


public void onFault(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
Called when a subsequent handler throws a fault.


public boolean canHandleBlock(QName (src)  qname)
Can this Handler process this QName?


public java.util.List getUnderstoodHeaders()
Return a list of QNames which this Handler understands. By returning a particular QName here, we are committing to fulfilling any contracts defined in the specification of the SOAP header with that QName.


public void setOption(java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.Object value)
Add the given option (name/value) to this handler's bag of options


public java.lang.Object getOption(java.lang.String name)
Returns the option corresponding to the 'name' given


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name (i.e. registry key) of this Handler


public java.lang.String getName()
Return the name (i.e. registry key) for this Handler


public java.util.Hashtable getOptions()
Return the entire list of options


public void setOptions(java.util.Hashtable opts)
Sets a whole list of options


public org.w3c.dom.Element getDeploymentData(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
This will return the root element of an XML doc that describes the deployment information about this handler. This is NOT the WSDL, this is all of the static internal data use by Axis - WSDL takes into account run-time information (like which service we're talking about) this is just the data that's stored in the registry. Used by the 'list' Admin function.


public void generateWSDL(MessageContext (src)  msgContext)
                  throws AxisFault (src) 
Obtain WSDL information. Some Handlers will implement this by merely setting properties in the MessageContext, others (providers) will take responsibility for doing the "real work" of generating WSDL for a given service.

AxisFault (src)