Class Call

  extended byorg.jboss.axis.client.Call
All Implemented Interfaces:
Call (src)
Direct Known Subclasses:
CallImpl (src)

public class Call
extends java.lang.Object
implements Call (src)

Axis' JAXRPC Dynamic Invocation Interface implementation of the Call interface. This class should be used to actually invoke the Web Service. It can be prefilled by a WSDL document (on the constructor to the Service object) or you can fill in the data yourself.

 Standard properties defined by in JAX-RPC's javax..xml.rpc.Call interface:
     USERNAME_PROPERTY        - User name for authentication
     PASSWORD_PROPERTY        - Password for authentication
     SESSION_PROPERTY         - Participate in a session with the endpoint?
     OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY - "rpc" or "document"
     SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY  - Should SOAPAction be used?
     SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY  - If SOAPAction is used, this is that action
     ENCODING_STYLE_PROPERTY  - Default is SOAP 1.1:  ""

AXIS properties: SEND_TYPE_ATTR - Should we send the XSI type attributes (true/false) TIMEOUT - Timeout used by transport sender in milliseconds TRANSPORT_NAME - Name of transport handler to use ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT- Send attachments as MIME the default, or DIME.

Field Summary
          Property for setting attachment format.
          Property value for setting attachment format as DIME.
          Property value for setting attachment format as MIME.
protected  java.util.Vector attachmentParts
static boolean FAULT_ON_NO_RESPONSE
static java.lang.String JAXRPC_PORTTYPE_NAME
static java.lang.String JAXRPC_SERVICE
protected  MessageContext (src) msgContext
static java.lang.String SEND_TYPE_ATTR
static java.lang.String TRANSPORT_NAME
static java.lang.String TRANSPORT_PROPERTY
static java.lang.String WSDL_PORT_NAME
static java.lang.String WSDL_SERVICE
Fields inherited from interface javax.xml.rpc.Call (src)
Constructor Summary
Call(Service (src)  service)
          Default constructor - not much else to say.
Call(java.lang.String url)
          Build a call from a URL string
Call( url)
          Build a call from a URL
Method Summary
 void addAttachmentPart(java.lang.Object attachment)
          This method adds an attachment.
protected  void addAttachmentParts(Message (src)  msg)
          Stub out to allow ws4ee layer to add attachments to the message
 void addFault(QName (src)  qname, java.lang.Class cls, QName (src)  xmlType, boolean isComplex)
          Add a fault for this operation

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specificaion

 void addHeader(SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl (src)  header)
          Add a header which should be inserted into each outgoing message we generate.
 void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode, boolean inHeader, boolean outHeader)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 void addParameter(java.lang.String paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
          Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.
 void addParameterAsHeader(QName (src)  paramName, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType, ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode, ParameterMode (src)  headerMode)
          Adds a parameter type as a soap:header.
static void addTransportPackage(java.lang.String packageName)
          Add a package to the system protocol handler search path.
 void clearHeaders()
          Clear the list of headers which we insert into each message

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

 void clearOperation()
 java.lang.String getEncodingStyle()
          Returns the encoding style as a URI that should be used for the SOAP message.
 boolean getMaintainSession()
          Get the value of maintainSession flag.
 MessageContext (src) getMessageContext()
          Obtain a reference to our MessageContext.
 OperationDesc (src) getOperation()
 QName (src) getOperationName()
          Returns the operation name associated with this Call object.
 Style (src) getOperationStyle()
          Get the operation style.
 Use (src) getOperationUse()
          Get the operation use.
 java.util.Map getOutputParams()
          Get the output parameters (if any) from the last invocation.
 java.util.List getOutputValues()
          Returns a List values for the output parameters of the last invoked operation.
 QName (src) getParameterTypeByName(java.lang.String paramName)
          Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.
 QName (src) getParameterTypeByQName(QName (src)  paramQName)
          Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.
 java.lang.String getPassword()
          Get the password
 QName (src) getPortName()
          Returns the fully qualified name of the port for this Call object (if there is one).
 QName (src) getPortTypeName()
          Deprecated. This is really the service's port name, not portType name. Use getPortName instead.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value associated with the named property
 java.util.Iterator getPropertyNames()
          Gets the names of configurable properties supported by this Call object.
 Message (src) getResponseMessage()
          Directly get the response message in our MessageContext.
 QName (src) getReturnType()
          Returns the QName of the type of the return value of this Call - or null if not set.
 java.lang.Object getScopedProperty(java.lang.String name)
 Service (src) getService()
          Get the Service object associated with this Call object.
 java.lang.String getSOAPActionURI()
          Get the soapAction URI.
 java.lang.String getTargetEndpointAddress()
          Returns the URL of the target Web Service.
 java.lang.Integer getTimeout()
 Transport (src) getTransportForProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
          Get the Transport registered for the given protocol.
 TypeMapping (src) getTypeMapping()
 java.lang.String getUsername()
          Get the user name
protected  java.lang.String getWsdlOpName(java.lang.String javaOpName)
          The default implementation simply returns the java operation name.
static void initialize()
          Set up the default transport URL mappings.
 void invoke()
          Invoke this Call with its established MessageContext (perhaps because you called this.setRequestMessage())

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

 java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.Object[] params)
          Invokes the operation associated with this Call object using the passed in parameters as the arguments to the method.
 java.lang.Object invoke(QName (src)  operationName, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.
 java.lang.Object invoke(RPCElement (src)  body)
          Invoke an RPC service with a pre-constructed RPCElement.
 SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl (src) invoke(SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl (src)  env)
          Invoke the service with a custom SOAPEnvelope.
 java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String method, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Convenience method to invoke a method with a default (empty) namespace.
 java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String method, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Invoke an RPC service with a method name and arguments.
 void invokeOneWay(java.lang.Object[] params)
          Invokes the operation associated with this Call object using the passed in parameters as the arguments to the method.
 boolean isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName (src)  operationName)
          Is the caller required to provide the parameter and return type specification? If true, then addParameter and setReturnType MUST be called to provide the meta data.
 boolean isPropertySupported(java.lang.String name)
 void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class sfClass, java.lang.Class dfClass)
 void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class sfClass, java.lang.Class dfClass, boolean force)
 void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName (src)  xmlType, SerializerFactory (src)  sf, DeserializerFactory (src)  df)
          Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

 void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType, QName (src)  xmlType, SerializerFactory (src)  sf, DeserializerFactory (src)  df, boolean force)
          Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

 void removeAllParameters()
          Clears the list of parameters.
 void removeProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Removes (if set) the named property.
 void removeScopedProperty(java.lang.String name)
 void setClientHandlers(Handler (src)  reqHandler, Handler (src)  respHandler)
          Sets the client-side request and response Handlers.
 void setEncodingStyle(java.lang.String namespaceURI)
          Sets the encoding style to the URL passed in.
 void setMaintainSession(boolean yesno)
          Determine whether we'd like to track sessions or not.
 void setOperation(OperationDesc (src)  operation)
          Hand a complete OperationDesc to the Call, and note that this was done so that others don't try to mess with it by calling addParameter, setReturnType, etc.
 void setOperation(QName (src)  portName, java.lang.String opName)
          prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 void setOperation(java.lang.String opName)
          Prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can.
 void setOperationName(QName (src)  opName)
          Sets the operation name associated with this Call object.
 void setOperationName(java.lang.String opName)
          This is a convenience method.
 void setOperationStyle(java.lang.String operationStyle)
          Set the operation style: "document", "rpc"
 void setOperationStyle(Style (src)  operationStyle)
          Set the operation style
 void setOperationUse(java.lang.String operationUse)
          Set the operation use: "literal", "encoded"
 void setOperationUse(Use (src)  operationUse)
          Set the operation use
 void setOption(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Set engine option.
 void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
          Set the password.
 void setPortName(QName (src)  portName)
          Sets the port name of this Call object.
 void setPortTypeName(QName (src)  portType)
          Deprecated. This is really the service's port name, not portType name. Use setPortName instead.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Allows you to set a named property to the passed in value.
 void setRequestMessage(Message (src)  msg)
          Directly set the request message in our MessageContext.
 void setReturnClass(java.lang.Class cls)
          Sets the desired return Java Class.
 void setReturnQName(QName (src)  qname)
          Set the QName of the return element

NOT part of JAX-RPC

 void setReturnType(QName (src)  returnType)
          Sets the return type of the operation associated with this Call object.
 void setReturnType(QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName (src)  xmlType)
          Set the return type as a header
 void setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName (src)  xmlType, java.lang.Class javaType)
          Set the return type as a header
 void setScopedProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void setSOAPActionURI(java.lang.String SOAPActionURI)
          Set the soapAction URI.
 void setSOAPService(SOAPService (src)  service)
 void setSOAPVersion(SOAPConstants (src)  soapConstants)
          Allow the user to set the default SOAP version.
 void setTargetEndpointAddress(java.lang.String address)
          Sets the endpoint address of the target service port.
 void setTargetEndpointAddress( address)
          Sets the URL of the target Web Service.
 void setTimeout(java.lang.Integer timeout)
 void setTransport(Transport (src)  trans)
          Set the Transport

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

static void setTransportForProtocol(java.lang.String protocol, java.lang.Class transportClass)
          Register a Transport that should be used for URLs of the specified protocol.
 void setUsername(java.lang.String username)
          Set the username.
 void setUseSOAPAction(boolean useSOAPAction)
          Should soapAction be used?
 boolean useSOAPAction()
          Are we using soapAction?
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected MessageContext (src)  msgContext


protected java.util.Vector attachmentParts


public static final java.lang.String SEND_TYPE_ATTR
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String TRANSPORT_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String TRANSPORT_PROPERTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String WSDL_SERVICE
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String WSDL_PORT_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String JAXRPC_SERVICE
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String JAXRPC_PORTTYPE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final boolean FAULT_ON_NO_RESPONSE
See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT
Property for setting attachment format.

See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_MIME
Property value for setting attachment format as MIME.

See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)


public static final java.lang.String ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_DIME
Property value for setting attachment format as DIME.

See Also:
Constant Field Values (src)
Constructor Detail


public Call(Service (src)  service)
Default constructor - not much else to say.


public Call(java.lang.String url)
Build a call from a URL string

url - the target endpoint URL


public Call( url)
Build a call from a URL

url - the target endpoint URL
Method Detail


public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object value)
Allows you to set a named property to the passed in value. There are a few known properties (like username, password, etc) that are variables in Call. The rest of the properties are stored in a Hashtable. These common properties should be accessed via the accessors for speed/type safety, but they may still be obtained via this method. It's up to one of the Handlers (or the Axis engine itself) to go looking for one of them.

Specified by:
setProperty in interface Call (src)
name - Name of the property
value - Value of the property


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
Returns the value associated with the named property

Specified by:
getProperty in interface Call (src)
name - Name of the property
Object value of the property or null if the property is not set
JAXRPCException (src) - if the requested property is not a supported property


public void removeProperty(java.lang.String name)
Removes (if set) the named property.

Specified by:
removeProperty in interface Call (src)
name - name of the property to remove


public void setScopedProperty(java.lang.String name,
                              java.lang.Object value)

Set a scoped property on the call (i.e. one that propagates down into the runtime).

Deprecated, since setProperty() now does the right thing here. Expect this to disappear in 1.1.

name -
value -


public java.lang.Object getScopedProperty(java.lang.String name)

Get a scoped property (i.e. one that propagates down into the runtime).

Deprecated, since there's only one property bag now. Expect this to disappear in 1.1.

name -


public void removeScopedProperty(java.lang.String name)

Remove a scoped property (i.e. one that propagates down into the runtime).

Deprecated, since there's only one property bag now. Expect this to disappear in 1.1.

name -


public java.util.Iterator getPropertyNames()
Description copied from interface: Call (src)
Gets the names of configurable properties supported by this Call object.

Specified by:
getPropertyNames in interface Call (src)
Iterator for the property names


public boolean isPropertySupported(java.lang.String name)


public void setUsername(java.lang.String username)
Set the username.


public java.lang.String getUsername()
Get the user name


public void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
Set the password.


public java.lang.String getPassword()
Get the password


public void setMaintainSession(boolean yesno)
Determine whether we'd like to track sessions or not. This overrides the default setting from the service. This just passes through the value into the MessageContext. Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

yesno - true if session state is desired, false if not.


public boolean getMaintainSession()
Get the value of maintainSession flag.


public void setOperationStyle(java.lang.String operationStyle)
Set the operation style: "document", "rpc"

operationStyle - string designating style


public void setOperationStyle(Style (src)  operationStyle)
Set the operation style

operationStyle -


public Style (src)  getOperationStyle()
Get the operation style.


public void setOperationUse(java.lang.String operationUse)
Set the operation use: "literal", "encoded"

operationUse - string designating use


public void setOperationUse(Use (src)  operationUse)
Set the operation use

operationUse -


public Use (src)  getOperationUse()
Get the operation use.


public void setUseSOAPAction(boolean useSOAPAction)
Should soapAction be used?


public boolean useSOAPAction()
Are we using soapAction?


public void setSOAPActionURI(java.lang.String SOAPActionURI)
                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the soapAction URI.



public java.lang.String getSOAPActionURI()
Get the soapAction URI.


public void setEncodingStyle(java.lang.String namespaceURI)
Sets the encoding style to the URL passed in.

namespaceURI - URI of the encoding to use.


public java.lang.String getEncodingStyle()
Returns the encoding style as a URI that should be used for the SOAP message.

String URI of the encoding style to use


public void setTargetEndpointAddress(java.lang.String address)
Sets the endpoint address of the target service port. This address must correspond to the transport specified in the binding for this Call instance.

Specified by:
setTargetEndpointAddress in interface Call (src)
address - - Endpoint address of the target service port; specified as URI


public void setTargetEndpointAddress( address)
Sets the URL of the target Web Service.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

address - URL of the target Web Service


public java.lang.String getTargetEndpointAddress()
Returns the URL of the target Web Service.

Specified by:
getTargetEndpointAddress in interface Call (src)
URL URL of the target Web Service


public java.lang.Integer getTimeout()


public void setTimeout(java.lang.Integer timeout)


public boolean isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName (src)  operationName)
Is the caller required to provide the parameter and return type specification? If true, then addParameter and setReturnType MUST be called to provide the meta data. If false, then addParameter and setReturnType SHOULD NOT be called because the Call object already has the meta data describing the parameters and return type. If addParameter is called, the specified parameter is added to the end of the list of parameters.

Specified by:
isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired in interface Call (src)
operationName - Qualified name of the operation
Returns true if the Call implementation class requires addParameter and setReturnType to be invoked in the client code for the specified operation. This method returns false otherwise.


public void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName,
                         QName (src)  xmlType,
                         ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

paramName - Name that will be used for the parameter in the XML
xmlType - XMLType of the parameter
parameterMode - one of IN, OUT or INOUT


public void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName,
                         QName (src)  xmlType,
                         java.lang.Class javaType,
                         ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode,
                         boolean inHeader,
                         boolean outHeader)
Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

paramName - Name that will be used for the parameter in the XML
xmlType - XMLType of the parameter
javaType - The Java class of the parameter
parameterMode - one of IN, OUT or INOUT


public void addParameter(QName (src)  paramName,
                         QName (src)  xmlType,
                         java.lang.Class javaType,
                         ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

paramName - Name that will be used for the parameter in the XML
xmlType - XMLType of the parameter
javaType - The Java class of the parameter
parameterMode - one of IN, OUT or INOUT


public void addParameter(java.lang.String paramName,
                         QName (src)  xmlType,
                         ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
Adds the specified parameter to the list of parameters for the operation associated with this Call object.

Specified by:
addParameter in interface Call (src)
paramName - Name that will be used for the parameter in the XML
xmlType - XMLType of the parameter
parameterMode - one of IN, OUT or INOUT


public void addParameter(java.lang.String paramName,
                         QName (src)  xmlType,
                         java.lang.Class javaType,
                         ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode)
Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation. Note that the client code is not required to call any addParameter and setReturnType methods before calling the invoke method. A Call implementation class can determine the parameter types by using the Java reflection and configured type mapping registry.

Specified by:
addParameter in interface Call (src)
paramName - - Name of the parameter
xmlType - - XML datatype of the parameter
javaType - - The Java class of the parameter
parameterMode - - Mode of the parameter-whether IN, OUT or INOUT
JAXRPCException (src) - - if isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false, then addParameter MAY throw JAXRPCException....actually Axis allows modification in such cases


public void addParameterAsHeader(QName (src)  paramName,
                                 QName (src)  xmlType,
                                 java.lang.Class javaType,
                                 ParameterMode (src)  parameterMode,
                                 ParameterMode (src)  headerMode)
Adds a parameter type as a soap:header.

paramName - - Name of the parameter
xmlType - - XML datatype of the parameter
javaType - - The Java class of the parameter
parameterMode - - Mode of the parameter-whether IN, OUT or INOUT
headerMode - - Mode of the header. Even if this is an INOUT parameter, it need not be in the header in both directions.
JAXRPCException (src) - - if isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false, then addParameter MAY throw JAXRPCException....actually Axis allows modification in such cases


public QName (src)  getParameterTypeByName(java.lang.String paramName)
Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.

Specified by:
getParameterTypeByName in interface Call (src)
paramName - name of the parameter to return
XMLType XMLType of paramName, or null if not found.


public QName (src)  getParameterTypeByQName(QName (src)  paramQName)
Return the QName of the type of the parameters with the given name.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

paramQName - QName of the parameter to return
XMLType XMLType of paramQName, or null if not found.


public void setReturnType(QName (src)  returnType)
Sets the return type of the operation associated with this Call object.

Specified by:
setReturnType in interface Call (src)
returnType - QName of the return value type.


public void setReturnType(QName (src)  xmlType,
                          java.lang.Class javaType)
Sets the return type for a specific operation.

Specified by:
setReturnType in interface Call (src)
xmlType - - QName of the data type of the return value
javaType - - Java class of the return value
JAXRPCException (src) - - if isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false, then setReturnType MAY throw JAXRPCException...Axis allows modification without throwing the exception.


public void setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName (src)  xmlType)
Set the return type as a header


public void setReturnTypeAsHeader(QName (src)  xmlType,
                                  java.lang.Class javaType)
Set the return type as a header


public QName (src)  getReturnType()
Returns the QName of the type of the return value of this Call - or null if not set.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

Specified by:
getReturnType in interface Call (src)
the XMLType specified for this Call (or null).


public void setReturnQName(QName (src)  qname)
Set the QName of the return element

NOT part of JAX-RPC


public void setReturnClass(java.lang.Class cls)
Sets the desired return Java Class. This is a convenience method which will cause the Call to automatically convert return values into a desired class if possible. For instance, we return object arrays by default now for SOAP arrays - you could specify:


and you'd get a Vector back from invoke() instead of having to do the conversion yourself.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification. To be JAX-RPC compliant, use setReturnType(QName, Class).

cls - the desired return class.


public void removeAllParameters()
Clears the list of parameters.

Specified by:
removeAllParameters in interface Call (src)
JAXRPCException (src) - - if isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false, then removeAllParameters MAY throw JAXRPCException...Axis allows modification to the Call object without throwing an exception.


public QName (src)  getOperationName()
Returns the operation name associated with this Call object.

Specified by:
getOperationName in interface Call (src)
String Name of the operation or null if not set.


public void setOperationName(QName (src)  opName)
Sets the operation name associated with this Call object. This will not check the WSDL (if there is WSDL) to make sure that it's a valid operation name.

Specified by:
setOperationName in interface Call (src)
opName - Name of the operation.


public void setOperationName(java.lang.String opName)
This is a convenience method. If the user doesn't care about the QName of the operation, the user can call this method, which converts a String operation name to a QName.


public void setOperation(java.lang.String opName)
Prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can. Right now it's SOAPAction, operation qname, parameter types and return type of the Web Service.

This methods considers that port name and target endpoint address have already been set. This is useful when you want to use the same Call instance for several calls on the same Port

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

opName - Operation(method) that's going to be invoked


protected java.lang.String getWsdlOpName(java.lang.String javaOpName)
The default implementation simply returns the java operation name. A ws4ee implementation would take the jaxrpc-mapping file into consideration and return the corresponding wsdl operation name


public void setOperation(QName (src)  portName,
                         java.lang.String opName)
prefill as much info from the WSDL as it can. Right now it's target URL, SOAPAction, Parameter types, and return type of the Web Service.

If wsdl is not present, this function set port name and operation name and does not modify target endpoint address.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

portName - PortName in the WSDL doc to search for
opName - Operation(method) that's going to be invoked


public QName (src)  getPortName()
Returns the fully qualified name of the port for this Call object (if there is one).

QName Fully qualified name of the port (or null if not set)


public void setPortName(QName (src)  portName)
Sets the port name of this Call object. This call will not set any additional fields, nor will it do any checking to verify that this port name is actually defined in the WSDL - for now anyway.

portName - Fully qualified name of the port


public QName (src)  getPortTypeName()
Deprecated. This is really the service's port name, not portType name. Use getPortName instead.

Returns the fully qualified name of the port for this Call object (if there is one).

Specified by:
getPortTypeName in interface Call (src)
QName Fully qualified name of the port


public void setPortTypeName(QName (src)  portType)
Deprecated. This is really the service's port name, not portType name. Use setPortName instead.

Sets the port name of this Call object. This call will not set any additional fields, nor will it do any checking to verify that this port type is actually defined in the WSDL - for now anyway.

Specified by:
setPortTypeName in interface Call (src)
portType - Fully qualified name of the portType


public void setSOAPVersion(SOAPConstants (src)  soapConstants)
Allow the user to set the default SOAP version. For SOAP 1.2, pass SOAPConstants.SOAP12_CONSTANTS.

soapConstants - the SOAPConstants object representing the correct version


public java.lang.Object invoke(QName (src)  operationName,
                               java.lang.Object[] params)
                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode. The invoke method takes as parameters the object values corresponding to these defined parameter types. Implementation of the invoke method must check whether the passed parameter values correspond to the number, order and types of parameters specified in the corresponding operation specification.

Specified by:
invoke in interface Call (src)
operationName - - Name of the operation to invoke
params - - Parameters for this invocation
the value returned from the other end.
java.rmi.RemoteException - - if there is any error in the remote method invocation or if the Call object is not configured properly.


public java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.Object[] params)
                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Invokes the operation associated with this Call object using the passed in parameters as the arguments to the method.

For Messaging (ie. non-RPC) the params argument should be an array of SOAPBodyElements. All of them need to be SOAPBodyElements, if any of them are not this method will default back to RPC. In the Messaging case the return value will be a vector of SOAPBodyElements.

Specified by:
invoke in interface Call (src)
params - Array of parameters to invoke the Web Service with
Object Return value of the operation/method - or null
java.rmi.RemoteException - if there's an error


public void invokeOneWay(java.lang.Object[] params)
Invokes the operation associated with this Call object using the passed in parameters as the arguments to the method. This will return immediately rather than waiting for the server to complete its processing.

NOTE: the return immediately part isn't implemented yet

Specified by:
invokeOneWay in interface Call (src)
params - Array of parameters to invoke the Web Service with
JAXRPCException (src) - is there's an error


public SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl (src)  invoke(SOAPEnvelopeAxisImpl (src)  env)
                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Invoke the service with a custom SOAPEnvelope.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

env - a SOAPEnvelope to send.
AxisFault (src)


public static void setTransportForProtocol(java.lang.String protocol,
                                           java.lang.Class transportClass)
Register a Transport that should be used for URLs of the specified protocol.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

protocol - the URL protocol (i.e. "tcp" for "tcp://" urls)
transportClass - the class of a Transport type which will be used for matching URLs.


public static void initialize()
Set up the default transport URL mappings.

This must be called BEFORE doing non-standard URL parsing (i.e. if you want the system to accept a "local:" URL). This is why the Options class calls it before parsing the command-line URL argument.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.


public static void addTransportPackage(java.lang.String packageName)
Add a package to the system protocol handler search path. This enables users to create their own URLStreamHandler classes, and thus allow custom protocols to be used in Axis (typically on the client command line).

For instance, if you add "samples.transport" to the packages property, and have a class samples.transport.tcp.Handler, the system will be able to parse URLs of the form "tcp://host:port..."

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

packageName - the package in which to search for protocol names.


public void setTransport(Transport (src)  trans)
Set the Transport

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

trans - the Transport object we'll use to set up MessageContext properties.


public Transport (src)  getTransportForProtocol(java.lang.String protocol)
Get the Transport registered for the given protocol.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

protocol - a protocol such as "http" or "local" which may have a Transport object associated with it.
the Transport registered for this protocol, or null if none.


public void setRequestMessage(Message (src)  msg)
Directly set the request message in our MessageContext.

This allows custom message creation.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

msg - the new request message.


protected void addAttachmentParts(Message (src)  msg)
Stub out to allow ws4ee layer to add attachments to the message


public Message (src)  getResponseMessage()
Directly get the response message in our MessageContext.

Shortcut for having to go thru the msgContext

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

the response Message object in the msgContext


public MessageContext (src)  getMessageContext()
Obtain a reference to our MessageContext.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

the MessageContext.


public void addHeader(SOAPHeaderElementAxisImpl (src)  header)
Add a header which should be inserted into each outgoing message we generate.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

header - a SOAPHeaderElement to be inserted into messages


public void clearHeaders()
Clear the list of headers which we insert into each message

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.


public TypeMapping (src)  getTypeMapping()


public void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType,
                                QName (src)  xmlType,
                                SerializerFactory (src)  sf,
                                DeserializerFactory (src)  df)
Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

javaType - is the Java class of the data type.
xmlType - the xsi:type QName of the associated XML type.


public void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType,
                                QName (src)  xmlType,
                                SerializerFactory (src)  sf,
                                DeserializerFactory (src)  df,
                                boolean force)
Register type mapping information for serialization/deserialization

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

javaType - is the Java class of the data type.
xmlType - the xsi:type QName of the associated XML type.
force - Indicates whether to add the information if already registered.


public void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType,
                                QName (src)  xmlType,
                                java.lang.Class sfClass,
                                java.lang.Class dfClass)


public void registerTypeMapping(java.lang.Class javaType,
                                QName (src)  xmlType,
                                java.lang.Class sfClass,
                                java.lang.Class dfClass,
                                boolean force)


public java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String namespace,
                               java.lang.String method,
                               java.lang.Object[] args)
                        throws AxisFault (src) 
Invoke an RPC service with a method name and arguments.

This will call the service, serializing all the arguments, and then deserialize the return value.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

namespace - the desired namespace URI of the method element
method - the method name
args - an array of Objects representing the arguments to the invoked method. If any of these objects are RPCParams, Axis will use the embedded name of the RPCParam as the name of the parameter. Otherwise, we will serialize each argument as an XML element called "arg".
a deserialized Java Object containing the return value
AxisFault (src)


public java.lang.Object invoke(java.lang.String method,
                               java.lang.Object[] args)
                        throws AxisFault (src) 
Convenience method to invoke a method with a default (empty) namespace. Calls invoke() above.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

method - the method name
args - an array of Objects representing the arguments to the invoked method. If any of these objects are RPCParams, Axis will use the embedded name of the RPCParam as the name of the parameter. Otherwise, we will serialize each argument as an XML element called "arg".
a deserialized Java Object containing the return value
AxisFault (src)


public java.lang.Object invoke(RPCElement (src)  body)
                        throws AxisFault (src) 
Invoke an RPC service with a pre-constructed RPCElement.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

body - an RPCElement containing all the information about this call.
a deserialized Java Object containing the return value
AxisFault (src)


public void setOption(java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.Object value)
Set engine option.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.


public void invoke()
            throws AxisFault (src) 
Invoke this Call with its established MessageContext (perhaps because you called this.setRequestMessage())

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

AxisFault (src)


public java.util.Map getOutputParams()
Get the output parameters (if any) from the last invocation.

NOTE that the params returned are all RPCParams, containing name and value - if you want the value, you'll need to call param.getValue().

Specified by:
getOutputParams in interface Call (src)
Vector of RPCParams


public java.util.List getOutputValues()
Returns a List values for the output parameters of the last invoked operation.

Specified by:
getOutputValues in interface Call (src)
Values for the output parameters. An empty List is returned if there are no output values.
JAXRPCException (src) - - If this method is invoked for a one-way operation or is invoked before any invoke method has been called.


public Service (src)  getService()
Get the Service object associated with this Call object.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

Service the Service object this Call object is associated with


public void setSOAPService(SOAPService (src)  service)


public void setClientHandlers(Handler (src)  reqHandler,
                              Handler (src)  respHandler)
Sets the client-side request and response Handlers. This is handy for programatically setting up client-side work without deploying via WSDD or the EngineConfiguration mechanism.


public void addAttachmentPart(java.lang.Object attachment)
This method adds an attachment.

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specification.

java.lang.RuntimeException - if there is no support for attachments.


public void addFault(QName (src)  qname,
                     java.lang.Class cls,
                     QName (src)  xmlType,
                     boolean isComplex)
Add a fault for this operation

Note: Not part of JAX-RPC specificaion


public void setOperation(OperationDesc (src)  operation)
Hand a complete OperationDesc to the Call, and note that this was done so that others don't try to mess with it by calling addParameter, setReturnType, etc.

operation - the OperationDesc to associate with this call.


public OperationDesc (src)  getOperation()


public void clearOperation()